Official USMB Mafia Game #1

Vote Count 2.3

No Vote (2): Blackflag, Mertex

strollingbones (5): Avatar4321, Shaitra, R.D., dblack, mebelle60
Mertex (2): RosieS, strollingbones
Shaitra (1): Manifold

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop - ?
Town Doctor - ?
Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof) - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - Cereal_Killer
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie- ?
Red Mafia Roleblocker - ?
Red Mafia Goon - ?
Blue Mafia Roleblocker - Syrenn
Blue Mafia Goon - Moonglow

~ With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline for Day 2 is 5/12/14, 4pm central time.
~ Please let me know if I missed your vote.
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I was sure I had already voted.....sorry!

Vote: Strollingbones
It's a pretty natural reaction to be suspicious of anyone that says they're suspicious of you.

So naturally, I'm getting very suspicious of Mertex.

It is natural. Which has been why I am suspicious of SB.

May as well get the ball rolling in some direction. I've looked at possibilities of who might be scum. I don't have enough information to get more suspicious of anyone at this point. SB is probably my safest bet just because I don't want to end up dead tomorrow morning.

Vote: StrollingBones

If you guys can give me a good reason to pick someone else, let me know. But my gut says protect myself.

Okay, I'm going to go with your suspicions unless someone is able to convince me otherwise.

VOTE: StrollingBones


I knew I had already missed it....
Vote Count 2.4

No Vote (1): Blackflag,

strollingbones (6): Avatar4321, Shaitra, R.D., dblack, mebelle60, Mertex
Mertex (2): RosieS, strollingbones
Shaitra (1): Manifold

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop - ?
Town Doctor - ?
Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof) - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie - Cereal_Killer
Vanilla Townie - ?
Vanilla Townie- ?
Red Mafia Roleblocker - ?
Red Mafia Goon - ?
Blue Mafia Roleblocker - Syrenn
Blue Mafia Goon - Moonglow

~ With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline for Day 2 is 5/12/14, 4pm central time.

A majority vote has been met.

Death scene incoming; thread will be locked soon.
Vote Count 2.5

No Vote (1): Blackflag,

strollingbones (6): Avatar4321, Shaitra, R.D., dblack, mebelle60, Mertex
Mertex (2): RosieS, strollingbones
Shaitra (1): Manifold



"I don't believe it."

"I don't friggin' believe it!!!"

"Don't you DARE try to come at me with that rope you, you..."


With a flick of her skinny legs SB dashes for the nearest exit. Like the host's imagination she doesn't know where the hell she's going next, or what's gonna happen. Finally she's gotten away from the bloodthirsty semi-hairless mob, and as they spread out and search for her—or giggle with evil glee—SB can do nothing but hunker down and steady her pounding heart. She's getting too old for this shit, anyways.

Everything gets REAL quiet as she hears soft footsteps in her vicinity. She's outnumbered, but hidden, and hidden well.



After the violent festivities ended, one of the more curious villagers happened upon SB's phone. An unsettling new message was discovered.

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Oh, wait, they did. :badgrin:"

Strollingbones was a Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof).

It is now Night 2.

You may submit you Night Actions via PM.

The deadline ends 5/8/14, 2pm central time.

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A shrill shot pierced the early morning light.


RosieS, Town Cop, struggles to reach the Town with her important results.

Too late. Just... a little... closer...


Coulda had a V8.

It is now Day 3.

With 8 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline ends 5/16/14, 4pm central time.
As a gentle reminder, please don't post in this ongoing game if you're dead.

I've taken the liberty to create a special QT thread for all you dead folks to talk in. :D
Oh no! They got Rosie! Can we get Allison DuBois here to tell us what she knew? :D
I wish she did more to try to convince us that SB going after Avatar so hard was just a stoners parinoid ramblings
I wish she did more to try to convince us that SB going after Avatar so hard was just a stoners parinoid ramblings

Yeah that would have been useful. Now we are down a cop and the bulletproof citizen. How the heck did the reds know she was the cop? Or was that purely coincidental?
And who which of us had motive to go after Rosie?

The reds targeted Syrenn and Rosie. Why those two?

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