Official USMB Mafia Game #1

Rosie said .." The way they are fighting like brother and sister - next time Bones and Avatar should be a Mafia team."

Implicating Avatar?

Mani said:
Who were the first three votes for blackflag? at least one of them is mafia
Avatar was first went after BF hard as well.
at least one of them is mafia

I was one of the first to suggest BF, but I'm sure as hell not mafia, I've been going on assumptions and only once (Moonglow) was I right. Take me out and you'll be in worse shape. I wanted to take you out last time, and Avatar talked me out of it, are you and Avatar conspiring and making it look like you're townies.

You were the one person who has actually found scum to lynch. And you have voted for mani.

We were wrong about SB. She was acting suspicious. Considering he is leading a mob against me for not voting for him, i am seriously wishing I didn't vote for blackflag last round.
Rosie said .." The way they are fighting like brother and sister - next time Bones and Avatar should be a Mafia team."

Implicating Avatar?

Mani said:
Who were the first three votes for blackflag? at least one of them is mafia
Avatar was first went after BF hard as well.

She said next time though. Was that day one or day two? because if it's day two she could have investigated me and knew i am a townie.

Of course, she could have investigated SB and found that she was a townie.

If she was implicating me she was implicated SB as well. We have regretfully learned that SB was a townie. So I tend to think she was just commenting that we pair the two going at each other next time.
Rosie said .." The way they are fighting like brother and sister - next time Bones and Avatar should be a Mafia team."

Implicating Avatar?

Mani said:
Who were the first three votes for blackflag? at least one of them is mafia
Avatar was first went after BF hard as well.

She said next time though. Was that day one or day two? because if it's day two she could have investigated me and knew i am a townie.

Of course, she could have investigated SB and found that she was a townie.

If she was implicating me she was implicated SB as well. We have regretfully learned that SB was a townie. So I tend to think she was just commenting that we pair the two going at each other next time.

Next time would mean next game. I think she was telling us it's you, too bad I'm slow :lol:
I know Mani is begging for the doctor to protect either him or dblack. And i thought maybe that's a smoking gun of him and dblack being the scum. But maybe he is doing that so if he get's lynched dblack is the suspect next round.

If they are the scum, then dblack will not vote for mani today. They are going to stay united.

But if it's not dblack, mertex maybe? Shaitra? Was mani targeting her to make it look like they weren't together? He cast suspicion on both but only voted for Shaitra.

If mani is partnered with either of them I expect them to stay united too.

I disinclined to think mani is partnered with mertex just because of how they were both gunning for each other earlier, but that could have been a way to through us off.

I think the best bet is still mani and dblack.

I was uninterested in voting for BF and had been saying "vote Manifold" until everyone took your advice and went for BF. I figured I might as well join in since BF wasn't being much help anyway.....and I didn't have anyone else's support. Had some of you joined me I would have stayed with mani, but now I'm thinking you and him may be partners and doing a good job of pointing fingers at others.

But then, the ones that immediately went with your suggestion may be the scum, who looked for the perfect opportunity to take out one of our townies without appearing suspicious by naming a townie first, like Shaitra. dblack or R.D.
I'm really torn. Both mani AND Avatar are making the strongest cases. Surely one or the other of them is scum, but which? Have we given much thought to who the partner might be ? Could it be both of them? I thought I was sort of paranoid before this game started, but.... :dunno:
After I missed on CK I said I was going to sit back and see what's what.

That's exactly what I did (even aided by a little pink eye. :D)

When I got back I was immediately disgusted by the decision to lynch blackflag which still has me shaking my head.

Now that I've seen what's what (two more days unfolded), I'm convinced that the fastest horse in this race is Avatar.

Somebody other than Avatar or Mertex want to convince me otherwise, I'm listening.
I know Mani is begging for the doctor to protect either him or dblack. And i thought maybe that's a smoking gun of him and dblack being the scum. But maybe he is doing that so if he get's lynched dblack is the suspect next round.
That doesn't make sense...if Mani and dblack were scum, why would mani want dblack to be suspect next round if mani were to get lynched?
After I missed on CK I said I was going to sit back and see what's what.

That's exactly what I did (even aided by a little pink eye. :D)

When I got back I was immediately disgusted by the decision to lynch blackflag which still has me shaking my head.

Now that I've seen what's what (two more days unfolded), I'm convinced that the fastest horse in this race is Avatar.

Somebody other than Avatar or Mertex want to convince me otherwise, I'm listening.

I'll give you this, mani. If you are scum, you're one slick customer. Bill Clinton got nothing on you!
Guys think about what mani said. He wants the doctor, whomever that may be to protect him and dblack.

If you lynch me and the doctor does what mani asks and they are mafia, they win.

If we lynch mani today and he is the scum, then he might be setting dblack up for a lynch tomorrow, which will again lead to a win for the scum.

I don't know if mani and dblack are working together or whether mani is setting dblack up for his partner to swoop in tomorrow he dies. I've been thinking since yesterday dblack is either scum or the mafia is setting him up.

Either way, if you lynch me the scum win.
I know Mani is begging for the doctor to protect either him or dblack. And i thought maybe that's a smoking gun of him and dblack being the scum. But maybe he is doing that so if he get's lynched dblack is the suspect next round.
That doesn't make sense...if Mani and dblack were scum, why would mani want dblack to be suspect next round if mani were to get lynched?

I've been thinking that too.

Maybe it was a tactic to get dblack to vote with him against me or maybe setting up for the next round.

Makes me suspicious of Shaitra and R.D right now. Shaitra has been silent and R.D was trying to be nicey nicey on me before voting with mani. Considering R.D has been typically waiting till towards the end and just voting with the group the fact that he has jumped out on this one has me suspicious.
Guys think about what mani said. He wants the doctor, whomever that may be to protect him and dblack.

If you lynch me and the doctor does what mani asks and they are mafia, they win.

If we lynch mani today and he is the scum, then he might be setting dblack up for a lynch tomorrow, which will again lead to a win for the scum.

I don't know if mani and dblack are working together or whether mani is setting dblack up for his partner to swoop in tomorrow he dies. I've been thinking since yesterday dblack is either scum or the mafia is setting him up.

Either way, if you lynch me the scum win.

Giddy up:lol:
As an aside, this is really awesome. I've played this game in r/l a few times, but as someone relatively clueless regarding social cues (non-verbal, etc...) I never really got it. Seeing it play out here has given me a new appreciation of the subtleties involved.
As an aside, this is really awesome. I've played this game in r/l a few times, but as someone relatively clueless regarding social cues (non-verbal, etc...) I never really got it. Seeing it play out here has given me a new appreciation of the subtleties involved.

I'm enjoying myself as well. Even if you do lynch me this has been a fun game.

The paranoia is insane though.
Vote Count 4.2

No Vote (3): Mertex, Shaitra, dblack

Avatar4321 (2): Manifold, R.D.
Manifold (1): Avatar4321

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop - RosieS
Town Doctor - ?
Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof) - strollingbones
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - Blackflag
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - Cereal_Killer
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie- Mebelle60
Red Mafia Roleblocker - ?
Red Mafia Goon - ?
Blue Mafia Roleblocker - Syrenn
Blue Mafia Goon - Moonglow

~ With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!
~ Deadline ends 5/21/14, 7am central.

~ And this game is just the tip of the iceberg. :D [MENTION=30065]dblack[/MENTION]
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I know Mani is begging for the doctor to protect either him or dblack. And i thought maybe that's a smoking gun of him and dblack being the scum. But maybe he is doing that so if he get's lynched dblack is the suspect next round.
That doesn't make sense...if Mani and dblack were scum, why would mani want dblack to be suspect next round if mani were to get lynched?

I've been thinking that too.

Maybe it was a tactic to get dblack to vote with him against me or maybe setting up for the next round.

Makes me suspicious of Shaitra and R.D right now. Shaitra has been silent and R.D was trying to be nicey nicey on me before voting with mani. Considering R.D has been typically waiting till towards the end and just voting with the group the fact that he has jumped out on this one has me suspicious.

Setting up for the next round? :eusa_eh:

Nice obfuscation attempt.

If I'm lynched, the game is over. If you're lynched and I'm wrong about you being mafia, the game is over.

I'll worry about the next round if I get there. :lol:
That doesn't make sense...if Mani and dblack were scum, why would mani want dblack to be suspect next round if mani were to get lynched?

I've been thinking that too.

Maybe it was a tactic to get dblack to vote with him against me or maybe setting up for the next round.

Makes me suspicious of Shaitra and R.D right now. Shaitra has been silent and R.D was trying to be nicey nicey on me before voting with mani. Considering R.D has been typically waiting till towards the end and just voting with the group the fact that he has jumped out on this one has me suspicious.

Setting up for the next round? :eusa_eh:

Nice obfuscation attempt.

If I'm lynched, the game is over. If you're lynched and I'm wrong about you being mafia, the game is over.

I'll worry about the next round if I get there. :lol:

Nice attempt at denial.

Funny thing is I wasn't even sold that it was mani who was the scum when i started out. It was that post asking the doctor to save you and dblack that convinced me. That post told me you were working out win scenarios. Now you're claiming you aren't worried about the next round.

Looks like an outright lie to me. So which is it mani. Do you want the doctor to protect you because you want their to be a next round or are you not even thinking about the next round?
OK, works been busy today and I have a meeting after lunch, bummer!

Probably town: RD, mertex

Possibly scum: mani, dblack, avatar

I've got suspicions on people and really only two that I have "cleared". The one that hits my radar the most is mani.

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