First off, let me say that I'm thrilled that I had to make three clicks instead of one to even quote this message. That's certainly an 'upgrade.'

I don't even know where the like and agree buttons are. I don't see any thanks button. That's also another brilliant 'upgrade.'

Please describe the three clicks.

You do not have to hit Quote to quote someone. Just hitting Reply will do that.

If you have been hitting Quote each time, you now have a huge list of quoted posts stored in a list that you need to remove.
First off, let me say that I'm thrilled that I had to make three clicks instead of one to even quote this message. That's certainly an 'upgrade.'

I don't even know where the like and agree buttons are. I don't see any thanks button. That's also another brilliant 'upgrade.'

You don't see a thumbs up icon followed by a green checkmark icon and a red X on every post?
Gateway errors are server issues caused by the servers not communicating with each other, and have nothing to do with the forum. As for load times, I have not seen a significant improvement with the new software. In fact, I have seen that loading actually takes longer for routine tasks, and I can't even get one page to load at all, despite multiple attempts.
You sure are bitching a lot for someone who supposedly supports business decisions.

Especially since you have no skin in the game, son.
I've learned a lot about some of the members during this transition.

I wish I could rep you for that!

(hey bub - that's my smiley link you're appropriating there...)
Why did you remove a feature of the board that was present yesterday? There was a little red tab on the bottom right of the screen which when pressed took you to the top of the page. I really like that but now it's gone.

Mine is still there.
The Ignore Feature is incredible! The offending party has completely disappeared...even from quotes.

Two Thumbs Up!
All of my Mafia bookmarks went Bye-bye. I can access others that were internet URLs, but everything that I bookmarked that had a USMB URL is gone....argh......and now I can't figure out how to bookmark specific posts.

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