[OFFICIAL] Final Post Debate Poll/ Monday 10-22-12

Who won tonights debate?

  • Obama Won!!

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • Romney Won!!

    Votes: 50 51.0%
  • Too close to call, I'm going with a draw!!

    Votes: 13 13.3%

  • Total voters
Obama had the advantage of four years of actually being in it.

He also was able to make s**t smell good.

In the long run, people are seeing Romney as someone who is simply more grown up and pragmatic.

The real smell will break through.

Obama has a great new ad out on his new book for his plan for term 2.

Two issues....a republican congress and....Mitt Romney will be sitting in the WH come Jan 2013.

RCP just put New Hampshire back in Obama's column...

His leads in Florida and Colorado are shrinking...

And that was before last night's debacle.

Romney may of fucked his self last night. He let Obama control all of the middle east part of the debate. That's 40% of it. :eusa_eh: Get ready for 20 trillion in debt and problems. :(
Obama didn't really answer the Libya question in the last debate and he didn't answer it last night. He just went off talking about the problems in the ME, and the moderate didn't push it to get an answer.
Romney by a long shot! Looked and sounded much more Presidential

Then you didn't watch the debate. Go ahead and plug your fingers in your ears and scream "lalalala" while your at it. :lol:

and schooled the CINC along with US Marines regarding the IDIOTS comment on BAYONETS WHICH ARE STILL USED!

So, that's it.. Ad Hominem attacks, no real substance from you... Just attacks on worthless things about bayonets and a falsely perceived demeanor of the person you are biased towards..
Romney by a long shot! Looked and sounded much more Presidential

Then you didn't watch the debate. Go ahead and plug your fingers in your ears and scream "lalalala" while your at it. :lol:

and schooled the CINC along with US Marines regarding the IDIOTS comment on BAYONETS WHICH ARE STILL USED!

So, that's it.. Ad Hominem attacks, no real substance from you... Just attacks on worthless things about bayonets and a falsely perceived demeanor of the person you are biased towards..

But... but...

I liked Romenys strategy.

However, he missed the boat on one item and I believe if he caught that boat, it would have given him a win not only in the debate, but in November as well...

When Obama went on and on about his trip to Israel when he was campaigning in 2008...

Romney should have given him one response...

"your campaign of 2008 was much about saying and doing what you believed would get you the most amount of votes. Along with a trip to Israel, you promised to close GITMO, cut the deficit in half and change the way things are done in Washington. Mr. President...with you, it has been proven that it is not what you do and say when you are campaigning, it is what you do and say when you govern."
Obama had the advantage of four years of actually being in it.

He also was able to make s**t smell good.

In the long run, people are seeing Romney as someone who is simply more grown up and pragmatic.

The real smell will break through.

Obama has a great new ad out on his new book for his plan for term 2.

Two issues....a republican congress and....Mitt Romney will be sitting in the WH come Jan 2013.
look no doubt romney the front runner and if he wins, then well done to him. but i won,t give up till finish is over
Obama had the advantage of four years of actually being in it.

He also was able to make s**t smell good.

In the long run, people are seeing Romney as someone who is simply more grown up and pragmatic.

The real smell will break through.

Obama has a great new ad out on his new book for his plan for term 2.

Two issues....a republican congress and....Mitt Romney will be sitting in the WH come Jan 2013.

RCP just put New Hampshire back in Obama's column...

His leads in Florida and Colorado are shrinking...

And that was before last night's debacle.
well i hope your right

i saw on post debate spin. very intresting insight.

dave plouffe said it was all about turn out. they think they can win midwest but only if dem turn out in high numbers

eric festerom seemed confident about fi,va,nc,co. less sure about midwest. he claimed their on the charge

all i know is midwest is battle for me that obama best hope. the five states got to win for me are
ohio,wi,mi,pa and either nv/iowa

nh might be important but only has four votes and won,t help anyway if romney wins
co,fi,ohio,va and nc. so for me should be the focus.
very good. fox would never admit when guy lost a debate.

But look i just wish president had not let the door open so big in first debate. It could be very different now if he hadn,t. he was so much like obama of debates of 2008 in last two. oh well their you go
Let's see....Romney agreed with just about everything that Obama has done in the foreign policy arena....but basically said "I would do it better".

In short....he wouldn't do anything different....but he would magically do it better...

Yeah....I think that Obama won this one hands down.

Here's my scoring of the three debates.

debate#1....Romney....he was the aggressor and Obama basically sat there with his thumb up his ass.

debate#2....tie...they were both at each other's throats so much that they both looked like schoolkids.

debate#3....Obama....the president laid out what he has done in his first four years and Romney, almost to an item, agreed with Obama's policies....Romney added little more than an "I'd do the same thing....only better" most of the night.
Sorry bout that,

1. Romney was clear about the issues, for good reason he left Libya alone, Bob knew Romney wouldn't be ready for the Libya question first rattle out of the bag, making Romney attack with first question, no one attacks right out of the bag, it was a libnut strategy.
2. Romney basically was better for not attacking, because he would of seemed angry and short sighted, which would make him seem unhinged, which Bob knew that so he dumped the Libya question on him first.
3. It as like, Bob said, "Okay what do you want to say about Libya Romney, Go!"
4. Caught Romney off guard, so he didn't rail on Obama, which was wise.

Republicans, your time is over… We watched 2 Progressives tonight, one is proud to admit he is one, the other claims to not be one and then gives you 2 point, 8 point, 5 point or however many point plan involving massive Government spending and growth.

This. Honestly, I'll be ok with a win by Mitt as he's just as liberal as Obama once you look at his record. The Romney win also has the upside of permanently ending the whole Tea Party influence on national politics to boot.

I still think that we'll see an Obama win in the Electoral College, but man, things are getting too close to call. Maybe it will all be much clearer next Monday.
Republicans, your time is over… We watched 2 Progressives tonight, one is proud to admit he is one, the other claims to not be one and then gives you 2 point, 8 point, 5 point or however many point plan involving massive Government spending and growth.

This. Honestly, I'll be ok with a win by Mitt as he's just as liberal as Obama once you look at his record. The Romney win also has the upside of permanently ending the whole Tea Party influence on national politics to boot.

I still think that we'll see an Obama win in the Electoral College, but man, things are getting too close to call. Maybe it will all be much clearer next Monday.
maybe but i just have sense romney will win. not sure he govern as a liberal but hope not as a neo -con.

we see but just sense wind in romney sails and hard to stop now
The Senate is looking like a nearly sure thing for the Democrats at this point (Thanks Todd Akin!), which means that no matter who wins, Obama or Romney, their only real route to implementing domestic policy will be Executive Order.

Those are fairly easily rescinded. So neither man is likely to have much impact at all on domestic issues in the long run. Nothing is changing there in any permanent sense until you have the moderates back in the Legislature.

Romney practically endorsed Obama on foreign policy, who himself is practically a Bush clone when it comes to foreign policy. So we will see continuity, for better or worse, on foreign policy issues.

I think come Monday, we will know for sure where Romney is going to shake out. But his "momentum", and I use that word sarcastically, hasn't carried him into a winning position in the Electoral College, merely tightened up the race. Between the Obama win in the second, and the tie in the third, no one really has any momentum right now. That means that what we see on Monday will represent pretty much the election day forecast.

I'm not very comfortable predicting a winner, but gun to my head, I'd say Obama is looking like he'll carry Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Nevada, and Wisconsin. He still needs either Iowa or Colorado, IIRC, and that isn't looking that unlikely, while Romney will carry Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. That would give Romney a good chance of winning the popular vote, but give Obama a slight edge in the Electoral Vote.

I freely admit though, no matter who wins, if the margin IS 273-265 I expect the lawyers to get involved. I also expect that the international monitors are going to be VERY unhappy with both parties when this is done.
The Senate is looking like a nearly sure thing for the Democrats at this point (Thanks Todd Akin!), which means that no matter who wins, Obama or Romney, their only real route to implementing domestic policy will be Executive Order.

Those are fairly easily rescinded. So neither man is likely to have much impact at all on domestic issues in the long run. Nothing is changing there in any permanent sense until you have the moderates back in the Legislature.

Romney practically endorsed Obama on foreign policy, who himself is practically a Bush clone when it comes to foreign policy. So we will see continuity, for better or worse, on foreign policy issues.

I think come Monday, we will know for sure where Romney is going to shake out. But his "momentum", and I use that word sarcastically, hasn't carried him into a winning position in the Electoral College, merely tightened up the race. Between the Obama win in the second, and the tie in the third, no one really has any momentum right now. That means that what we see on Monday will represent pretty much the election day forecast.

I'm not very comfortable predicting a winner, but gun to my head, I'd say Obama is looking like he'll carry Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Nevada, and Wisconsin. He still needs either Iowa or Colorado, IIRC, and that isn't looking that unlikely, while Romney will carry Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. That would give Romney a good chance of winning the popular vote, but give Obama a slight edge in the Electoral Vote.

I freely admit though, no matter who wins, if the margin IS 273-265 I expect the lawyers to get involved. I also expect that the international monitors are going to be VERY unhappy with both parties when this is done.

Seems Obamas lack of ability to reach across the aisle has you thinking such is the norm.

Romney has a history of reaching across the aisle.

That being said, if you truly cared about what you posted you should say to yourself..

Obama is a good man and I like his policies, but he has proven that he can not get the GOP to work with him. Romney is a man whos policies I do not care for, but with a democratic senate and his history of working across the aisle, we may be able to get some pretty interesting and progressive compromises....

And you should cast your vote for Romney.
But... but...


Wow, what an valid point you have.

Do me a favor.. :lol:

Go ahead and find where I used the binder statement.

Either way bubbledweller, my point stands. Trying to identify hypocrisy in others is only an attempt to seek justification or validation for something you know is wrong. :lol:
The Senate is looking like a nearly sure thing for the Democrats at this point (Thanks Todd Akin!), which means that no matter who wins, Obama or Romney, their only real route to implementing domestic policy will be Executive Order.

Those are fairly easily rescinded. So neither man is likely to have much impact at all on domestic issues in the long run. Nothing is changing there in any permanent sense until you have the moderates back in the Legislature.

Romney practically endorsed Obama on foreign policy, who himself is practically a Bush clone when it comes to foreign policy. So we will see continuity, for better or worse, on foreign policy issues.

I think come Monday, we will know for sure where Romney is going to shake out. But his "momentum", and I use that word sarcastically, hasn't carried him into a winning position in the Electoral College, merely tightened up the race. Between the Obama win in the second, and the tie in the third, no one really has any momentum right now. That means that what we see on Monday will represent pretty much the election day forecast.

I'm not very comfortable predicting a winner, but gun to my head, I'd say Obama is looking like he'll carry Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Nevada, and Wisconsin. He still needs either Iowa or Colorado, IIRC, and that isn't looking that unlikely, while Romney will carry Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. That would give Romney a good chance of winning the popular vote, but give Obama a slight edge in the Electoral Vote.

I freely admit though, no matter who wins, if the margin IS 273-265 I expect the lawyers to get involved. I also expect that the international monitors are going to be VERY unhappy with both parties when this is done.
very true and whoever wins going to find divided congress.

i think romney will win va,nc,co and fi in my views. so all he need is ohio

i think obama will win pa,mi,nev deep down then he need wi and ohio

all ohio really. but just sense going romney way.
The Senate is looking like a nearly sure thing for the Democrats at this point (Thanks Todd Akin!), which means that no matter who wins, Obama or Romney, their only real route to implementing domestic policy will be Executive Order.

Those are fairly easily rescinded. So neither man is likely to have much impact at all on domestic issues in the long run. Nothing is changing there in any permanent sense until you have the moderates back in the Legislature.

Romney practically endorsed Obama on foreign policy, who himself is practically a Bush clone when it comes to foreign policy. So we will see continuity, for better or worse, on foreign policy issues.

I think come Monday, we will know for sure where Romney is going to shake out. But his "momentum", and I use that word sarcastically, hasn't carried him into a winning position in the Electoral College, merely tightened up the race. Between the Obama win in the second, and the tie in the third, no one really has any momentum right now. That means that what we see on Monday will represent pretty much the election day forecast.

I'm not very comfortable predicting a winner, but gun to my head, I'd say Obama is looking like he'll carry Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Nevada, and Wisconsin. He still needs either Iowa or Colorado, IIRC, and that isn't looking that unlikely, while Romney will carry Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. That would give Romney a good chance of winning the popular vote, but give Obama a slight edge in the Electoral Vote.

I freely admit though, no matter who wins, if the margin IS 273-265 I expect the lawyers to get involved. I also expect that the international monitors are going to be VERY unhappy with both parties when this is done.

Seems Obamas lack of ability to reach across the aisle has you thinking such is the norm.

Romney has a history of reaching across the aisle.

That being said, if you truly cared about what you posted you should say to yourself..

Obama is a good man and I like his policies, but he has proven that he can not get the GOP to work with him. Romney is a man whos policies I do not care for, but with a democratic senate and his history of working across the aisle, we may be able to get some pretty interesting and progressive compromises....

And you should cast your vote for Romney.
well i think romney look like he going to win but whether he get congress do anything is another matter
Seems Obamas lack of ability to reach across the aisle has you thinking such is the norm.

Romney has a history of reaching across the aisle.

That being said, if you truly cared about what you posted you should say to yourself..

Obama is a good man and I like his policies, but he has proven that he can not get the GOP to work with him. Romney is a man whos policies I do not care for, but with a democratic senate and his history of working across the aisle, we may be able to get some pretty interesting and progressive compromises....

And you should cast your vote for Romney.

Like I said, I have no problem with Romney. I'm in a Red state, and not overly happy with Obama myself. I think he's a weak leader.

I do think blaming him for the gridlock is a mistake though. The GOP has been adamant that they ABSOLUTELY refuse to work with a Democrat in the White House and will actively seek to unseat any Republican who will. In the GOP's defense, the DNC made it clear under Bush they would ABSOLUTELY refuse to work with a Republican in the White House and would actively seek to unseat any Democrat who will.

No one, NO ONE, in the White House has a chance to actually move legislation forward to actually address Entitlements, Military Spending, or any host of domestic issues until you see Moderates, Republican and Democrats, elected in the House and Senate. At this point it's damn near impossible to even get someone through the confirmation process, something I am relatively certain the Founders would be fairly appalled by.

Would gridlock increase depending on who is elected? I'm not sure. Part of the GOP resistance has been the desire to see Obama become a one term President. Maybe if he wins a second term they'd be forced to accept they have to work with him. Or maybe they'd go on another impeachment wild good hunt. Maybe Romney will be able to reach across the aisle? Or maybe Harry Reid will decide to dedicate every waking moment to making sure Romney is a one term President?

Ultimately its a moot point until you get another group like McCain's Gang of 14.

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