Official Mueller Report Thread

Obama FBI that was investigating Hillary and publicly thrashing her during election, against DOJ policy, without bringing charges?

That "Obama FBI"??
Publicly thrashing?

You mean giving her the imaginary "Stupid Defense" for Mishandling classified information and destroying subpoenaed documents?

Or did you mean by writing her exoneration before 1/2 of the investigation took place?

Or by not putting her under oath and taking no notes of her investigation?

Oh please... Don't pretend Hillary got anything but ass kissing from the DOJ.

Yes publicly thrashing. It's right there in the Rosenstein memmo in Comey's official firing letter from Trump:

"The director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General's authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the director to make such an announcement. At most, the director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors."

"Compounding the error: The director ignored another longstanding principle: We do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation."

Although the president has the power to remove an FBI director, the decision should not be taken lightly. I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former department officials. The way the director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong."

5 key points in memo calling for FBI Director James Comey's firing

2018 Inspector General review of the investigation came to the same conclusion - descision to not charge Clinton was proper, but Comey's public deriding of Clinton in the middle of an election was against policy and wrong.

"Obama DOJ" went a long way to screw Clinton and by extension Obama. Much more so than any Russian hackers.
Comey, the usurper if authority, and the re-opener of investigation, is the guy who Democrats claim was so entitled to his job that his firing should result in Impeachment.

If Obama's DOJ had not been corrupt, Hillary would have been running while under trial.

Instead, Obama's DOJ gave out immunity deals like Halloween candy and allowed Jared and others to destroy evidence including laptops and smart phones.

Keep your spinning beenie on. The IG and Barr will most likely keep the prop going.
Obama FBI that was investigating Hillary and publicly thrashing her during election, against DOJ policy, without bringing charges?

That "Obama FBI"??
Publicly thrashing?

You mean giving her the imaginary "Stupid Defense" for Mishandling classified information and destroying subpoenaed documents?

Or did you mean by writing her exoneration before 1/2 of the investigation took place?

Or by not putting her under oath and taking no notes of her investigation?

Oh please... Don't pretend Hillary got anything but ass kissing from the DOJ.

Yes publicly thrashing. It's right there in the Rosenstein memmo in Comey's official firing letter from Trump:

"The director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General's authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the director to make such an announcement. At most, the director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors."

"Compounding the error: The director ignored another longstanding principle: We do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation."

Although the president has the power to remove an FBI director, the decision should not be taken lightly. I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former department officials. The way the director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong."

5 key points in memo calling for FBI Director James Comey's firing

2018 Inspector General review of the investigation came to the same conclusion - descision to not charge Clinton was proper, but Comey's public deriding of Clinton in the middle of an election was against policy and wrong.

"Obama DOJ" went a long way to screw Clinton and by extension Obama. Much more so than any Russian hackers.
Comey, the usurper if authority, and the re-opener of investigation, is the guy who Democrats claim was so entitled to his job that his firing should result in Impeachment.

If Obama's DOJ had not been corrupt, Hillary would have been running while under trial.

Instead, Obama's DOJ gave out immunity deals like Halloween candy and allowed Jared and others to destroy evidence including laptops and smart phones.

Keep your spinning beenie on. The IG and Barr will most likely keep the prop going.

Lol Comey was not entitled to anything. Had Trump fired him when coming into office, instead of asking him to stay on, no one would have any complaint. But firing him because he was conducting Russia investigation is a clear case of obstruction of justice.
Lol Comey was not entitled to anything. Had Trump fired him when coming into office, instead of asking him to stay on, no one would have any complaint. But firing him because he was conducting Russia investigation is a clear case of obstruction of justice.
No. It isn't.

You really think an incompetent FBI Director should be able to make himself an un-fireable Monarch by launching an investigation on an innocent man based on falsified evidence? That would be a stupid rule, now wouldn't it?

Trump was innocent, and there was never evidence to the contrary, therefore, real justice demanded no Witch Hunt at all.

The Constitutional powers of the Executive don't have a Butthurt Democrat power removal provision. POTUS is POTUS as long as he's in office.

It was part of Trump's fire Comey.
Lol Comey was not entitled to anything. Had Trump fired him when coming into office, instead of asking him to stay on, no one would have any complaint. But firing him because he was conducting Russia investigation is a clear case of obstruction of justice.
No. It isn't.

You really think an incompetent FBI Director should be able to make himself an un-fireable Monarch by launching an investigation on an innocent man based on falsified evidence? That would be a stupid rule, now wouldn't it?

Trump was innocent, and there was never evidence to the contrary, therefore, real justice demanded no Witch Hunt at all.

The Constitutional powers of the Executive don't have a Butthurt Democrat power removal provision. POTUS is POTUS as long as he's in office.

It was part of Trump's fire Comey.

Trump thought Comey to be plenty competent until Comey refuses to drop investigation into Flynn at Trumps (extremely unethical and illegal!) direction and Russian investigation in general.

And I know you, as an invested Trump supporter will tell me till you are blue in the face that it isn’t, because Trump can’t possibly do anything illegal but to any uninvested, reasonable person this is a clear behavior of someone abusing their office to subvert justice process to protect themselves and their administration. It is Obstruction.
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Obama FBI that was investigating Hillary and publicly thrashing her during election, against DOJ policy, without bringing charges?

That "Obama FBI"??
Publicly thrashing?

You mean giving her the imaginary "Stupid Defense" for Mishandling classified information and destroying subpoenaed documents?

Or did you mean by writing her exoneration before 1/2 of the investigation took place?

Or by not putting her under oath and taking no notes of her investigation?

Oh please... Don't pretend Hillary got anything but ass kissing from the DOJ.

Yes publicly thrashing. It's right there in the Rosenstein memmo in Comey's official firing letter from Trump:

"The director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General's authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the director to make such an announcement. At most, the director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors."

"Compounding the error: The director ignored another longstanding principle: We do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation."

Although the president has the power to remove an FBI director, the decision should not be taken lightly. I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former department officials. The way the director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong."

5 key points in memo calling for FBI Director James Comey's firing

2018 Inspector General review of the investigation came to the same conclusion - descision to not charge Clinton was proper, but Comey's public deriding of Clinton in the middle of an election was against policy and wrong.

"Obama DOJ" went a long way to screw Clinton and by extension Obama. Much more so than any Russian hackers.
Comey, the usurper if authority, and the re-opener of investigation, is the guy who Democrats claim was so entitled to his job that his firing should result in Impeachment.

If Obama's DOJ had not been corrupt, Hillary would have been running while under trial.

Instead, Obama's DOJ gave out immunity deals like Halloween candy and allowed Jared and others to destroy evidence including laptops and smart phones.

Keep your spinning beenie on. The IG and Barr will most likely keep the prop going.

Lol Comey was not entitled to anything. Had Trump fired him when coming into office, instead of asking him to stay on, no one would have any complaint. But firing him because he was conducting Russia investigation is a clear case of obstruction of justice.

After his dismissal, Comey publicly testified to the Congress that he told Trump, on three occasions, that he was not personally under investigation in the counterintelligence probe. Trump stated that dismissing Comey relieved unnecessary pressure on his ability to engage and negotiate with Russia, due to Comey's "grandstanding and politicizing" the investigation. So, Trump fired Comey for not doing his job well, not because of the investigation per se.
Lol Comey was not entitled to anything. Had Trump fired him when coming into office, instead of asking him to stay on, no one would have any complaint. But firing him because he was conducting Russia investigation is a clear case of obstruction of justice.
No. It isn't.

You really think an incompetent FBI Director should be able to make himself an un-fireable Monarch by launching an investigation on an innocent man based on falsified evidence? That would be a stupid rule, now wouldn't it?

Trump was innocent, and there was never evidence to the contrary, therefore, real justice demanded no Witch Hunt at all.

The Constitutional powers of the Executive don't have a Butthurt Democrat power removal provision. POTUS is POTUS as long as he's in office.

It was part of Trump's fire Comey.

Trump thought Comey to be plenty competent until Comey refuses to drop investigation into Flynn at Trumps (extremely unethical and illegal!) direction and Russian investigation in general.

And I know you, as an invested Trump supporter will tell me till you are blue in the face that it isn’t, because Trump can’t possibly do anything illegal but to any uninvested, reasonable person this is a clear behavior of someone abusing their office to subvert justice process to protect themselves and their administration. It is Obstruction.

I'm not invested in anything but the truuth. I will tell you that you are NOT reasonable but are instead an blind partisan. The fact that Mueller finished his investigation and came out with his report that WAS released with not really that much redaction shows there was no obstruction. No witnesses were held back, no Executive Privilege was ever exerted and no effort to suborn perjury was proven. You and people who are blindly partisan will continue to beat the "impeachment drum" to no real avail and will end up making Trump seem more the victim of unfair investigations and will GUARANTEE his re-election in 2020. Honestly, it's people like you who have ruined the Democratic Party and have tainted Progressivism to the point that I can't support it anymore.
Trump thought Comey to be plenty competent until Comey refuses to drop investigation into Flynn at Trumps (extremely unethical and illegal!) direction and Russian investigation in general.

And I know you, as an invested Trump supporter will tell me till you are blue in the face that it isn’t, because Trump can’t possibly do anything illegal but to any uninvested, reasonable person this is a clear behavior of someone abusing their office to subvert justice process to protect themselves and their administration. It is Obstruction.
Haha Haha.

You're not paying attention to the facts.

1. The Constitution gives power to the POTUS to fire the FBI Director, and a lot other people, at any time, even if it triggers you.

2. As Trump was innocent, and no evidence of his guilt ever existed, he had no need to protect himself from Justice.

Pro Tip: When you speak both sides of a conversation you show your desperation.
Trump thought Comey to be plenty competent until Comey refuses to drop investigation into Flynn at Trumps (extremely unethical and illegal!) direction and Russian investigation in general.

And I know you, as an invested Trump supporter will tell me till you are blue in the face that it isn’t, because Trump can’t possibly do anything illegal but to any uninvested, reasonable person this is a clear behavior of someone abusing their office to subvert justice process to protect themselves and their administration. It is Obstruction.
Haha Haha.

You're not paying attention to the facts.

1. The Constitution gives power to the POTUS to fire the FBI Director, and a lot other people, at any time, even if it triggers you.

2. As Trump was innocent, and no evidence of his guilt ever existed, he had no need to protect himself from Justice.

Pro Tip: When you speak both sides of a conversation you show your desperation.

Does Constitution give a right to a president to take a bribe to fire FBI Director?
Does Constitution give a right to a president to take a bribe to fire FBI Director?
Silly question.


POTUS is not entitled to accept bribes for any reason. But he can fire the FBI Director for any reason.

If you're confused remember Mark Rich. He was at the time the nation's worst tax cheat ever.

Bill Clinton pardoned him right after his big breasted ex-wife made a private, personal plea to him followed by another donation, this time in the form of money.

While it was obvious Clinton sold the pardon, the pardon itself was still valid.
Does Constitution give a right to a president to take a bribe to fire FBI Director?
I'll try again to make it simple enough.

Do you think an incompetent and/or corrupt FBI Director can remain in office, un-fireable, as long as he starts investigations on anyone that might want to fire him?

Does everyone in the FBI become un-fireable if they're investigating POTUS?
Does Constitution give a right to a president to take a bribe to fire FBI Director?
Silly question.


POTUS is not entitled to accept bribes for any reason. But he can fire the FBI Director for any reason..

Not entitled to obstruct justice either. Get it?

Justice was not obstructed. Get it?

That’s not the question.

The question was - does Trump have a right to fire Comey to impede an ongoing investigation? The answer is no. Just as he doesn’t have a right to fire him for a bribe.
Does Constitution give a right to a president to take a bribe to fire FBI Director?
Silly question.


POTUS is not entitled to accept bribes for any reason. But he can fire the FBI Director for any reason..

Not entitled to obstruct justice either. Get it?

Justice was not obstructed. Get it?

You can claim that all you want but thats not what Mueller's report said.
But if he did, it would be illegal, so your argument that he had unqualified right to fire Comey is false.
The Constitution says he had the unqualified right to fire Comey.(Damn.... That pesky Constitution again)

There were 2 people in Comey's chain of command, and they both wanted him fired.

So. You tell me... Who had the authority to remove Comey for corruption or incompetence?

The UN?
But if he did, it would be illegal, so your argument that he had unqualified right to fire Comey is false.
The Constitution says he had the unqualified right to fire Comey.(Damn.... That pesky Constitution again)

There were 2 people in Comey's chain of command, and they both wanted him fired.

So. You tell me... Who had the authority to remove Comey for corruption or incompetence?

The UN?
You messed up the quote I'm not the one who said that.

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