Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

I forgot about that guy.
MSNBC has made itself the laughing stock of news journalism.
( which isn't easy passing CNN and Fox )
They all sell the same drugs and the same wars between propaganda segments....although Fox has redeemed itself at times on that issue.
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Sure that's gotta be it.
It is so impressive how you guys engage in civil discourse to promote the free exchange of ideas on the USMB.

Oh look, I can see your ass again. His statement was stupid, deal with it.
And you're so fucking brilliant that you have to respond to a plausible theory by calling someone a moron . That make you look stupid and shows that you don't have a lot of confidence in your own bullshit

LOL, your "brilliance" is "terrifying".

You're every bit as stupid as he is.

Trump's evening for the ages: When he learned Mueller was done - CNNPolitics
Whether the end of Mueller's probe means the end of Trump's long legal albatross, or just the beginning, is largely a matter for Congress and the various other prosecutors who have taken on ancillary investigations.

LOL, you must understand little man, not EVERYONE lives in your binary world. I certainly don't. Nothing will happen to Trump, nothing will happen to Bitchlary, nothing will happen to Barry or Comey or Rosenstein. Starting to understand?
Chris Mathews makes wild statements to get ratings. He is one of those supremacist northeast liberals who regards all of the middle class white voters who live outside of NYC, LA and Chicago to be inferior people. There seems to be a lot of anti-wasp sentiment in his commentary.
Just gonna note liberals also seem to be upset over the announcement of the defeat of ISIS.

With the Russia witch hunt over it will be interesting to watch how TRUMP responds to the never-TRUMP nonsense he's been putting up with from McConnell.

I agree....the Turtle is no friend or ally of the President but he's getting our judges confirmed and stopping the crazies in the House from even getting a vote for their nonsense in the we'll keep him at arm's length, remember what he is, and use him for our purposes.
And we thought we would have to wait until 2020 to see more elites crying on TV. Trump is year round winning.
No. One. Cried.

Yes. She. Did.

First 3 seconds of the video shows her in tears and the rest of the video is the guy consoling her. The cameraman went to the guy talking when he saw madcow crying. Hes like oh shit shes crying again! You can see the wet under her eyes. And rapid eye blinking is a common thing in someone who is getting emotional.

Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.

Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Probably because she has been gloating about getting trump for so long. So here she is hoist on her own petard. She had so wrapped herself up in a delusion that when it came crashing down she had no defense. And, she will get no sympathy because she has exhibited none.

I've never watched MSNBC or her show (if she has one). I only recognize her from the clips I see here talking about her all the time.

I suppose I would feel the same as you to see Hannity's chin quiver for two seconds if Trump were impeached. Or I might just chalk it up to his being a human being who cares deeply about a certain cause.
....THIS shows how fkuped they are--how they are like nazis = he's saying ''how can they let an innocent person off the hook?''
he's a JACKASS nazi

He never asked any such question. You should watch the show. He said "For those of you who are asking 'How can they not charge him', this is why", and he proceded to outline why there would be no indictments, but that this did not mean that Trump was in the clear.

But Gateway Pundit has to twist what he said into something else entirely, which is what the right does constantly.

All this celebrating on the right today is just so desperate sounding. The fear is all over your posts.
Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.

I'm pretty sure he was considered under oath when he filled out Mueller's written questions. If he lied on that, he would be held just as liable as if he lied in an interview.
I'm pretty sure he was considered under oath when he filled out Mueller's written questions. If he lied on that, he would be held just as liable as if he lied in an interview.
I'm pretty sure Trump's lawyers either supplied the answers to Mueller's written questions directly, or they carefully edited the president's responses; Trump would have found the process much more stressful if he had to sit down and answer questions spontaneously.
That's why people have lawyers, moron.
That's why people have lawyers, moron.
What kind of lawyers does Trump have?

Roy Cohn: Joe McCarthy's henchman and Donald Trump's mentor

"The presidency has become a branding opportunity.

"The president has played golf at his properties dozens of times since taking office. He refers to his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, as the winter White House.

"Shortly after his election, he celebrated New Year’s along with 800 guests there, with tickets costing more than $500.

"And Kellyanne Conway, a top Trump adviser, once encouraged people to buy clothes from Ivanka Trump’s line — while Conway was giving a television interview from the White House.

"These moves are intended, at least partly, to bring attention and ultimately customers to Trump’s businesses.

"Of course, some of Trump’s critics have responded in kind, refusing to stay at or live in a Trump-branded property since he won the election.

"But in other ways, the presidency has clearly helped his bottom line. One example: The Mar-a-Lago club has doubled its membership rates.

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List
And we thought we would have to wait until 2020 to see more elites crying on TV. Trump is year round winning.
No. One. Cried.

Yes. She. Did.

First 3 seconds of the video shows her in tears and the rest of the video is the guy consoling her. The cameraman went to the guy talking when he saw madcow crying. Hes like oh shit shes crying again! You can see the wet under her eyes. And rapid eye blinking is a common thing in someone who is getting emotional.

Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.

Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Because she's nuts. And to many nuts have power in this nation. It is just a report. It is like that we are going to have to put up with this for the next 6 years. There is nothing worse then propagandized progressive socialist zealots. The harbingers of destruction.
The MSM's continuous fake news stories have been exposed as lies and now they only have the hope that SDNY or some other Hail Mary will eventually land on Trump. Trump's legitimate first two years were stolen by the MSM, whose 93% negative coverage was disgraceful. The dems only have their bullshit House investigations to lie about now. They have no legislation that voters would support, so they need to tread water until 2020, then the voters get to decide which party they want in charge.

Matthews' won't get another thrill up his leg for a long long time.
Maddow might enjoy a rug sandwich, but her lies about Trump have really left a bitter taste in her mouth...
"Imagine, just imagine, if Mueller had been silent for past 2 years, held everything back, & then on Fri evening, announced 37 (!) indictments, including of Trump's lawyer, national security adviser & campaign manager. We'd be in shock. The White House would be in chaos & crisis." - Marvelous Mehdi Hasan
Just gonna note liberals also seem to be upset over the announcement of the defeat of ISIS.

With the Russia witch hunt over it will be interesting to watch how TRUMP responds to the never-TRUMP nonsense he's been putting up with from McConnell.

I agree....the Turtle is no friend or ally of the President but he's getting our judges confirmed and stopping the crazies in the House from even getting a vote for their nonsense in the we'll keep him at arm's length, remember what he is, and use him for our purposes.
Newsflash..they ain't your judges...they're wholly owned by Big Business
Sorry their girl lost.

The whole bullshit was based upon a fake document by the Crooked Hillary campaign.

Just another example of how dishonest the Democrats are.

still calling her crooked Hillary I see, how about we start calling crooked Donald and family. Sounds about right.

Still bitterly clinging to your hatred of all things Trump? You are pathetic!

Him and his family and SIL, I despise crooks and arrogance.
"It's remarkable that now both ultra-left MSBNC are ultra-right Qanons are both saying Mueller was secretly working for Trump and that there are tons of "secret sealed indictments"

We have now entered conspiracy horseshoe theory

Fascinating" - Posobiec
Former federal prosecutor Dirty Joe diGenova: “The current United States ambassador Marie Yovanovitch has bad mouthed the President of the United States to Ukrainian officials and has told them not to listen or worry about Trump policy because he’s going to be impeached.”
CNN reporting from West Palm Beach not from Palm Beach. Two different worlds. I wonder if they are allowed to go across the bridge?
"Alex Jones apologized for Sandy Hook. Will the media apologize for Russiagate?" - President Trump

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