Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

I suspect TN more than Luissa right now.

Luissa is already hammered, so it's just all a waiting game for now.

Well of course. First he votes no lynch and then he delivers the hammer in the middle of the night, without warning or explanation. I think we can be fairly certain he is scum.

But if Luissa is a townie, that means Shaitra is one crafty beyatch. :lol:

Not me, it's someone else if Luissa isn't scum.
Vote Count 6.5​
“Sometimes being right isn't enough.”

Not Voting (0):

Luissa (4): Shaitra♀, manifold♂, R.D.♀, tn5421♂
tn5421 (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀
AyeCantSeeYou (1): Luissa♀

~ With 6 players, it takes 4 to lynch!
~ Deadline expires 6/29/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Zone 1 USMB rules are in effect.

A majority vote has been reached!

Town Cop ~
Town Doctor ~ MeBelle60
Town Jailkeeper ~ Grandma
Town Bodyguard ~ strollingbones
Vanilla Townie ~ Mertex
Vanilla Townie ~ Sameech
Vanilla Townie ~ Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie ~ Wolfsister77
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~
Mafia Godfather ~
Mafia Roleblocker ~
Mafia Goon ~ RosieS

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4
4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 4.10 | 4.11 | 4.12 | 4.13 | 4.14
5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3
6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4


"Kyaahhhh!!! Get the hell away from me ya fools!!," Luissa screamed in fear. The remaining Townies decided it was her time to die, and they were gonna strike at the heart of evil itself! "I have fists! I'll fight you—HUWAGH!!!" The noose had been flung around her neck from behind as the angry guys and gals dragged her up to the gallows.

"You're making a mistake, stop and listen—NOOOO!!!"


The hangman didn't care much for this shit. He just wanted the noise to end. Can you blame him? :D

Luissa, Vanilla Townie, HAS PERISHED!!!


"Uh oh," pipped Shaitra, Vanilla Townie.

She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, and realized with silent terror that everything's gone... quiet. Slowly.... slowly... she turns around...




tn5421 slowly rose from Shaitra's corpse, as manifold and R.D. looked on in fucking horror.

"That's it, I'm getting my bitch ass out of here," manifold said in horror. "I'm getting too old for this scary s***!!" He and R.D. fled the room with tn5421 in hot pursuit!


Having lost that evil fucker somewhere down the street, manifold huffed and puffed as R.D. slowly shut and locked the door behind her... "I'm just so tired of this shit, R.D. People toying and killing us here and there, and for what damned reason? It's all just a stupid game for people scared out of their minds..." After catching his breath, he realized that creeping silence...

"What are you doing, R.D.?," as he turned to face her.

"I'm going to kill you, you bastard," R.D. said slowly as she brandished a sharp knife.




"You're going to need a bigger knife," manifold said quietly...


Nothing could be heard but screaming as something monstrous was destroying something.

R.D., Town Cop, has died!


Rest in peace, Townies.

RosieS—Mafia Goon, tn5421—Mafia Roleblocker, and manifold—Mafia Godfather have WON!

Here you go guys:

Dead QT
Scum QT
Day 1:
-Avatar4321, Vanilla Townie, is lynched.

Night 1:
-Grandma, Town Jailkeeper, jails RosieS
-R.D., Town Cop, investigates Wolfsister77
-strollingbones, Town Bodyguard, guards AyeCantSeeYou
-Mebelle60, Town Doctor, protects strollingbones

-RosieS, Mafia Goon, decides not to kill anyone
-dblack, Mafia Roleblocker, blocks strollingbones

Day 2:
-RosieS, Mafia Goon, is lynched.

Night 2:
-Grandma, Town Jailkeeper, jails Mertex
-R.D., Town Cop, investigates Mebelle60
-Strollingbones, Town Bodyguard, decides not to guard anyone.
-Mebedlle60, Town Doctor, protects strollingbones again

-dblack, Mafia Roleblocker, blocks strollingbones
-Manifold, Mafia Godfather, wanted to kill Sameech but attempts to kill Mertex instead at the last minute

Day 3:
- Sameech, Vanilla Townie, is lynched.

Night 3:
-Strollingbones, Town Bodyguard, protects MeBelle60
-Grandma, Town Jailkeeper, jails Mertex again
-R.D., Town Cop, investigates AyeCantSeeYou
-MeBelle, Town Doctor, protects strollingbones again..

-Dblack, Mafia Roleblocker, blocks Shaitra
-Manifold, Mafia Godfather, kills Grandma

Day 4:
-Wolfsister, Vanilla Townie, is lynched.

Night 4:

-Strollingbones is pinked at this time. No advance directive given to game mod.
-R.D., Town Cop, investigates manifold
-Mebelle, Town Doctor, protects no one (time elapsed)

-tn5421, Mafia Roleblocker, blocks MeBelle
-manifold, Mafia Godfather, attempts to kill strollingbones

Day 5:

-Mertex, Vanilla Townie, is lynched.

Night 5:

-R.D., Town Cop, investigates Luissa
-MeBelle, Town Doctor, protects manifold

-tn5421, Mafia Roleblocker, blocks R.D.
-Manifold, Mafia Godfather, kills MeBelle

This thread is now open for discussion!

Thanks for playing!
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I'm only thanking that post because I've thanked all the death scenes in the game. :D

Good game scum.

And townies, don't worry, we will unify in death and haunt these SOB's until the next game when we can immediately vote for manifold. I've wanted to kick his ass for awhile now. :mad:

You guys should have realized when Mani was saying how he hasnt been hit by the scum yet having two votes, that it's quite likely because he is the scum.
Why the hell didn't ya'll listen to me? Damn!!!! I even spelled out TN's part with post numbers and all.
And seriously why didn't you come out come out yesterday R.D. You should have made it known you were the cop before you guys lynched mertex.
Having played this game from both sides it's pretty clear to me that the odds heavily favor scum.

Wake will tell us that equalizes with experience but I'll believe it when I see it.
mani messed around with the mebelle votes, instead of hammering Aye votes for me to lead us into a no-lynch, then hammers Mertex really super early. The votes on Luissa after TN hammered her should of shown that the 2 scum could be found there also. I trusted him until the mebelle situation but unfortunately couldn't do much about it because of all the town fighting.

It's a learning experience. And despite all that, everyone played a really good game.
Well this is the first game I have played where the scum elected not to try to kill someone on the first night. That was an odd choice.

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