Across the top there is the "Watched Threads" tab. That is where all your threads are shown. Similar to the old "User CP" function but without the rep tabs now.

No, Deri, I was talking about the threads that I started. We used to have a feature called "My threads" under "my posts" in the Statistics section.....Watched Threads are just the threads that I was subscribed to, but I wasn't the OP on.
No, I'm seeing "offline" on your post. Maybe it shows online on yours, and if you are posting, you are online...:lame2:
Could you check again please as I'm seeing "Online." But the thing is the little box to show the status is unchecked therefore, it should not be showing Online right? Thanks.
You want them on top??

I wouldn't recommend that, I really wouldn't. I've been on a board like that and it's a nightmare. You spend half your time scrolling down to figure out where you left off. I was very glad to be rid of that when I came here and get back to normalcy.

And it's prolly not something the software can do anyway.

The best example of a progressive post I have ever seen, they know so much they can tell other people what is best for them.

FYI, vBulletin gives that option, and the poster you responded to liked it.
how do i get back to the post i click "REPLY" on ?
There's a little tiny red arrow by their username when you respond = "username SAID: " click on the arrow and it will take you to his/her post (the one you are responding to). We had that in the old software but it was bigger.
Capstone said:
Don't get me wrong here; I'm not a fan of the new software either; but one of my biggest peeves with the old board had to do with one-line responses to massive posts. Wading through threads to follow discussions in which the same content was quoted unnecessarily over and over again pretty much sucked ass, in my opinion.

I think, as far as the ZenForo software designers were concerned, it was probably a question of picking their poison. And as far as I'm concerned, since there are ways around either configuration, it's six of one and a half dozen of the other.

Except, as you can plainly see, simply replying to your post makes your comments look disconnected and out of touch.

In other words, context is everything, and we no longer have context.

Unless, of course, we take the tiniest bit of trouble to provide the context ourselves, as you could plainly see by clicking on the "click to expand" feature in this post.

True enough, it'd be nice if the new software did everything we wanted automatically, but the same could have been said of the old software. For me it's simply a matter of getting used to another 'simple fix' for an altogether different shortcoming. This really is no bigger a deal than the sort of "responsible editing out" mentioned by Pogo regarding the old board.
hit your browser's Back button.

No, that will take you back to the page you were looking at before. If you just came into the thread, you might not want to go to the previous page. The little red arrow by the username of the post you responded to takes you back to their post.
Could you check again please as I'm seeing "Online." But the thing is the little box to show the status is unchecked therefore, it should not be showing Online right? Thanks.
This is what I'm seeing on your post.


PoliticalTorchVIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
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+180 / 1 / -
How do I delete the posts in my Inbox? There does not seem to be an option for this...

What does the 'thumbs up' mean under every post? Some people have a number next to theirs, like 'x 3' or 'x 5' - what's the deal with this?

This new change is weird. It'll take me awhile to get used to it all.
Unless, of course, we take the tiniest bit of trouble to provide the context ourselves, as you could plainly see by clicking on the "click to expand" feature in this post.

True enough, it'd be nice if the new software did everything we wanted automatically, but the same could have been said of the old software. For me it's simply a matter of getting used to another 'simple fix' for an altogether different shortcoming. This really is no bigger a deal than the sort of "responsible editing out" mentioned by Pogo regarding the old board.

I suggest you go back and reread the entire series of post that ed to my response, you might find out I have a point.
How do I delete the posts in my Inbox? There does not seem to be an option for this...

What does the 'thumbs up' mean under every post? Some people have a number next to theirs, like 'x 3' or 'x 5' - what's the deal with this?

This new change is weird. It'll take me awhile to get used to it all.

"Like X 3" would mean three readers "liked" it. And clicking on "list" next to it will show you who they were.
HTH. :)
How do I delete the posts in my Inbox?

Don't take the following as being a smartass, I'm just trying to provide context for the change in verbiage:

The inbox doesn't have posts. It has Conversations. You can't delete a Conversation, but you can Leave.
I need that arrow badly but it doesn't seem to show in my window. I'm on Chrome, you?

I am on Firefox and I have no such arrow. I also don't have an arrow to click that will take me to a quoted post.

CK, can we make the thumbs up symbol the 'agree' symbol a little darker? I am not really able to make it out.

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