Official Thread for Denial of GreenHouse Effect and Radiative Physics.

Is that headhunter territory ?

You know where a headhunter would starve?

I'm a "denier" of the 4th kind...The warmers are lying sacks of Malthusian declinist shit.

The doomsayers have always ended up being proven wrong over time.

Get a new hobby.
When you see areas with poor ppl and no manufacturing and you as a democrat why. They say so I can breath clean air,, every time they say that 200 kids get addicted to meth, or children starve to death.. lefties need to be outlawed in America
When you see areas with poor ppl and no manufacturing and you as a democrat why. They say so I can breath clean air,, every time they say that 200 kids get addicted to meth, or children starve to death.. lefties need to be outlawed in America
wtf are you talking about ?
(no offense)
When you see areas with poor ppl and no manufacturing and you as a democrat why. They say so I can breath clean air,, every time they say that 200 kids get addicted to meth, or children starve to death.. lefties need to be outlawed in America
wtf are you talking about ?
(no offense)
We don’t have manufacturing in poor areas because democrats won’t allow it
We don’t have manufacturing in poor areas because democrats won’t allow it
Actually, most of our manufacturing that went away, outside the military (weapons) industry and auto manufacturing, was outsourced to China and elsewhere and the rest was replaced by robotics.

And the reason chemical & plastic companies and paper mills, etc, operate in largely "poor" areas is because they know with their revolving door at the EPA when the local water and air is polluted, and people are dying of cancer the worst they'll get is a fine and slap on the wrist.
We don’t have manufacturing in poor areas because democrats won’t allow it
Actually, most of our manufacturing that went away, outside the military (weapons) industry and auto manufacturing, was outsourced to China and elsewhere and the rest was replaced by robotics.

And the reason chemical & plastic companies and paper mills, etc, operate in largely "poor" areas is because they know with their revolving door at the EPA when the local water and air is polluted, and people are dying of cancer the worst they'll get is a fine and slap on the wrist.
Democrats have anti industrial zones in most urban areas. It’s pretty much impossible to bring it back,, why blacks are killing so much, and so many hooked on meth, democrats have destroyed America
How typical: The ChemEngineer OP fraud throws a question out there, you actually answer it, and a day later, the bum doesn't even visit his own thread or reply to it!
If "no" should we kill beavers to save trees?
In fact, does not matter will we kill trees or not. If you don't manage forests and don't do fire-protection logging, and gathering dead trees, it will be fire, that will clean all of it. Look at Australia, where the mad environmentalists were fighting against fire-prevention measures.

Right you are, Cat. Sick environmentalists (sic) did the same thing in Arizona, and it resulted in the biggest brush fire of all time. As for me, I do my part to protect trees by eating plenty of beaver. Absolutely love it as all real men do.
Actually, most of our manufacturing that went away, outside the military (weapons) industry and auto manufacturing, was outsourced to China and elsewhere and the rest was replaced by robotics.

Actually, unions and Democrats demanding higher and higher wages killed jobs because manufacturers couldn't compete with foreign manufacturers worldwide, whose employees don't earn what so many Leftist Americans call "a living wage."
Why don't Leftists demand laws against volunteering your time if failure to "earn a living wage" is so deadly?

And the reason chemical & plastic companies and paper mills, etc, operate in largely "poor" areas is because they know with their revolving door at the EPA when the local water and air is polluted, and people are dying of cancer the worst they'll get is a fine and slap on the wrist.

Those heavy manufacturing companies SHOULD, according to you, locate in the most expensive neighborhoods, such as Malibu and Century City, where they would have to pay many times more for the property. That makes so much sense you have to wonder why THEY didn't think of your brilliant idea.

Why don't you give us some examples of big businesses which have "polluted the local water and air" and killed people while getting "a fine and slap on the wrist."
I'd be very interested in seeing your list. Evidently you haven't heard of the countless number of settlements in the billions of dollars against manufacturers whose products have caused cancer. They're all over the television. Don't you ever watch television?
I hope we get past this stage of trying to demonize and discredit
one group or approach or another. And just focus on the reforms
we CAN agree on which is plenty to work on for sustainable living!

Ah, "sustainable living." As in hunter-gatherers, such as those 500 or so on North Sentinel Island in the Andaman Sea.

Do you have any idea of what the ONLY country on earth currently classified as "sustainable" is? Any idea? If you consider sustainability so very important, would you like to live there, before finding out where it is?

In case emilyngheim is afraid to respond, I'll provide answer for everyone else to put down this "sustainability" nonsense. The answer is Cuba. Cuba is THE only country currently listed as "sustainable." In other words, if you're so poor, you simply get by on beans and rice, it's good for the world and makes so-called "environmentalists" happy. Then they can go abroad on their "EcoTours" and feel good about how good they are.... to Mother Earth.... as they fly and drive around the world... and to Earth Day festivities... and to Trump Protests... and Freeway Blockages..... and to Statue Protests..... and to BLM Protests.....

How tiring it must be to virtue posture day after day after day. Fewf. They need a break. In both legs.
How typical: The ChemEngineer OP fraud throws a question out there, you actually answer it, and a day later, the bum doesn't even visit his own thread or reply to it!

1. This isn't my thread.
2. I have no idea what you are talking about, and obviously you don't either.
3. In the future, why don't you be specific. Be precise. Cite the "question" that so vexes you.
4. Now who's "the bum"? I know.
ChemEngineer is a radiative physics denier? ... why doesn't that surprise me ...

He's been bragging about have me on ignore ... what a moron ... someone quote me so he has to read this comment ...
So like 10,000 years of uranium left?
If that's God's plan, so be it.:26:

God's wants us to build fossil fuel power plants everyplace there's no electricity ... duh ... we're supposed to burn fossil fuels to better the human condition ... plus warm things up some ... who the hell likes snow? ...
Now you are getting it. Finally.
Save the uranium for submarines and space travel.
DING Pollution in this thread too.
Three Posts totaling 19 words on the last page, and ZERO topical content.
This guy has nothing to do.

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