Official Mueller Report Thread

He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.
He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.
LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.
The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia
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Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

I did read the report. So what. At best they INFLUENCED the election but even that is dubious. So what, Penny.
He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Silly girl....this is why I call you Penny-lope.
Your thoughts ain't worth more than a cent.
Whether you like Wall Street or main Street it doesn't matter...the entire economy has taken a rapid upturn absolutely burning all records for growth. It's very obvious how this happened.... Trump removed the shackles and the Bull ran free! Wait till Cain gets a seat on the Fed! He's the single most brilliant economist to run for POTUS in the past 50 Years. The nation cheated itself when they baselessly slandered him.

He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Silly girl....this is why I call you Penny-lope.
Your thoughts ain't worth more than a cent.
Whether you like Wall Street or main Street it doesn't matter...the entire economy has taken a rapid upturn absolutely burning all records for growth. It's very obvious how this happened.... Trump removed the shackles and the Bull ran free! Wait till Cain gets a seat on the Fed! He's the single most brilliant economist to run for POTUS in the past 50 Years. The nation cheated itself when they
Baselessly slandered him.


It goes like this: Penny can believe what she wants and then it's true in her mind.

If Penny wants to believe a big ole bunny will come hopping through her house tomorrow dropping off candy filled eggs, it will be true in her mind. Because she chooses to believe it. So it's true.
Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

And Obama knew all about it and looked the other way.

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

And Obama knew all about it and looked the other way.


He put sanctions on Russia, 3 times. Here read it yourself:
International sanctions during the Ukrainian crisis - Wikipedia
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Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

And Obama knew all about it and looked the other way.


He put sanctions on Russia, twice.

Not real ones....

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

And Obama knew all about it and looked the other way.


He put sanctions on Russia, twice.

Not real ones....


And his Sec of State Hillary wanted to his the "reset" button with their Russian friends. Remember that?
Moron, it doesn't. Russian nationals were wiretapped (as they should be), and they had Flynn on the other side. Nothing to do with wiretaping Trump or his Tower.

Yeah, right. Progressives are now in a panic with the direction of the investigation, they demanded, now turning on them.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Erin Durkin and Joanna Waltersin New York

Wed 10 Apr 2019 19.58 EDTFirst published on Wed 10 Apr 2019 15.21 EDT
The US attorney general, William Barr, has alleged that Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign was spied on during Barack Obama’s administration, reigniting a fierce dispute over the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

“I think spying did occur,” Barr told a Senate subcommittee in Washington. The attorney general confirmed that he had requested a review of the FBI’s decision to secretly investigate whether Trump associates were conspiring with Moscow in 2016.

“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Barr said.
William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

And Obama knew all about it and looked the other way.


He put sanctions on Russia, 3 times. Here read it yourself:
International sanctions during the Ukrainian crisis - Wikipedia

This is what collusion looks like.


What's funny about our FBI spying on a political campaign? Especially when ordered to do so by a sitting president?

What's funny about our FBI spying on a political campaign? Especially when ordered to do so by a sitting president?
Trying to make sure there was no Russian involvement? Got to love the way this cancer in our WH now is NOT protecting our elections from his Russian pals Making a mockery of our judicial system

What's funny about our FBI spying on a political campaign? Especially when ordered to do so by a sitting president?
Trying to make sure there was no Russian involvement? Got to love the way this cancer in our WH now is NOT protecting our elections from his Russian pals Making a mockery of our judicial system

Specifically, how is President Donald Trump NOT protecting our elections from Russia and making a mockery of our judicial system?

For future reference, this is what collusion looks like.


What's funny about our FBI spying on a political campaign? Especially when ordered to do so by a sitting president?
Trying to make sure there was no Russian involvement? Got to love the way this cancer in our WH now is NOT protecting our elections from his Russian pals Making a mockery of our judicial system

Specifically, how is President Donald Trump NOT protecting our elections from Russia and making a mockery of our judicial system?

For future reference, this is what collusion looks like.

Perhaps you tell me how he is He damn well knows Putin helped him last time you think he doesn't want that help again?
Trump makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy and look what your scum did to him
Clinton committed actual crimes which he plea bargained away, including committing Felony Perjury in an effort to deny his own sexual assault victim a fair trial.

Trump was thoroughly examined by a pack of Trump haters with unlimited $ and they couldn't find a single crime.

The Clintons were caught shredding documents by the box load, received paper bags full of cash in the White House, and rented the Lincoln Bedroom.

Trump gave every single document that was requested.

In efforts to obstruct the investigation, Clinton improperly envoked Executive Privilege repeatedly, often going to SCOTUS to get struck down.

Trump never used Executive Privilege, even when he could have.

Bringing up Clinton was dumb, at best.

Maybe you should either think about your comments or ship this one.
Moron, it doesn't. Russian nationals were wiretapped (as they should be), and they had Flynn on the other side. Nothing to do with wiretaping Trump or his Tower.

Yeah, right. Progressives are now in a panic with the direction of the investigation, they demanded, now turning on them.

William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era
Erin Durkin and Joanna Waltersin New York

Wed 10 Apr 2019 19.58 EDTFirst published on Wed 10 Apr 2019 15.21 EDT
The US attorney general, William Barr, has alleged that Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign was spied on during Barack Obama’s administration, reigniting a fierce dispute over the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

“I think spying did occur,” Barr told a Senate subcommittee in Washington. The attorney general confirmed that he had requested a review of the FBI’s decision to secretly investigate whether Trump associates were conspiring with Moscow in 2016.

“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Barr said.
William Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign during Obama era

Dummy, in the same testimony Barr says he has no evidence of anything improper, so his “spying” comment is just Roy Cohning on Trumps behalf.

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