Is DSL. But it worked fine prior to the upgrade. 10s maybe.

Willing to believe though my 14 year rig is just showing it's age. :) p2 400 prolly has its share of the blame not being able to handle modern code.
You do realize that vBulletin was/is a resource hog compared to Xenforo (this is fact) so blaming your slow times on the conversion just won't fly. Check for packet loss
What more important stuff do they have to do?

Work a day job to pay for all this so you don't have to
Clean up our messes
Take care of their own families

Among other things, I'm sure.

And before you whine about the ads paying for the site, those ads help, but I'll bet a paycheck that they don't cover the costs. Been there, done that.
Lol, they signed up for the job and now you say they have more important things to do than their job. I bet you're a conservative.

No, that'd be a liberal tactic.... wait, nevermind. Liberals stay on welfare.

Their job isn't catering to whining pussies. If you're unhappy, shove off.
The only whining pussy I see here is you.

Oh look, a typical PeeWee retort

Sorry, but "I know you are, but what am I?" went out in the 90's.
you aren't worth a better effort.

Then don't bother hitting post, dipshit.
See ^ more whining. Thanks for proving my point.
You're a useful tool. :thup:

Judging by the above we need a "get a room you two" emoticon...
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Seems to me the new format doesn't cache. Even just hitting Back doesn't seem to be coming from cache either. Just my subjective impression though. But it's definitely a lot slower than the previous verison.

I'm pretty sure the old vBulletin site did the same thing. Had to hit refresh to see the last thing you did, and you still do.

One thing I've noticed that causes longer load times is when someone inserts images into a post, or their sig. When accessing those sites sometimes it'll hang adding time to the page load. Can overcome that by disabling images from all but usmb (so we can see our avatars.)

The sig images are way too big. If a poster makes a short post the image can dominate the whole thing and lose the message.

You know, you can disable images selectively with AdBlock. Say you're tired of seeing Mr. H's trojan horse -- right click, "block image" and it's gone forever, from all his posts. That's why I haven't had to deal with Mudwhistle's chewing thing for a long time. :)
You do realize that vBulletin was/is a resource hog compared to Xenforo (this is fact) so blaming your slow times on the conversion just won't fly. Check for packet loss

It's "slower" I said than vBulletin.Not objectively slow, just slower for me. And I also said doing 30 replies. Don't think the previous one was loading that many.
It's working fast as can be from this end, and on all of my devices.
I have not logged in on my PC yet, but this new format is much faster for me on my tablet. I'll test it on my PC when I get home tonight. There are some things I haven't been able to find on the tablet (who's following, who's my friend and other profile stuff) that I want to check on my PC.
I'm pretty sure the old vBulletin site did the same thing. Had to hit refresh to see the last thing you did, and you still do.

The sig images are way too big. If a poster makes a short post the image can dominate the whole thing and lose the message.

You know, you can disable images selectively with AdBlock. Say you're tired of seeing Mr. H's trojan horse -- right click, "block image" and it's gone forever, from all his posts. That's why I haven't had to deal with Mudwhistle's chewing thing for a long time. :)

Too many sites to click each to block them. Easier just to ignore em all but from one site, or which ever ones you grant exemptions to.
You should still run a tracert Delta. You should know whats going on with your DSL line. I'd be willing to bet you either have some packet loss or a ton of jumps before you get to this site (maybe even both) If you don't mind getting ripped off then be happy you're at least able to surf the net. DSL sucks asses ;)
I need that arrow badly but it doesn't seem to show in my window. I'm on Chrome, you?

Weird. I use Firefox and I don't have that arrow either.

A day or two after I posted that the red box with the "up" arrow appeared. No clue how or why, I hadn't changed anything. Now I couldn't live without it, saves an enormous amount of scrolling time.
I wish all you whiners would just shut up and use the forum.

The admin and mods have done a great job and have far more important stuff to do than read this tripe. :death:

If they have nmore important things to do they shouldnt start threads asking for this tripe.

For the record, I feel pretty much the same about you ass kissers as you feel about the people responding to threads started by the staff to address problems.
[ay a day job to pay for all this so you don't have to
Clean up our messes
Take care of their own families

Among other things, I'm sure.

And before you whine about the ads paying for the site, those ads help, but I'll bet a paycheck that they don't cover the costs. Been there, done that.

Like I said, they shouldn't start threads asking for input if they don't want to address the problems that their crappy software causes.

By the way, this forum is supported by advertising, not the staff. Your ass kissing is misplaced on that one.
[ay a day job to pay for all this so you don't have to
Clean up our messes
Take care of their own families

Among other things, I'm sure.

And before you whine about the ads paying for the site, those ads help, but I'll bet a paycheck that they don't cover the costs. Been there, done that.

Like I said, they shouldn't start threads asking for input if they don't want to address the problems that their crappy software causes.

By the way, this forum is supported by advertising, not the staff. Your ass kissing is misplaced on that one.
You should have seen the post he deleted :oops-28: We need an ass kisser smilie.
By the way, this forum is supported by advertising, not the staff.

Not a chance in hell, especially with jackasses shouting about AdBlock from the rooftops every chance they get.

Stop talking about things you clearly don't understand. Wait, why start now?

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