Official Mueller Report Thread

Dummy, in the same testimony Barr says he has no evidence of anything improper, so his “spying” comment is just Roy Cohning on Trumps behalf.

It seems that you would be just as concerned about spying into the Donald Trump campaign as anyone else. After all, who is to say that instead of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama is a part of the spying on the opposition, Donald Trump instigates the spying?

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

I did read the report. So what. At best they INFLUENCED the election but even that is dubious. So what, Penny.


Dummy, in the same testimony Barr says he has no evidence of anything improper, so his “spying” comment is just Roy Cohning on Trumps behalf.
Comey testified months ago that there was authorized secret surveillance and secret wire taps on members of Trump's campaign.

If your underwear gets bunched over the word "Spying", you need TDS treatment.
Dummy, in the same testimony Barr says he has no evidence of anything improper, so his “spying” comment is just Roy Cohning on Trumps behalf.
Comey testified months ago that there was authorized secret surveillance and secret wire taps on members of Trump's campaign.

If your underwear gets bunched over the word "Spying", you need TDS treatment.

No he didn't, you don't know what you are talking about.

Carter and Manafort were legally wiretapped AFTER they left the campaign.
He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Is that a crime, dumbass?

Please explain, in your own demented mind, what crime was committed.
LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

How did the Russians help? Try explaining that one to our TV audience at home!
Try that again in English!

Self explanatory, to keep tramp in will only come to our ruin. Also all the developed countries are booming right along with us, as this is the end of the Obama raising the economy, as tramp did not do a thing.

This is about the Mueller Report, who do you think they are talking about when someone says "the boss has your back" and "the boss loves you" on 358 of the report?

Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

Did Manafort get indicted for providing polling data to the Russians? Since he didn't, it is not a crime!
Too bad. He's duly elected and, unless the Dems actually impeach, there's not a darn thing you can do about it.

Only with the underhanded help from the Russians. He is a joke of a potus and shouldn't even be in the oval office save help from the Russians.

Penny they did not materially do anything in the election.

I mean it hurts. The depth of your ignorance to the facts.

Only millions of posts on social media and ads, they started in 2014 and Manafort gave polling to the Russians, , read the report.

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

And Obama knew all about it and looked the other way.


He put sanctions on Russia, 3 times. Here read it yourself:
International sanctions during the Ukrainian crisis - Wikipedia

What did Obama mean when he told Medvedev to tell Vladimir that he would have more flexibility after the election? That smells like collusion to anyone with any olfactory senses!
Dummy, in the same testimony Barr says he has no evidence of anything improper, so his “spying” comment is just Roy Cohning on Trumps behalf.
Bar didn't say "nothing improper at all", he said he didn't yet have evidence that the spying was improper.

Spying doesn't have to be illegal to be spying. If the word "spying" triggers you, it can't be helped.

* Comey admitted under oath that Obama's DOJ spied on the Trump campaign.

* We know the FISA warrants issued on a member of Trump's campaign (Carter Page) contained a dossier that was uncorroborated at the time (and later proven to be false) that was funded by the DNC / Hillary campaign.

* We know that the author of the dossier had a history of dishonest work.

* We know the dossier could have easily been proven false if checked by a rookie Private Eye, proving the Obama FBI either knew it was false, or chose not to know.

* We know from testimony that at least 1 FISA judge was not told that the dossier was uncorroborated and was purchased by the DNC / Hillary campaign.

* We know that Carter Page was not found guilty of anything, and nobody has given a factual reason to believe he was a Russian agent.
No he didn't, you don't know what you are talking about.

Carter and Manafort were legally wiretapped AFTER they left the campaign.
So they were looking for Trump/RussuRu collusion by wiretapping people outside the campaign? We'll that's really, really stupid.

Unless the warrant allows them to search all of their previous phone records, you know, like phone records from when they were with the campaign.

You cathing on yet, Skippy?
No he didn't, you don't know what you are talking about.

Carter and Manafort were legally wiretapped AFTER they left the campaign.
So they were looking for Trump/RussuRu collusion by wiretapping people outside the campaign? We'll that's really, really stupid.

Unless the warrant allows them to search all of their previous phone records, you know, like phone records from when they were with the campaign.

You cathing on yet, Skippy?

Stop wasting energy....

One convinced against his will
Is of the same opinion still

They will never surrender their position no matter how evident it is that they are just plain wrong. That kind stupid can be useful.

Stop wasting energy....

One convinced against his will
Is of the same opinion still

They will never surrender their position no matter how evident it is that they are just plain wrong. That kind stupid can be useful.

I think it's fun watching people completely humiliate themselves to justify their partisan, childish hatred.

I know it's a character flaw, and I should instead pity them.... But I'm not perfect..
No he didn't, you don't know what you are talking about.

Carter and Manafort were legally wiretapped AFTER they left the campaign.
So they were looking for Trump/RussuRu collusion by wiretapping people outside the campaign? We'll that's really, really stupid.

Unless the warrant allows them to search all of their previous phone records, you know, like phone records from when they were with the campaign.

You cathing on yet, Skippy?

...lets go over the facts one more time:

They were wiretapped, legally, warrant-in-hand after they left the campaign.

What part of that do you refute or not understand?
Dummy, in the same testimony Barr says he has no evidence of anything improper, so his “spying” comment is just Roy Cohning on Trumps behalf.
Bar didn't say "nothing improper at all", he said he didn't yet have evidence that the spying was improper.

The word spying has nefarious cannotations and is used to describe what we do to our foreign adversaries, not our own citizens.

There is only one reason not-an-ignorant-idiot like Barr would suddenly use language like that.
The word spying has nefarious cannotations and is used to describe what we do to our foreign adversaries, not our own citizens.

There is only one reason not-an-ignorant-idiot like Barr would suddenly use language like that.
When normal people talk about spying, they usually say "spying".

And what the Obama FBI did was nefarious.
The word spying has nefarious cannotations and is used to describe what we do to our foreign adversaries, not our own citizens.

There is only one reason not-an-ignorant-idiot like Barr would suddenly use language like that.
When normal people talk about spying, they usually say "spying".

And what the Obama FBI did was nefarious.

Obama FBI that was investigating Hillary and publicly thrashing her during election, against DOJ policy, without bringing charges?

That "Obama FBI"??
Obama FBI that was investigating Hillary and publicly thrashing her during election, against DOJ policy, without bringing charges?

That "Obama FBI"??
Publicly thrashing?

You mean giving her the imaginary "Stupid Defense" for Mishandling classified information and destroying subpoenaed documents?

Or did you mean by writing her exoneration before 1/2 of the investigation took place?

Or by not putting her under oath and taking no notes of her investigation?

Oh please... Don't pretend Hillary got anything but ass kissing from the DOJ.
Obama FBI that was investigating Hillary and publicly thrashing her during election, against DOJ policy, without bringing charges?

That "Obama FBI"??
Publicly thrashing?

You mean giving her the imaginary "Stupid Defense" for Mishandling classified information and destroying subpoenaed documents?

Or did you mean by writing her exoneration before 1/2 of the investigation took place?

Or by not putting her under oath and taking no notes of her investigation?

Oh please... Don't pretend Hillary got anything but ass kissing from the DOJ.

Yes publicly thrashing. It's right there in the Rosenstein memmo in Comey's official firing letter from Trump:

"The director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General's authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the director to make such an announcement. At most, the director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors."

"Compounding the error: The director ignored another longstanding principle: We do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation."

Although the president has the power to remove an FBI director, the decision should not be taken lightly. I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former department officials. The way the director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong."

5 key points in memo calling for FBI Director James Comey's firing

2018 Inspector General review of the investigation came to the same conclusion - descision to not charge Clinton was proper, but Comey's public deriding of Clinton in the middle of an election was against policy and wrong.

"Obama DOJ" went a long way to screw Clinton and by extension Obama. Much more so than any Russian hackers.

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