So I'm hearing. Mine is gone. I did a Flash auto-upgrade this morning. Maybe that did it.

I miss my Red Button. Not to be confused with "I miss Red Buttons who was great in the Poseiden Adventure."

I don't see how an upgrade to your software would affect USMB's software.....:uhoh3:
I don't see any little red button that takes me to the top of the page! :(

I find it at the right hand side of the page format.
No red button for me either except the one that shrinks the width of the screen we use and widens the right hand column. I didn't see one before either but it would be a nice feature.
I only have 2 on iggy, and I haven't seen them...so maybe thats why!

I only have one particularly vile person on Ignore...I haven't done that in quite awhile. But now that quotes are hidden, it's a great feature.
You see what I started? I started a rebellion (wicked laugh) - the haves (with the red button) and the have nots.
The two I have aren't vile. One is an idiot as well as crazy, the other is a major irritant and a moron.
No red button for me either except the one that shrinks the width of the screen we use and widens the right hand column. I didn't see one before either but it would be a nice feature.

Thanks Foxy! You found it for me! I have a large monitor so I don't have my browser fully open. It was hidden on the RHS just where Ropey said it must be. As soon as I expanded my browser it popped up. It is outside of the normal page boundary.

No red button for me either except the one that shrinks the width of the screen we use and widens the right hand column. I didn't see one before either but it would be a nice feature.

Where is that feature?

The first is on Chrome and this is IE. The small red box with navigation arrow follows the page scroll.
I see it now...but I have to hold down CTRL and Scroll to make the text HUGE in order to see it..which makes me have to scroll from side to side.
I am using Google Chrome.

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