[OFFICIAL] Final Post Debate Poll/ Monday 10-22-12

Who won tonights debate?

  • Obama Won!!

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • Romney Won!!

    Votes: 50 51.0%
  • Too close to call, I'm going with a draw!!

    Votes: 13 13.3%

  • Total voters
Would you translate that into a coherent thought please?

OK, we have these things that hang from stings and are controlled by people you do not see called "puppets".......

Dude. Put down the crack-pipe. You're not making any sense at all.

I'll make it even simpler, Romney portraying himself as a moderate is a con job and no reflection on the agenda that the hard right will make him take as their bill signing puppet.
Romney is talking to whatever undecideds are left. And what they want to know is whether he's as well-versed in foreign policy as he is with the economy. And he proved that he is. That's all he needed to do tonight, and he did it well.

According to the polls, the exact opposite happened. Obama scored a decisive win in the polls of independent voters.

Turn out the lights, the party is over for Romney. He doesn't have the time to turn this around now. All he can do is go through the motions, salvage a little dignity, and try not to be too much of a disaster for the downticket races.

That's pretty much the same crap you libs said last time, and since then Pennsylvania is in play and Obama's pulling out of North Carolina. :lol:

Romney won so decisively in the first debate that you all appear to be under the delusion that if Obama didn't have his ass handed to him on a silver platter that he somehow won. He didn't. The guy STILL managed not to offer any real plans for what he's going to do differently in the next four years. While Romney was outlining how he would handle China or Iran step by step, Obama was trying to defend a CLEARLY failed record.
OK, we have these things that hang from stings and are controlled by people you do not see called "puppets".......

Dude. Put down the crack-pipe. You're not making any sense at all.

I'll make it even simpler, Romney portraying himself as a moderate is a con job and no reflection on the agenda that the hard right will make him take as their bill signing puppet.

Read your post and try again. Were you playing some sort of debate drinking game? :eusa_eh:
LOL... And the Neocons are having a fit!

What idiot here just claimed Mitt Owned Obama on "every issue?" Should we go back and count how many issues they fuckin agreed on to prove how stupid you sounded?

Mitt owned Obama with ... Agreeing with Obama's policy!!!

So which will you vote for if they're "both the same."?

He will support Obama by not voting or writing in wRong Paul.
Obama said we don't use Bayonets anymore, but guess what they are standard issue for the Marines.

Here is the single greatest issue facing the nation today.


no, but it's funny your guys so called funniest, best come back, involved him making a false statement. we do use Bayonets.

What people should take away from that. While Romney was talking about a real issue. Our shrinking Navy which is already 30 ships below what they say they need. Obama was making a Joke, and not even getting the facts right in the joke.

no, he didn't say we don't use bayonets any more.

do you people even bother to listen to what is said?

You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines

Read more: Transcript: Presidential debate, Oct. 22, 2012 (text, video) - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com
I'll make it even simpler, Romney portraying himself as a moderate is a con job and no reflection on the agenda that the hard right will make him take as their bill signing puppet.

Signing puppet? LOL There is only one signing puppet here... Obama . He is the one and only puppet here,
That's pretty much the same crap you libs said last time, and since then Pennsylvania is in play and Obama's pulling out of North Carolina.

Except Pennsylvania isn't in play. Neither candidate is spending money there now, because both know it's an Obama lock. And Obama hasn't pulled out of North Carolina in any way. It's close, but he plans to win it.

Obama eviscerated Romney in this debate. The sooner you face reality, the sooner you can start to recover.
People need to understand all Romney had to do was not lose his cool and be calm......Obama as normal showed himself a arrogant child who knows jack shit about the world.
Dude. Put down the crack-pipe. You're not making any sense at all.

I'll make it even simpler, Romney portraying himself as a moderate is a con job and no reflection on the agenda that the hard right will make him take as their bill signing puppet.

Read your post and try again. Were you playing some sort of debate drinking game? :eusa_eh:

Don't blame your lack of comprehension on me. You know he was just acting moderate because the real actual republican agenda is a loser.
That's pretty much the same crap you libs said last time, and since then Pennsylvania is in play and Obama's pulling out of North Carolina.

Except Pennsylvania isn't in play. Neither candidate is spending money there now, because both know it's an Obama lock. And Obama hasn't pulled out of North Carolina in any way. It's close, but he plans to win it.

Obama eviscerated Romney in this debate. The sooner you face reality, the sooner you can start to recover.

Pollster pulls out of Fla., NC and Va., says Obama can’t win there
Pollster pulls out of Fla., NC and Va., says Obama can
That's pretty much the same crap you libs said last time, and since then Pennsylvania is in play and Obama's pulling out of North Carolina.

Except Pennsylvania isn't in play. Neither candidate is spending money there now, because both know it's an Obama lock. And Obama hasn't pulled out of North Carolina in any way. It's close, but he plans to win it.

Obama eviscerated Romney in this debate. The sooner you face reality, the sooner you can start to recover.

Suffolk poll has Romney up by two points in PA, and if Obama's still working NC, it's news to Paul Begala.
ABC/WaPo poll: Romney pulls nearly even with Obama on handling foreign affairs, terrorism; Update: Obama’s giving up on NC, says Begala « Hot Air

Obama couldn't "eviscerate" his way out of a wet paper bag, not with HIS record. He looked petty. He looked desperate. And he offered NOTHING to voters in terms of a plan for the next four years. Romney, on the other hand, gave a very clear vision of how he plans to achieve the nation's goals.
I'll make it even simpler, Romney portraying himself as a moderate is a con job and no reflection on the agenda that the hard right will make him take as their bill signing puppet.

Read your post and try again. Were you playing some sort of debate drinking game? :eusa_eh:

Don't blame your lack of comprehension on me. You know he was just acting moderate because the real actual republican agenda is a loser.

Dude... the guy had an 87% Democrat legislature in Massachusetts and he managed to get along just fine. Get real. :rolleyes:
If anybody is a hopeless partisan, it's Obama, as proved by his complete inability to get any bipartisan solutions out of Congress.
Obama sunk the battleship with the "horses and bayonets" line...

Then he peed on the ashes when he said "If it were up to Romney we'd be buying Chinese cars today, not selling cars to the Chinese"...
Read your post and try again. Were you playing some sort of debate drinking game? :eusa_eh:

Don't blame your lack of comprehension on me. You know he was just acting moderate because the real actual republican agenda is a loser.

Dude... the guy had an 87% Democrat legislature in Massachusetts and he managed to get along just fine. Get real. :rolleyes:
If anybody is a hopeless partisan, it's Obama, as proved by his complete inability to get any bipartisan solutions out of Congress.

Romney had 700 vetoes in Mass. and left with a 34% approval rating.

They hate him.
Read your post and try again. Were you playing some sort of debate drinking game? :eusa_eh:

Don't blame your lack of comprehension on me. You know he was just acting moderate because the real actual republican agenda is a loser.

Dude... the guy had an 87% Democrat legislature in Massachusetts and he managed to get along just fine. Get real. :rolleyes:
If anybody is a hopeless partisan, it's Obama, as proved by his complete inability to get any bipartisan solutions out of Congress.

What he may or may not be is pointless, congress is in the grips of the most rabidly right wing dick heads we have ever seen and I can tell you right now that he does not have the balls to stand up to them. If he actually ran on what will land on his desk that he will be easily bullied into signing or what the chickenhawks will talk him into he would be sunk.
That's pretty much the same crap you libs said last time, and since then Pennsylvania is in play and Obama's pulling out of North Carolina.

Except Pennsylvania isn't in play. Neither candidate is spending money there now, because both know it's an Obama lock. And Obama hasn't pulled out of North Carolina in any way. It's close, but he plans to win it.

Obama eviscerated Romney in this debate. The sooner you face reality, the sooner you can start to recover.

Suffolk poll has Romney up by two points in PA, and if Obama's still working NC, it's news to Paul Begala.
ABC/WaPo poll: Romney pulls nearly even with Obama on handling foreign affairs, terrorism; Update: Obama’s giving up on NC, says Begala « Hot Air

Obama couldn't "eviscerate" his way out of a wet paper bag, not with HIS record. He looked petty. He looked desperate. And he offered NOTHING to voters in terms of a plan for the next four years. Romney, on the other hand, gave a very clear vision of how he plans to achieve the nation's goals.

Suffolk has no such poll showing Romney up 2 in PA. There hasn't been one poll showing a Romney lead there.

Obama is still going for NC, he has a strong ground game there.
Except Pennsylvania isn't in play. Neither candidate is spending money there now, because both know it's an Obama lock. And Obama hasn't pulled out of North Carolina in any way. It's close, but he plans to win it.

Obama eviscerated Romney in this debate. The sooner you face reality, the sooner you can start to recover.

Suffolk poll has Romney up by two points in PA, and if Obama's still working NC, it's news to Paul Begala.
ABC/WaPo poll: Romney pulls nearly even with Obama on handling foreign affairs, terrorism; Update: Obama’s giving up on NC, says Begala « Hot Air

Obama couldn't "eviscerate" his way out of a wet paper bag, not with HIS record. He looked petty. He looked desperate. And he offered NOTHING to voters in terms of a plan for the next four years. Romney, on the other hand, gave a very clear vision of how he plans to achieve the nation's goals.

Suffolk has no such poll showing Romney up 2 in PA. There hasn't been one poll showing a Romney lead there.

Obama is still going for NC, he has a strong ground game there.

You're correct about Suffolk. The Suffolk poll is Ohio. It's the Susquehanna poll I'm thinking of. And if Obama is not admitting he's in trouble in NC, I'm not surprised. Fact is though, he's visiting six other states and NC isn't one of them in the next week. What's more, when you have to start answering questions about whether you're still in it or not... you're not in it.

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