I don't see any little red button that takes me to the top of the page! :(
On the right, toward the bottom there is a little red square (at the edge of USMB page) with an up arrow....if you click on it, it takes you to the top of the page.
OK Bugbreakers, I got one for ya...

I just put up post 665 which I see above. That follows 664, which follows 663....

.... which then follows 640 :confused: Meaning it jumps 23 posts.

If I refresh the page it will probably reset to where it actually belongs -- I guess that because that's what it did earlier on a different post where I saw the same thing and thought either I was hallucinating or that mods had just deleted a couple of pages of posts in between.

What sup wit dat?

My pages are set for 20 posts per page.

That has happened to me a few times. I responded to a post on page 7 and it dumped me back on page 2.

Very confusing.

I am set to 100 posts per page.
OK, this is how you do it:

  • On "you should" click Quote. That adds it to the Multi-Quote bin.
  • Click the arrow next to the quoted text "I don't like kumquats". It takes you to the post.
  • Click Reply. Now you have the "kumquats" post and your cursur sits below it.
  • Click Insert Quotes. Choose/select the post.
  • Reply below both.

Try it with a post!

That's a lot of work just to quote an embedded quote.
I only have 2 on iggy, and I haven't seen them...so maybe thats why!

I think the one person I have/had on ignore has since left, don't think he was escorted out, but I never see him posting anymore nor thanking anyone.
Up above, Ropey pasted a picture of it. It's on the edge of the page, on the right, toward the bottom. Maybe not everyone gets one?
Don't have one unless I make the whole screen HUGE. So..I don't bother with it.
I think the one person I have/had on ignore has since left, don't think he was escorted out, but I never see him posting anymore nor thanking anyone.
I ain't shy on saying who I have on iggy. Nutz and JOSweetheart.
Um, I think that's because we're all sharing a common nightmare. Once everybody's comfortable with how the new software works and we no longer need each other's help, the usual internet acrimony will be back. Take it to the bank.

Think how strangers cooperate in times of say a hurricane or an earthquake. Once the dust settles and everything's hunky dory, it's back to "get off my lawn".

Dude, that's not fair. I've tried my best to still be an asshole through this entire process.
Why is your sigline animated and my avatar isn't ? @cereal_killer
You have to pay even more for that.

I unchecked the 'show online status' under my profile and my online status is still showing. I find this important only because I leave my browser open and we all know that the mafia group is going to get all bent out of shape if they see me 'online' but not posting - sooooo scummy :D
I'm having the same problem.
I agree. I find this particularly annoying as well.
Okay I just noticed another feature that I'm not gonna like and it seems typical of this particular board platform--when you quote somebody who has quoted somebody else and both quotes apply to what you are responding to, you still lose the original quote and the quote feature only picks up your response.

For example:

Me: I don't like kumquats.

You: You should. (And my comment will show up as quoted in your post.)

Then when I go to reply the only thing I will see quoted is your comment: "You Should" but I won't see my original comment. And if it has been hours and several posts on down the line before I see that you responded, it is often difficult to go find what the conversation was about in the first place. In other words there will be no nested quotes.

Not a good thing. Not a deal breaker. But extremely annoying at times.

I agree. I find this particularly annoying as well.

Okay, if you want both responses to appear, you have to click on Foxy's "quote", then you click on the little box on the bottom left of your response that says "add quotes" or "insert quotes" - I can't remember exactly how it was worded.

I unchecked the 'show online status' under my profile and my online status is still showing. I find this important only because I leave my browser open and we all know that the mafia group is going to get all bent out of shape if they see me 'online' but not posting - sooooo scummy :D

I unchecked the 'show online status' under my profile and my online status is still showing. I find this important only because I leave my browser open and we all know that the mafia group is going to get all bent out of shape if they see me 'online' but not posting - sooooo scummy :D

Yeah, sure, you leave your browser open ........you sneaky thing.

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