[OFFICIAL] Final Post Debate Poll/ Monday 10-22-12

Who won tonights debate?

  • Obama Won!!

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • Romney Won!!

    Votes: 50 51.0%
  • Too close to call, I'm going with a draw!!

    Votes: 13 13.3%

  • Total voters
Does anyone really want Mitt Romney's butler answering the phone in the White House at 3 am?
Release the Kraken!


and who is:


loved these two comments from obama to romney:

"not only were you wrong, but you were also confusing,". :d

"we have these things called aircraft carriers and ships that go under the water, called submarines."

yes, liberals like the small mindedness of unnecessary insult- even though it just shows a inane stupidity on the presidents part.

Btw mr. President the military do still use bayonets.... Doh

I'm going to be honest
Obama won the middle east
Romney won China
Romney won economics
Obama won schools and technology

I don't believe the last one at all as Obama hasn't done shit for technology outside of green. I want a stronger space program.
I'm going to be honest
Obama won the middle east
Romney won China
Romney won economics
Obama won schools and technology

I don't believe the last one at all as Obama hasn't done shit for technology outside of green. I want a stronger space program.

obama lost an Ambassador. which means he lost on Foreign policy.
I'd give this one to Obama, because Romney got caught in too many of his own flip-flops and contrdictions.

He barely touched on Benghazi, avoiding that trap for a third time, so I give him credit for that.

I did like his notion that he was going to label China a "currency manipulator" and complained about their other bad behavior. Ummmm... Okay, Mitt. The problem isn't China, per se. The problem is American and European companies that move production there because of cheap labor, lax environmental and safety rules, because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Because rich people like Mitt decided to make a quick buck screwing the working man. Obama did an okay job calling bullshit on this, but he could have done a bit more.

Romney got completely schooled on defense spending. "We also spend less money on horses and bayonets, governor". Classic!
I'd give this one to Obama, because Romney got caught in too many of his own flip-flops and contrdictions.

He barely touched on Benghazi, avoiding that trap for a third time, so I give him credit for that.

I did like his notion that he was going to label China a "currency manipulator" and complained about their other bad behavior. Ummmm... Okay, Mitt. The problem isn't China, per se. The problem is American and European companies that move production there because of cheap labor, lax environmental and safety rules, because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Because rich people like Mitt decided to make a quick buck screwing the working man. Obama did an okay job calling bullshit on this, but he could have done a bit more.

Romney got completely schooled on defense spending. "We also spend less money on horses and bayonets, governor". Classic!
i thought president did well last night . romney played it safe in the end. I just wish president had turned up in first debate. he was on good form second and thrid debate.

i just wonder if obama be not in a better place without the nightmare in denver. i hope he does not look back on that night for rest of his life with regret. we see
Romney should of corrected the Candy Crawly lie of debate 2. Romney pretty much let Obama steam roll him on the middle east. Next is Syria...Well, what can be said that would pretty much mean a new cold war with Russia as they arm Syria. There's only one way to win and that's withdrawing from the middle east.

For this I expect Obama will likely gain a few points in the polls. Not that I think his policies have worked because I don't think so. Obama's policies will likely lead to a middle east under islamic law. That's NOT good.

What's good about more funds for science and math teachers if you're going to cut our space program and everything outside of green? China is going to love this as they pull ahead of us.

There's a big difference between saying you're pro science and being pro-science.
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Romney by a long shot! Looked and sounded much more Presidential and schooled the CINC along with US Marines regarding the IDIOTS comment on BAYONETS WHICH ARE STILL USED!
How many times did we hear Obama say "that's not true!!"...Obama tried and succeeded at running the debate. At one instance Romney had had enough. It was clear the Scheiffer was asking Romney questions FIRST most of the time. And if Romney was asked second, Obama either interrupted Romney or he demanded additional time to respond which Scheiffer allowed....

Whatever he did served the purpose. Most folks think he won. Not here of course but everywhere else except FAUX
I'd give this one to Obama, because Romney got caught in too many of his own flip-flops and contrdictions.

He barely touched on Benghazi, avoiding that trap for a third time, so I give him credit for that.

I did like his notion that he was going to label China a "currency manipulator" and complained about their other bad behavior. Ummmm... Okay, Mitt. The problem isn't China, per se. The problem is American and European companies that move production there because of cheap labor, lax environmental and safety rules, because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Because rich people like Mitt decided to make a quick buck screwing the working man. Obama did an okay job calling bullshit on this, but he could have done a bit more.

Romney got completely schooled on defense spending. "We also spend less money on horses and bayonets, governor". Classic!
i thought president did well last night . romney played it safe in the end. I just wish president had turned up in first debate. he was on good form second and thrid debate.

i just wonder if obama be not in a better place without the nightmare in denver. i hope he does not look back on that night for rest of his life with regret. we see

The first debate was awful for him, and so was all the rending of clothes Democrats did after it. but I think Romney would have closed the gap, and frankly, no incumbant president ever "wins" a first debate. The challenger wins merely by showing up on the same stage.

Last night was awful for Romney, but is anyone still thinking about it at this point?
Obama had the advantage of four years of actually being in it.

He also was able to make s**t smell good.

In the long run, people are seeing Romney as someone who is simply more grown up and pragmatic.

The real smell will break through.

Obama has a great new ad out on his new book for his plan for term 2.

Two issues....a republican congress and....Mitt Romney will be sitting in the WH come Jan 2013.
Obama had the advantage of four years of actually being in it.

He also was able to make s**t smell good.

In the long run, people are seeing Romney as someone who is simply more grown up and pragmatic.

The real smell will break through.

Obama has a great new ad out on his new book for his plan for term 2.

Two issues....a republican congress and....Mitt Romney will be sitting in the WH come Jan 2013.

RCP just put New Hampshire back in Obama's column...

His leads in Florida and Colorado are shrinking...

And that was before last night's debacle.
Obama had the advantage of four years of actually being in it.

He also was able to make s**t smell good.

In the long run, people are seeing Romney as someone who is simply more grown up and pragmatic.

The real smell will break through.

Obama has a great new ad out on his new book for his plan for term 2.

Two issues....a republican congress and....Mitt Romney will be sitting in the WH come Jan 2013.

Then there are a couple of things we can bet on.......tax cuts for the wealthy and trillions more for the already bloated defense budget.

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