Yeah that's handy. :thup:

So I've looked and looked and looked, no red button on Firefox. Then again I recall having AdBlock get overanxious and start blocking posted images. Maybe AdBlock is masking it. :dunno:
Maybe. But I have adblock and I can see it if I make my text the size of grand canyon. I will just scroll up or hit HOME button on my keyboard and be satisfied with that unless CK gets bored some day (like, as if, lol) and moved that pesky thing to the middle somewhere.
Okay there is a '1' in the middle score thing that wasn't there before. So apparently it does show up. No affect on the red.

Disagree is neutral, not negative. It doesn't adversely affect a member to have their post "disagreed".
Disagree is neutral, not negative. It doesn't adversely affect a member to have their post "disagreed".

The ratings are listed in one's profile as "positive/neutral/negative ratings" but receiving a Disagree does not tally one up in the red number. :dunno:

I have yet to hear any answer on how one can either give or receive a "neutral rating". Let alone why one would want to.
Yeah that's handy. :thup:

So I've looked and looked and looked, no red button on Firefox. Then again I recall having AdBlock get overanxious and start blocking posted images. Maybe AdBlock is masking it. :dunno:

No, it's not Adblock. I checked with and without AdBlock, I checked with Firefox, IE, and Chrome. My precious, precious Red Button has disappeared on me in all platforms. I so loved my Red Button yesterday. One click and I was at the top of the page. I cry sad tears for my Red Button. I hardly knew you and cruel fate took you away.
The ratings are listed in one's profile as "positive/neutral/negative ratings" but receiving a Disagree does not tally one up in the red number. :dunno:

I have yet to hear any answer on how one can either give or receive a "neutral rating". Let alone why one would want to.

As I've stated, "Disagree" = Neutral.
How do I setup threads so the newest post is first?

You want them on top??

I wouldn't recommend that, I really wouldn't. I've been on a board like that and it's a nightmare. You spend half your time scrolling down to figure out where you left off. I was very glad to be rid of that when I came here and get back to normalcy.

And it's prolly not something the software can do anyway.
Well, I already got bashed in this thread about how the old 'reputation' has disappeared, but I am curious how it has carried forward. It has already been discussed how a 'disagree' doesn't do much. But regardless, where or how did it get translated to ratings and trophy points?

And another question. How can I change my notifications back to once daily instead of all the time?
Okay I just noticed another feature that I'm not gonna like and it seems typical of this particular board platform--when you quote somebody who has quoted somebody else and both quotes apply to what you are responding to, you still lose the original quote and the quote feature only picks up your response.

For example:

Me: I don't like kumquats.

You: You should. (And my comment will show up as quoted in your post.)

Then when I go to reply the only thing I will see quoted is your comment: "You Should" but I won't see my original comment. And if it has been hours and several posts on down the line before I see that you responded, it is often difficult to go find what the conversation was about in the first place. In other words there will be no nested quotes.

Not a good thing. Not a deal breaker. But extremely annoying at times.

OK, this is how you do it:

  • On "you should" click Quote. That adds it to the Multi-Quote bin.
  • Click the arrow next to the quoted text "I don't like kumquats". It takes you to the post.
  • Click Reply. Now you have the "kumquats" post and your cursur sits below it.
  • Click Insert Quotes. Choose/select the post.
  • Reply below both.

Try it with a post!

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