Official USMB Mafia Game #1

Right now the people at the top of my list are: RD, dblack, and manifold. RD and dblack because they have both been pretty quiet in the game. Flying under the radar? Manifold because he didn't get replaced. If he was a townie, it seems it wouldn't matter if he was replaced. But if he was scum, then replacing him could have been a big change in the game.
I'm quiet because I'm not too bright. I never once guessed who might be hit and I was wrong about SB, but thought I was right. I'm full of remorse :lol:
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I suspect dblack the least at this point.

He just hasn't tripped my radar. If he's that good at being mafia in this game then my hat's off to him.

Now I need to think about who next to eliminate from consideration. :eusa_think:
I also believe him when he says he's another vanilla townie. Which means the doctor is somebody else?

I have no idea who that might be at this point, but I plead with you to protect me or dblack if we need it.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] Does the doctor get to specify who to protect, and if so when do they have to tell you?
Who posted
Avatar4321 166 - ??
Shaitra 51 - ??
Mertex 48 - ??
R.D. 42 - ??
manifold 41 - vanilla townie (known)
dblack 37 - vanilla townie (educated guess)
strollingbones 36 - vanilla townie bulletproof
syrenn 34 - Mafia
Wake 31 - The Watchmaker
MeBelle60 29 - Vanilla Townie
cereal_killer 27 - Vanilla Townie
Moonglow 26 - Mafia
RosieS 18 - Townie Cop
BlackFlag 2 - Vanilla Townie

I understand a number of you guys are looking to lynch me today. This is a very key vote. If you end up lynching me the scum win.

Unfortunately, I have to work and can't fully argue my case at the moment. I know the scum want us to rush this decision, please don't do that. If you rush into a lynch they have won. We need to make sure we vote for the scum this round.

Clearly mani ended up being right about blackflag yesterday. If he had been more active I wouldn't have necessarily suspected him. But let's make sure we do a clear evaluation of everyone. If you still think it's me at the end of the day, you can lynch me, but just know that if you do the scum wins.

This is about the closest thing to a smoking gun as it gets. Right now my money is on Avatar for sure.

I'd still like to know who the first three votes for blackflag were. Was Avatar at least one of them? I've tried to read through to find out for myself, but this site keeps locking my browser.
Actually, I'd like to know the complete order of votes for blackflag. It's very likely that the deciding vote was the second mafia scum.

btw, fellow townies, I can't believe you were so damn stupid as to jump on the blackflag bandwagon. We were gifted a near certainty and you dumbarses pissed it away. That's all I have to say about that.
OK, it took a while, but here is the order of votes cast against blackflag.

Avatar - (suspected scum)
Mebelle - vanilla townie
R.D. - ??
Shaitra - ??
Mertex - ?? <<-technically the deciding vote, although possibly not aware at the time of how it works.
dblack - (suspected vanilla townie)

Avatar tried to change her pick to me after the fact, which wouldn't have changed the outcome regardless.

Yup, I'm still leaning toward Avatar... heavily.
If Avatar is not scum, then she was played like a Stradivarius by the mafia.

If dblack is scum, then I suck at this game.

I don't need any more convincing for this round.

Vote: Avatar

just remember, the game only ends if we lynch a townie. if we correctly lynch scum then the game continues.
Mani could only have known BF was a Townie is if he were scum

Quite possible. But I am not sure mani is scum. I think i'd be more suspicious if it wasn't for the ban. He can be a dick, but I am not sure if he is scum.

But the fact is all of us except Mertex were thinking blackflag was suspicious. Everyone except mani voted for him.
Mani could only have known BF was a Townie is if he were scum

In which case he'd have had no reason to raise our doubts. But then, he only did so after we'd cast a majority vote. Hmmmm

I don't think he was back until after we cast the final vote. So he couldn't have raised them before hand.

But doing so does take the suspicion off him. Tactic? I am not sure.
Who were the first three votes for blackflag?

anybody look this up yet?

Me, Mebelle, and Shai, though R.D. and Dblack both stated they were leaning towards him. Mertex switched when it became apparently we weren't looking at you. I believe that was the order. But id have to double check.

Odd think is, no one really argued for anyone else other mertex. I was considering changing my vote to support kicking you off, but i thought id wait to see how the others voted.

I was a bit suspicious of dblack yesterday. Syrenn called him a sheeple at the end of day one. She ends up dead. He and Rosie voting for one another on day one and she ends up dead on day two. he usually waits to the end to vote and goes with the mob, though he interjects thoughts earlier on.

I'm also starting to suspect mertex. She was pushing hard for mani yesterday and instead switched to vote blackflag when we started leaning in that direction. She could have made a more persuasive argument. And now that mani is back and was aiming at me yesterday she and dblack are also both leaning towards me. I would have expected her to remain consistent and go after mani. It's a bit of a shift.

I am also suspecting shai for her shift yesterday. And she seems like she is trying to avoid notice. And R.D is shady to me since he always waits towards the end and votes for where the mob is going. Doesn't say much for his reasoning. Tries not to be noticed.

Fact is I am suspicious of all of you for various reasons. But it does seem like there are a few people pushing to lynch me today. Is it a coincidence that mebelle was killed last night and all the people who are leaning toward me are still alive? She might have voted for me if she thought i was guilty, but she is also very clever.

Who knows. I think im leaning toward mertex and/or dblack right now. But I think I'll wait and see what they do and say and what others do and say as well.
I also believe him when he says he's another vanilla townie. Which means the doctor is somebody else?

I have no idea who that might be at this point, but I plead with you to protect me or dblack if we need it.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] Does the doctor get to specify who to protect, and if so when do they have to tell you?

I just read the doctor role and s/he has to pm Wake who to protect (other than themselves), so I'd recommend you definitely pick me or dblack, because I'm guessing the scum is going to go after one of the other remaining townies, hoping to get the doctor who cannot protect him/herself. But if I'm wrong about Avatar and we lynch her, our chances are pretty much cooked even if the doctor does manage to protect the mafia's chosen target.

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