Official Mueller Report Thread

Justice was not obstructed. Get it?

That’s not the question.

The question was - does Trump have a right to fire Comey to impede an ongoing investigation? The answer is no. Just as he doesn’t have a right to fire him for a bribe.

Trump had an absolute right to fire Comey...not to impede an ongoing investigation, but for being a showboating incompetent. think Trump could have fired Comey for a bribe?

I think Trump could have fired Comey for ANY reason...he served at the pleasure of the President.

It's a LAUGHABLE position.

But also SAD because what you just said is that you are such a crazy fucking lemming that you are willing to say that it's ok for our President to take bribes.

Trump could take a $100,000 bribe to fire the FBI director, publicly declare that income and you will still tell us that nothing wrong was done.

Totally nuts.

You are truly a freakin' moron. At no point have I said that I thought it's ok for the President to take a bribe. I have no idea where you got that, but if you're just just going to make stuff up, I'll leave you to your seemingly drug fueled delusions.
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Report didn't say there wasn't provable corrupt intent either.

Mueller's report simply laid out the facts on obstruction and deffered the judgement to Congress.
Newsflash. The House has plenary right to impeach. They don't need a crime, or corrupt intent.

The House is Constitutionally enpowered to impeach Trump just because they lost the election and can't deal with it.

The fact that they are ignoring the Mueller report makes that clear.
That’s not the question.

The question was - does Trump have a right to fire Comey to impede an ongoing investigation? The answer is no. Just as he doesn’t have a right to fire him for a bribe.

Trump had an absolute right to fire Comey...not to impede an ongoing investigation, but for being a showboating incompetent. think Trump could have fired Comey for a bribe?

I think Trump could have fired Comey for ANY reason...he served at the pleasure of the President.

It's a LAUGHABLE position.

But also SAD because what you just said is that you are such a crazy fucking lemming that you are willing to say that it's ok for our President to take bribes.

Trump could take a $100,000 bribe to fire the FBI director, publicly declare that income and you will still tell us that nothing wrong was done.

Totally nuts.

You are truly a freakin' moron. At no point that I thought it's ok for the President to take a bribe. I have no idea where you got that, but if you're just just going to make stuff up, I'll leave you to your seemingly drug fueled delusions.

Oh my mistake then.

So let me ask you the question one more time: think Trump could have fired Comey for a bribe?
Report didn't say there wasn't provable corrupt intent either.

Mueller's report simply laid out the facts on obstruction and deffered the judgement to Congress.
Newsflash. The House has plenary right to impeach. They don't need a crime, or corrupt intent.

The House is Constitutionally enpowered to impeach Trump just because they lost the election and can't deal with it.

The fact that they are ignoring the Mueller report makes that clear.

Constitution states that Congress may impeach the president for high crimes and misdameanors. It's a political process, but it still needs some legal backing and public support.

What I'm saying is that Mueller report gives these proceedings the legal backing if Congress wants to take it up.
Report didn't say there wasn't provable corrupt intent either.

Mueller's report simply laid out the facts on obstruction and deffered the judgement to Congress.
Newsflash. The House has plenary right to impeach. They don't need a crime, or corrupt intent.

The House is Constitutionally enpowered to impeach Trump just because they lost the election and can't deal with it.

The fact that they are ignoring the Mueller report makes that clear.

Actually, the Constitution says that Congress can only impeach for "high crimes and misdemeanors". Not because they didn't like the results of an election.
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It's a LAUGHABLE position.

But also SAD because what you just said is that you are such a crazy fucking lemming that you are willing to say that it's ok for our President to take bribes.

Trump could take a $100,000 bribe to fire the FBI director, publicly declare that income and you will still tell us that nothing wrong was done.

Totally nuts.
You know Haters are desperate when they start a conversation with themselves.

Nobody said bribe taking is legal.

Except of course when Hillary gets $150Million for from Putin while he gets control of 1/5 of America's Uranium. But that's another story that may or may not be revisited.
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It's a LAUGHABLE position.

But also SAD because what you just said is that you are such a crazy fucking lemming that you are willing to say that it's ok for our President to take bribes.

Trump could take a $100,000 bribe to fire the FBI director, publicly declare that income and you will still tell us that nothing wrong was done.

Totally nuts.
Nobody said bribe taking is illegal.

I said it :p
It's a LAUGHABLE position.

But also SAD because what you just said is that you are such a crazy fucking lemming that you are willing to say that it's ok for our President to take bribes.

Trump could take a $100,000 bribe to fire the FBI director, publicly declare that income and you will still tell us that nothing wrong was done.

Totally nuts.
You know Haters are desperate when they start a conversation with themselves.

Nobody said bribe taking is illegal.

Except of course when Hillary gets $150Million for from Putin while he gets control of 1/5 of America's Uranium. But that's another story that may or may not be revisited.

I believe you mean "Nobody said bribe taking is LEGAL."

Actually, the Constitution says that Congress can only impeach for "high crimes and misdemeanors". Not because they din't like the results of an election.
That is what it says. But the House is the sole judge of whether any act constitutes a High Crime or Misdemeanor. There is no appeal.

The Senate can refuse to convict, but once the House votes by a simple majority to impeach, it cannot be undone.

Much like Trump firing Comey, the House has this power to use at their discretion.
Actually, the Constitution says that Congress can only impeach for "high crimes and misdemeanors". Not because they din't like the results of an election.
That is what it says. But the House is the sole judge of whether any act constitutes a High Crime or Misdemeanor. There is no appeal.

The Senate can refuse to convict, but once the House votes by a simple majority to impeach, it cannot be undone.

Much like Trump firing Comey, the House has this power to use at their discretion.

That's true, but I can't imagine reasonable people behaving like that. Of course, that does presuppose the Democrats are reasonable...I believe most are, but far too many are irrational like antontoo.
Actually, the Constitution says that Congress can only impeach for "high crimes and misdemeanors". Not because they din't like the results of an election.
That is what it says. But the House is the sole judge of whether any act constitutes a High Crime or Misdemeanor. There is no appeal.

The Senate can refuse to convict, but once the House votes by a simple majority to impeach, it cannot be undone.

Much like Trump firing Comey, the House has this power to use at their discretion.

That's true, but I can't imagine reasonable people behaving like that. Of course, that does presuppose the Democrats are reasonable...I believe most are, but far too many are irrational like antontoo.

Well then you should be able to explain what I'm not reasonable about. You were not able to yet.
That's true, but I can't imagine reasonable people behaving like that. Of course, that does presuppose the Democrats are reasonable...I believe most are, but far too many are irrational like antontoo.
Pelosi is currently doing her best to shut the antontoo wing of her party up.
That's true, but I can't imagine reasonable people behaving like that. Of course, that does presuppose the Democrats are reasonable...I believe most are, but far too many are irrational like antontoo.
Pelosi is currently doing her best to shut the antontoo wing of her party up.

She might be successful, but I do wonder if they'll get her first
That's true, but I can't imagine reasonable people behaving like that. Of course, that does presuppose the Democrats are reasonable...I believe most are, but far too many are irrational like antontoo.
Pelosi is currently doing her best to shut the antontoo wing of her party up.

She might be successful, but I do wonder if they'll get her first
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Seems like the Trampers did not read the report (probably can't read), did not understand it, or are in extreme denial.

It’s amazing how a liberal says WE’RE in extreme denial

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Are there any Trump supporters who have decided that being lied to by the president, as was exposed in the Mueller report, is too much to take?

So much reporting that Trump called FAKE NEWS was verified by the Mueller findings. Do any of you have any self respect?

Are you guys getting sick of losing all the time? Lol

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All liberal articles always have a “might have” and you idiots swallow the hook every time. You’re a glutton for bullshit.

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Did you read those ten episodes? :rolleyes: Of course you didn't.

The only reason there is a "might have" in front of it is because Trump is a president who Mueller coulld not indict like any other person.

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