it is there to simply let you know that a post has been added to the page you are currently viewing.
it is there to simply let you know that a post has been added to the page you are currently viewing.
correct...instead of refreshing it will you know there has been activity. Very useful if you're in the process of reading and are going to exit after your done
That's not the only time it shows up, CK.

I've seen it hide 30+ posts.
I've had trouble turning off bold and italics it the text has been copied into the post. I've had to delete what I copied and retype it. If I turn these features on when typing, I have no trouble turning them off. It's only when I copy it into the post.
I believe you can highlight the text and click the remove formatting button over on the right.

I believe you can highlight the text and click the remove formatting button over on the right.

Yup that works I copied and pasted the first line, highlighted it and removed formatting/
I wish you people would quit whining about such minor things!

The admins and moderators have done a fantastic job with this software and I, for one, appreciate it. I look forward to coming here every day as it's, by far, better than any of the other forums I habituate.

:bow2: :beer:
I wish you people would quit whining about such minor things!

The admins and moderators have done a fantastic job with this software and I, for one, appreciate it. I look forward to coming here every day as it's, by far, better than any of the other forums I habituate.

:bow2: :beer:
I don't see it as whining. I just want to know how I can can make something work. There doesn't seem to be any documentation on the software. I agree the admins and moderators have done a good job. The software may have some bugs in it but it's better than what we had. My only problem has been figuring out the features and how to use them. I think most of the problems people have is caused by just not knowing how to use the software.
Anyway to see how many posts/person in a given thread? For instance if I posted 6-times & say.....Ibentoken posted say.....56-times?

We could do that before by clicking the sub-forum link, "Politics" for example, then clicking on the number of replies, on the right of the screen, that was a hyperlink. A seperate box would pop-up & one could see who replied to the thread and how many times each.
Anyway to see how many posts/person in a given thread? For instance if I posted 6-times & say.....Ibentoken posted say.....56-times?

We could do that before by clicking the sub-forum link, "Politics" for example, then clicking on the number of replies, on the right of the screen, that was a hyperlink. A seperate box would pop-up & one could see who replied to the thread and how many times each.
I've asked that a few times in this thread, with no response.

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