Official USMB Mafia Game #1

It's mostly just to get rid of dead weight since he is not participating.

That's not a good reason. In fact, it's a pretty bad reason.

If he responds to Wake's poke and says he's still playing, then he immediately becomes a suspect and I'll vote him too. But if he bows out and Wake has to find a replacement, that's advantage townies, since we could be fairly certain he wouldn't have bagged out if he was mafia.

My money is on Avatar. She seems a little out of her comfort zone, which to me indicates a bit of a struggle to handle the duplicitous demands of a mafia role.
Cant win. Mertex thinks im supsicious for not voting for mani. Mani thinks im suspicious for not voting for mani. Nevermind that half of the rest of the board was looking at blackflag as well.

is it took late to swing the vote to mani to make everyone happy? lol
Cant win. Mertex thinks im supsicious for not voting for mani. Mani thinks im suspicious for not voting for mani. Nevermind that half of the rest of the board was looking at blackflag as well.

is it took late to swing the vote to mani to make everyone happy? lol

^Dead giveaway. :D

Vote: Avatar :cool:
Cant win. Mertex thinks im supsicious for not voting for mani. Mani thinks im suspicious for not voting for mani. Nevermind that half of the rest of the board was looking at blackflag as well.

is it took late to swing the vote to mani to make everyone happy? lol

^Dead giveaway. :D

Vote: Avatar :cool:

So far mertex, shaitra, and I are scum in your book. Mertex for voting for someone else and suspecting you. Shaitra for agreeing with her. and me for voting for someone else.

Casting suspicion on everyone. My guess is your scum and you are naming everyone who is innocent and willing to vote for you to keep attention from yourself.
What the heck

Vote:Manifold. Should have done it this afternoon.

Dont even know if I can change votes after we've reached a majority but before wake counts.
Cant win. Mertex thinks im supsicious for not voting for mani. Mani thinks im suspicious for not voting for mani. Nevermind that half of the rest of the board was looking at blackflag as well.

is it took late to swing the vote to mani to make everyone happy? lol

^Dead giveaway. :D

Vote: Avatar :cool:

So far mertex, shaitra, and I are scum in your book. Mertex for voting for someone else and suspecting you. Shaitra for agreeing with her. and me for voting for someone else.

Casting suspicion on everyone. My guess is your scum and you are naming everyone who is innocent and willing to vote for you to keep attention from yourself.

I no longer suspect Mertex and Shaitra, but your attempted obfuscation is duly noted... hopefully by more than just me. :badgrin:
^Dead giveaway. :D

Vote: Avatar :cool:

So far mertex, shaitra, and I are scum in your book. Mertex for voting for someone else and suspecting you. Shaitra for agreeing with her. and me for voting for someone else.

Casting suspicion on everyone. My guess is your scum and you are naming everyone who is innocent and willing to vote for you to keep attention from yourself.

I no longer suspect Mertex and Shaitra, but your attempted obfuscation is duly noted... hopefully by more than just me. :badgrin:

Interesting. So you suspect them. They vote for you, switch their vote and suddenly you no longer suspect them? Kind of convenient when you need their support dont you think?
Vote Count 3.2

No Vote (2): Blackflag, Manifold

Blackflag (5): Avatar4321, mebelle, R.D., Mertex, dblack
Manifold (1): Shaitra

A majority vote is met.


"B-BU-BUT what do you MEAN I'm being lynched? What the hell WHY?!," Blackflag exclaimed in exasperated consternation.

"Probably because you've been reminded twice and have been lurking across USMB all this time...," one aggravated Townie hissed.

"S-So... you're just gonna lynch all lurkers, huh? Where's the fun in that?," came a pipsqueeked response.

"Where's the fun in you not being able to post just once in a whole damn week?," another pissed off Townie roared. "Enough, let's lynch this fucker."

*Struggle*, *struggle*, *STRUGGLE*



And that was the end of that.

Blackflag was a Vanilla Townie.

Night 3 ends 5/14/14, at 7 pm central.

Please submit your Night actions via PM.

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Within the dawn of the morning light, one of the female villagers was preparing her famous, favorite oatmeal. "This is gonna be such a great day," she mused, impatient to eat her breakfast and get going on her plans. "I think I'll do some gardening first, and then have some tea, too." :D

A little while later she was at her garden shed, fumbling with the lock to open it up. What she saw next messed her day up so thoroughly that she'll never eat oatmeal again.


Mebelle60, Vanilla Townie, has been found in a pool of dark blood.

It is now Day 4.

With 6 players alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

Deadline ends 5/21/14, 7am central.

Also, this is important: If Town mislynches by killing another Townie today, and the Town Doctor doesn't protect a Townie from death Night 4, the game ends. Scum wins when their number, 2, is equal to or greater than that of Town's numbers. This is the endgame, folks. Don't cast your votes too soon, either, because both Scum can jump on that wagon. I wish you guys good luck!

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop - RosieS
Town Doctor - ?
Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof) - strollingbones
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - Blackflag
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - Cereal_Killer
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie- Mebelle60
Red Mafia Roleblocker - ?
Red Mafia Goon - ?
Blue Mafia Roleblocker - Syrenn
Blue Mafia Goon - Moonglow
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As I indicated in the other thread, I'm leaning toward Avatar at this point. But we need to give it plenty of thought because, as Wake has suggested, this vote is pretty much the game. If it's not Avatar, it's almost certainly Mani as he's the one most enthused at nabbing Avi. What do you guys think? Is it someone else altogether?
So anyone have the list handy of who is still in the game


who am i missing?
As I indicated in the other thread, I'm leaning toward Avatar at this point. But we need to give it plenty of thought because, as Wake has suggested, this vote is pretty much the game. If it's not Avatar, it's almost certainly Mani as he's the one most enthused at nabbing Avi. What do you guys think? Is it someone else altogether?

I hope you're right. We've only got 6 players left....I was thinking that Mebelle60 was one because she was so anxioux for Wake to do the count...and I though..AHA! why is she in such a hurry? Now it turns out she was a Townie all along.


Could Shaitra be playing us, she has been very cooperative and not threatening, or Avatar, kinda leading us astray with BF, or could it be Manifold, whom I have suspected for some time but came back acting too much like a Townie wanting to take Avatar out? How about R.D., going along not really making too much waves, hmmmm or dblack, who jumped right in after the kill and is suggesting we go after our leader, Avatar? hmmmm, I'm still as confused as I was the first day. After we got Moonglow I thought this was going to be a cakewalk, and you scum, have covered your tracks pretty damn well.

So who was Mebelle going after? You would think they would kill the one that was most threatening, we need to figure that out.
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I understand a number of you guys are looking to lynch me today. This is a very key vote. If you end up lynching me the scum win.

Unfortunately, I have to work and can't fully argue my case at the moment. I know the scum want us to rush this decision, please don't do that. If you rush into a lynch they have won. We need to make sure we vote for the scum this round.

Clearly mani ended up being right about blackflag yesterday. If he had been more active I wouldn't have necessarily suspected him. But let's make sure we do a clear evaluation of everyone. If you still think it's me at the end of the day, you can lynch me, but just know that if you do the scum wins.

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