Official USMB Mafia Game #1

No one seems to be defending blackflag. So unless his partner is mani, maybe that means he isn't scum? Or his partner enough is not going to say anything

Or maybe blackflag and mani are scum?

Could be, maybe that is why Blackflag isn't saying anything, because he doesn't have anyone to talk to about what needs to be done? But, they did take out maybe he only comes out at night?

That's why I think we should take out Manifold, he's not really being any help to us even if he turns up to be Townie.

When I looked yesterday, BlackFlag hadn't posted on the board since May 5th. I don't know where that leaves him in the game.

I think a rules clarification is in order for both the pink guy and BlackFlag.
It's odd, everyone is so impatient for wake to get the kill scenes done so we can start the game back up, and yet now that the game is up practically everyone is saying nothing. We don't have to lynch anyone right away but we should at least be talking.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] what are the vote count at the moment?

It is Mother's Day and people could have other things going on IRL you know.

My mom is definitely not scum!

^^^What a good son!^^^
It's odd, everyone is so impatient for wake to get the kill scenes done so we can start the game back up, and yet now that the game is up practically everyone is saying nothing. We don't have to lynch anyone right away but we should at least be talking.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] what are the vote count at the moment?

It is Mother's Day and people could have other things going on IRL you know.

My mom is definitely not scum!

Maybe her son is.
Incoming vote count.

Was very busy today. Sorry.
Vote Count 3.1

No Vote (5): Blackflag, R.D., dblack, mebelle60, Manifold

Blackflag (1): Avatar4321
Manifold (2): Mertex, Shaitra

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop - RosieS
Town Doctor - ?
Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof) - strollingbones
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - Cereal_Killer
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie- ?
Red Mafia Roleblocker - ?
Red Mafia Goon - ?
Blue Mafia Roleblocker - Syrenn
Blue Mafia Goon - Moonglow

~ With 8 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
~ Deadline for Day 2 is 5/16/14, 4pm central time.

~ You may vote for any living player; I'm hoping his ban ends soon. Prodding Blackflag again. If he doesn't respond, either that slot will be killed, or I'll have to find a new player.
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OP edited for your convenience. :wink_2:
~ You may vote for any living player; I'm hoping his ban ends soon. Prodding Blackflag again. If he doesn't respond, either that slot will be killed, or I'll have to find a new player.

I would not want a replacement player for BlackFlag. It would be like starting over again.
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I've debated but i still think blackflag is the best candidate right now.

The problem I see going forward though is the vote is even 2 for BF and 2 for Mani. Even if dblack and R.D. both go the same way behind one of the two choices that people have made, there wont be a 5th vote without mani or blackflag voting.

That's even assuming they vote for mani and blackflag.

One of those who has already voted will likely have to make a switch at some point.
Completely side note: If we do vote to lynch blackflag, any idea where to find him to do it?
My vote for mani is one of self preservation. He was gunning for me before he got pinked. I'm afraid if we take out blackflag, I will be the next one lynched. :dunno:

But for now, I'm going back to bed. I just got up to get some more meds to try and bring my fever down. And of course I can't stay away from this addictive game. :lol:
Completely side note: If we do vote to lynch blackflag, any idea where to find him to do it?


Due to other votes there is little choice. I would think if BF was scum his partner would be prodding him at this point...unless, of course his partner is in the pink and unable to.
In the interest in moving this game along, I'll change my vote.

Vote: blackflag
looks like it's a 4 to 1 vote at this point. If mani ends up getting unbanned he could cast a deciding vote. Dblack could at this point as well or mertex could change her vote.

Of course, we could also all switch to someone else if we really wanted to. I don't see any reason to.
Fine, in the interest of moving the game along, and since we're all just guessing, still, I will change my vote to Blackflag, but if Blackflag turns out to be a Townie, I'm going to be really suspicious of Avatar, whom I have thought all along was a Townie, but his push for saving Mani and switching to Blackflag has made me think that perhaps he and Manifold are the Red Mafia. Blackflag isn't much help anyway.


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