No such thing as messages anymore. They are Conversations.

Since messages don't exist, deleting doesn't exist.

But you can Leave the Conversation.

Click the box to the left of the conversation title and you will find that option in the drop down menu. Or click "Leave Conversation" while reading it.
Haven't been able to check social groups. Have ZERO idea where to find them. This forum is hard work I tell ya. Based on the difficulty of quoting and following conversations I'll probably drop in from time to time and say hi but it doesn't look like I'll be able to be nearly as active as I was. Just a bit complicated.
chrome users go into settings: chrome://settings/

choose advanced, look for web content and see if your page zoom is set to 100%. If its not it should be. That should get you the arrow (far right margin) to page up.

Using FireFox this SOLVED the problem. I zoomed out. The button is there.

This really isn't a great solution though. Already the right 1/3 of the screen was wasted space and now when I zoom out I have a grey sidebar on both left and right and this makes everything within the inner border that much smaller.

What's the point of putting a useful widget into a dead zone?
I just posted two videos and I like it. It is working fine for me and it is faster. I have already adjusted to the smaller space boxes and prefer it as I am realizing you are more focused on the content if the box is smaller. It also gives you plenty of room to write out a long sermon if you want to or a short one so this works for me. Another thing I notice about this forum is it feels more knit together. It is not so wide open - there is more of an intimate feel to it. The layout is good - the soft green accent colors are nice - works for me, I like that added color in there - the background is NOT white - I think it looks almost identical to the background of the other board. White is what I see in that question mark avatar to my left. The surrounding color outside is what I would call a soft grey. It isn't hard on the eyes at all to me.

It is sometimes a matter of being resistant to change. If you think about it as a living room where the furniture is the same but moved around to give a better view - more space made to add some "pieces" some new lighting, etc. - it is easier to acclimate to it. ( imo ) I was never able to figure out how to put up a picture on the other forum without photobucket. I wasn't able to figure out how to use bold print or change my print on the other forum but I think it will be easier to do it on this one than the other so I give this forum a thumbs up. Looks nice.
Using FireFox this SOLVED the problem. I zoomed out. The button is there.

This really isn't a great solution though. Already the right 1/3 of the screen was wasted space and now when I zoom out I have a grey sidebar on both left and right and this makes everything within the inner border that much smaller.

What's the point of putting a useful widget into a dead zone?

I see what you mean now. I thought people said they were zooming IN. Tried zooming way out (control/minus sign) and found it lurking way off the page. Even if one knows where it is that takes more time than just scrolling up. Might be better centered or left-justified.
No I think you're absolutely spot-on correct Foxy. That's what I was saying about losing context; if you're in some complicated topic about politics or current events or whatever, it's absolutely essential to have the background for your comment, otherwise the point just gets lost. And if posters see that they can't make their point effectively, that undermines the whole purpose of a discussion board.

I like Gracie's term "totem pole quotes" if I quoted her accurately, and yeah it is a semi-solution to use multi-quote, but it still makes for more work.

By the way I noticed that in threads that existed before the change, multi-level nested quotes that were there before are nicely nested now and easy to read, so the software can handle it. Would be nice to have it work.
I see what you mean now. I thought people said they were zooming IN. Tried zooming way out (control/minus sign) and found it lurking way off the page. Even if one knows where it is that takes more time than just scrolling up. Might be better centered or left-justified.

Way off the page is the key point. To use that widget you have to sacrifice screen real estate. All I see is dead space in that Outer Frame. Does anyone see other widgets or features in that outer frame?

Why not place the widget somewhere in the inner frame, so we don't have to zoom out to use it?
The pictures are not too small, that is CERTAIN:D:D
Your picture looks fine, Peach. :welcome: I like all the new smiley face additions! There is a ton of them to choose from! About your avatar, Peach. That is a wonderful photo of the woods. Beautiful. Good choice. I'll have to find a picture so I don't have a question mark next to my name! Good night.
Haven't been able to check social groups. Have ZERO idea where to find them. This forum is hard work I tell ya. Based on the difficulty of quoting and following conversations I'll probably drop in from time to time and say hi but it doesn't look like I'll be able to be nearly as active as I was. Just a bit complicated.

I read your post to my husband and he said, Hence the name drifting sand!

Good night all!

Don't take the following as being a smartass, I'm just trying to provide context for the change in verbiage:

The inbox doesn't have posts. It has Conversations. You can't delete a Conversation, but you can Leave.

It's all good. :)
Using FireFox this SOLVED the problem. I zoomed out. The button is there.

This really isn't a great solution though. Already the right 1/3 of the screen was wasted space and now when I zoom out I have a grey sidebar on both left and right and this makes everything within the inner border that much smaller.

What's the point of putting a useful widget into a dead zone?

If you were in Romania you wouldn't even have electricity half the time. Count thy blessings. :night: - Jeri
p.s. Smile. It only takes 2 muscles.
All functions? I don't think I have everything. Mostly everything except a way to quickly scroll to the top of the screen. And no option to delete messages.
I am assuming CK is still working on fixing everything, though.

Which browser are you using?

Have you tried the Home key?
All functions? I don't think I have everything. Mostly everything except a way to quickly scroll to the top of the screen. And no option to delete messages.
I am assuming CK is still working on fixing everything, though.

Which browser are you using?
I switch often as I have several browsers but Firefox seems to be the one giving me the most trouble and I don't know why it would since it is a pretty good browser.
Yes Synthaholic very kindly gave me detailed instructions. But the thing is if you have widely separated posts on a fast moving thread, who wants to take the time to hunt back through dozens of post to find the second one to post? It is also a feature on another site I sometimes post on too--they also use this board format--so nested quotes is probably something it can't support, but I do think we'll lose something in quality or cohesiveness of debate. Maybe not. Probably most aren't as impatient about things like that as I am.

But you don't have to. Just click the tiny arrow next to the username and it will take you straight to the post you wish to quote.
By the way I noticed that in threads that existed before the change, multi-level nested quotes that were there before are nicely nested now and easy to read, so the software can handle it. Would be nice to have it work.
I would bet that the capability is in the software for all kinds of customization. They just have to get to all of it.
Haven't been able to check social groups. Have ZERO idea where to find them. This forum is hard work I tell ya. Based on the difficulty of quoting and following conversations I'll probably drop in from time to time and say hi but it doesn't look like I'll be able to be nearly as active as I was. Just a bit complicated.
I will find you...and drag you kicking and screaming back here. Keep that in mind. :cranky:

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