That's no good either. I only want to suppress images at this site.

On the prior site I would simply right-click an undesired image such as Mudwhistle's chewing thing, choose "block image" in AdBlock, and that image would be gone forever. Haven't done it again here but there's no reason it shouldn't work.
I see the edit button but nothing happens when I push it. I put myself on invisible but yet it didn't work. And I was able to put a cute thing next to my avid before when I wasn't a paying member.

I'm just trying to figure things out. I didn't ask for change.

Sorry CK is getting beat on but that's to be expected with a change like this.

Edit is located a few lines under your avie.
Can go invisible but forgot where to do it.
Can't put title under your name unless you are a paying member.

Again...someone that has the know how needs to start a thread with the pertinent info so we don't keep rehashing the same questions.

The first is on Chrome and this is IE. The small red box with navigation arrow follows the page scroll.

Gotcha! It wasn't scrolling until I opened the browser beyond the red button. Now it is. Cool and thanks for the help. :thup:
This thread. I can't post in it. It keeps giving me an error message saying that the server is down or something like that. I notice that there are no new posts since my last post on that thread too. Problem with the thread? I've posted on other threads with no issues with the server.

Police tell Detroiters to buy guns
I see the edit button but nothing happens when I push it. I put myself on invisible but yet it didn't work. And I was able to put a cute thing next to my avid before when I wasn't a paying member.

I'm just trying to figure things out. I didn't ask for change.

Sorry CK is getting beat on but that's to be expected with a change like this.
Can learn if ya don't ask, hon. :)
Don't know about the edit thingy..might be a bug? Ask CK to check it out for ya.
They had where you could have your own cute thing under your avie when they first opened the board back up with the new software but then changed it to Paying Members only afterwards.
Why did you remove a feature of the board that was present yesterday? There was a little red tab on the bottom right of the screen which when pressed took you to the top of the page. I really like that but now it's gone.

I've never seen that. Not yesterday, not today. :dunno:

C_K thanks for the smilieload :thup: Some new ones too, and several redundant ones that when excised will make for a more manageable list. When you can get to it of curse. :)
So it has been over 24 hours since Rep has removed and the world has not yet ended! There is no fire and brimstone in the streets and posters are not tearing into each other. In fact the opposite seems to be happening. Posters are helping each other to figure out the new format.

So far so good! :thup::thup::thup:
I only have one particularly vile person on Ignore...I haven't done that in quite awhile. But now that quotes are hidden, it's a great feature.

Okay I just noticed another feature that I'm not gonna like and it seems typical of this particular board platform--when you quote somebody who has quoted somebody else and both quotes apply to what you are responding to, you still lose the original quote and the quote feature only picks up your response.

For example:

Me: I don't like kumquats.

You: You should. (And my comment will show up as quoted in your post.)

Then when I go to reply the only thing I will see quoted is your comment: "You Should" but I won't see my original comment. And if it has been hours and several posts on down the line before I see that you responded, it is often difficult to go find what the conversation was about in the first place. In other words there will be no nested quotes.

Not a good thing. Not a deal breaker. But extremely annoying at times.
Okay I just noticed another feature that I'm not gonna like and it seems typical of this particular board platform--when you quote somebody who has quoted somebody else and both quotes apply to what you are responding to, you still lose the original quote and the quote feature only picks up your response.

For example:

Me: I don't like kumquats.

You: You should. (And my comment will show up as quoted in your post.)

Then when I go to reply the only thing I will see quoted is your comment: "You Should" but I won't see my original comment. And if it has been hours and several posts on down the line before I see that you responded, it is often difficult to go find what the conversation was about in the first place. In other words there will be no nested quotes.

Not a good thing. Not a deal breaker. But extremely annoying at times.

I agree. I find this particularly annoying as well.
Okay I just noticed another feature that I'm not gonna like and it seems typical of this particular board platform--when you quote somebody who has quoted somebody else and both quotes apply to what you are responding to, you still lose the original quote and the quote feature only picks up your response.

For example:

Me: I don't like kumquats.

You: You should. (And my comment will show up as quoted in your post.)

Then when I go to reply the only thing I will see quoted is your comment: "You Should" but I won't see my original comment. And if it has been hours and several posts on down the line before I see that you responded, it is often difficult to go find what the conversation was about in the first place. In other words there will be no nested quotes.

Not a good thing. Not a deal breaker. But extremely annoying at times.

Eternal optimist

I guess I am doomed to scrolling up with my mouse to see the top of the page cuz I can't handle text the size of like...

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