Official USMB Mafia Game #1

Alright, I'll go with the flow.

Vote: Moonglow

Ya know...ive been thinking about this.

going with the flow is what sheeple do.... and the bad guys WHAT us to go with the flow...they count on it. think hitler and how everyone just went with the flow ... until it was to late. And i dont like being sheeple...... shit

Does this mean anything? Syrenn calls dblack sheeple and she ends up dead?

im still leaning towards blackflag right now. Maybe Mani.
I may have to go through dblack's posts a little more now.

The mafia doesn't know who the cop is any more than the rest of us. So voting for Rosie makes me no more suspect than anyone else. Anyway, defending other players can be a legitimate tell, which is what I was going on. It can also be meaningless and wrong, which it turned out to be. That first round is mostly just random.

Losing another townie will be a big blow, and despite our initial good fortune, we can still lose this game. I've played these games before and I always make it a strategy of not lying. I'll omit, and obfuscate, if I'm mafia - but I don't lie outright because doing that has a way of 'leaking', at least when I do it. So I'm telling you outright, I'm a vanilla townie. Do with that what you will.

As for myself, I'm leaning toward Blackflag or Mertex, but I haven't had time to pore over the posting history just yet. More later.

I think you are probably right abou blackflag. I am not sold on mertex. Ive seen nothing really suspicious from her.
I may have to go through dblack's posts a little more now.

The mafia doesn't know who the cop is any more than the rest of us. So voting for Rosie makes me no more suspect than anyone else. Anyway, defending other players can be a legitimate tell, which is what I was going on. It can also be meaningless and wrong, which it turned out to be. That first round is mostly just random.

Losing another townie will be a big blow, and despite our initial good fortune, we can still lose this game. I've played these games before and I always make it a strategy of not lying. I'll omit, and obfuscate, if I'm mafia - but I don't lie outright because doing that has a way of 'leaking', at least when I do it. So I'm telling you outright, I'm a vanilla townie. Do with that what you will.

As for myself, I'm leaning toward Blackflag or Mertex, but I haven't had time to pore over the posting history just yet. More later.

I've even played where lies were not allowed, makes it very tense :lol:

I don't think a vote for Rosie is indicative of anything. I believed her protests were truthful, but like a dummy I didn't follow through and back her last vote.

But I can see others seeing the opposite, we just have no solid leads (my cop talk, dedicated to poor Rosie...sniff sniff )

You may be right. They could have targeted her because she gets us to turn on one another.
Definitely sticking with blackflag. He's super suspicious and I think the Reds are just trying to mess with our minds right now. Im thinking the kills are randomized to throw suspicion at this point.
I know I am totally confused. This is my first time playing so I have no idea what I'm doing. :lol:
Is there anyone that both Syrenn and Rosie voted for before the two lynchings? I will have to go look.

Syrenn was dead set on getting rid of CK, never changed. She posted that maybe she should change her mind, but never did. And she must have been the one that took him out.

Rosie was coming after me, she thought I was too forcefull in going after SB. I was going after SB because she wasn't saying much, wasn't voting, and maybe BF is the same way as SB, they just don't say much or vote and are not really red mafia. I thought for sure Rosie and SB were partners, since she defended SB.

Maybe Manifold and Blackflag, since Mani is out, maybe that is why BF hasn't said much. Now I'm totally baffled. Whoever is red mafia sure is playing dumb and flying under the radar...:mad:
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I think each Scum knows the ID of the other Scums. Dunno if each Scum team can be pitted against the other.

Since this is a game of psychology, Avatar is Town.

Look at any of his posts - verbose and in rapidfire succession. Has not changed a whit in this thread.

So I am pretty sure Avatar and Moonglow are both Town. Psychology wise.

Again, let me advise that it would be a dumbass move to lynch Rosie.

My vote to lynch CK remains. So far.

Regards from Rosie

Alright. We have to go on something, and it's going to be very little in this first round, but I'll grab at this. Trying to clear other players seems suspicious to me. Scum looking out for scum? Maybe not, but I got nothing else.

Vote: Rosie

First, person to cast a vote for our officer. Is it significant?

No, not really. They know who each other is but they (red mafia) have no idea who has what role in the Town, so if they came after Rosie it was just a guess. I think we should vote Mani off, because he's not here, so it really won't make a difference, since he can't even vote, but if he turns out to be Townie, then we have eliminated one of our three suspects, and that will only leave the other two.

Vote: Manifold
Just because mani was coming after me, I don't have a problem voting for him. But would that get us the biggest bang for the lynch?
At this point in time, I have no idea who would be the best bang for the lynch. So I think I'm going to go with mani.

Vote: Manifold
In any case. losing both our bulletproof and cop is a setback. We need to make this lynching count.

A setback? It gives the advantage to the scum. And we don't know if Rosie's hints were because of investigation or just her observations.

Shame we didn't think up some strategy with the cop and the dr on day one. If the group had realized Rosie was the cop, we could have protected her from night attacks.
Just because mani was coming after me, I don't have a problem voting for him. But would that get us the biggest bang for the lynch?

Well, the way I see it, he's not here, he doesn't vote, so he's no help. Even if we make a mistake with him, we are no worse off.
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 496
User Name Posts
Avatar4321 140
Shaitra 40
Mertex 38
strollingbones 36
R.D. 35
syrenn 34
dblack 31
manifold 29
cereal_killer 27
Moonglow 26
Wake 26
RosieS 18
MeBelle60 14
BlackFlag 2
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BlackFlag hasn't posted since the first day, although he has posted since then in other threads.

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] Could you prod BlackFlag please?
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At this point in time, I have no idea who would be the best bang for the lynch. So I think I'm going to go with mani.

Vote: Manifold

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] Can we vote for someone that clearly isn't here to defend themselves?

Not questioning your vote Shaitra. Merely need some clarification.
At this point in time, I have no idea who would be the best bang for the lynch. So I think I'm going to go with mani.

Vote: Manifold

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] Can we vote for someone that clearly isn't here to defend themselves?

Not questioning your vote Shaitra. Merely need some clarification.

Good question
vote: mertex

she is trying to fly under the radar

Oh crap, Strollingbones, you sure had me fooled...maybe if you had sounded more like a townie I wouldn't have come after you....

but you're supposed to be dead, so how's you talkiing?

Now they'll all come after me and destroy another Townie..tsk, tsk....

I may have to go through dblack's posts a little more now.

The mafia doesn't know who the cop is any more than the rest of us. So voting for Rosie makes me no more suspect than anyone else. Anyway, defending other players can be a legitimate tell, which is what I was going on. It can also be meaningless and wrong, which it turned out to be. That first round is mostly just random.

Losing another townie will be a big blow, and despite our initial good fortune, we can still lose this game. I've played these games before and I always make it a strategy of not lying. I'll omit, and obfuscate, if I'm mafia - but I don't lie outright because doing that has a way of 'leaking', at least when I do it. So I'm telling you outright, I'm a vanilla townie. Do with that what you will.

As for myself, I'm leaning toward Blackflag or Mertex, but I haven't had time to pore over the posting history just yet. More later.


Scum do lie.

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