Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

I was sure TN would come back and hammer me.

30 seconds to deadline... I had the WORST tension headache in the world by then.
I was sure TN would come back and hammer me.

30 seconds to deadline... I had the WORST tension headache in the world by then.

I don't get it with him. He wasn't much help, if he's not interested in USMB game, then he shouldn't even play. Him and ZZZZ, they should stick to the Internet games. Coming in at the end and trying to solve it doesn't do much for town.
I was sure TN would come back and hammer me.

30 seconds to deadline... I had the WORST tension headache in the world by then.

I don't get it with him. He wasn't much help, if he's not interested in USMB game, then he shouldn't even play. Him and ZZZZ, they should stick to the Internet games. Coming in at the end and trying to solve it doesn't do much for town.

That's why I made the "masons" comment. I didn't know who the masons were at that point, I just named the 3 weakest players. Town's luck, they turned out to be masons. :D
Vote Count: 5.1

Mertex (LYNCH): MeBelle60♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, Grandma♀
Grandma (1): tn5421♂
tn5421 (1): Mertex♀

Not Voting (0):

~ With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/21/14, @ 2pm central.

A majority vote has been reached!

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5


"Ah, uh oh..." Mertex was panicking. It was time for HER turn on the gallows!

"You leave my neck ALONE! UWAGH!!"

Mertex was hog-tied and dragged up the stairs onto the gallows, and the noose tightened around her neck. Two of her assailants did all they could to keep their evil smiles from being noticed.

"It's not me, really, oh crap-"


Mertex, Vanilla Townie, has been lynched!

"Hey, MeBelle, I don't think Mertex was evil. She's just Mertex."


Hearing no response, TN, Town Mason, tried steadying his nerves, but he knew it took three people to fuck this all up. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.... say something mebelle..."

Too bad. MeBelle can't hear him right now. Right now she's a very dead Town Mason, thanks to one very special AyeCantSeeYou. She never saw it coming.

Turning around to face the music and lose his stuffing, he came face-to-face with Grandma.


She may be old, but she get's shit done.


AyeCantSeeYou, FA_Q2, and Grandma, the Mafia, HAVE WON THE GAME!!!

That's all, folks.

Simple and clean.

To those who were used to wipe the floor, you may now listen to a complementary music video to relieve your sorrow. You are not being subtly poked.


This thread is now open for discussion!
OK, First I knew Grandma was scum all along.

Second, TN screwed up by not coming back and hammering Grandma like he said he would.

I blame mebelle for the loss. First she quickhammers Cafe in Day3 which was insane. Then she casts a vote in lylo which means if she votes for a townie, the 2 scum can finish the job which they did. You don't vote here unless you are positive you have scum. Damn, she handed the game to scum. That sucks.

On the other hand Aye did a great job. I never suspected her.

I absolutely suspected FA. I was certain him and Grandma were scum but I had no idea who the 3rd was.

Congratulations scum for the win!!
OK, A couple other observations. I was shocked town lynched mani. He did nothing scummy.

I thought Avi was scum and would of been o.k. with his lynch and voted for him.

I never thought Cafe was scum. She was playing her town game.

I never thought Mertex was scum. She was playing her town game also.
Hmmm, looking at the dz, mani and Avi had Aye figured out and Grandma. Almost right away. Those two need to be kept around longer in future games.

At least if you are town and they are too.
Town could have won this one. oh well. Let's see if we can win the next one.

I think we could have won. We were zeroing in on it. When Aye voted tn, after I said I suspected him, I was a bit taken back by her quick vote knowing that we were at Lylo.....I knew all along MeBelle was town, it had become clear to me that Rosie and MeBelle were Masons at the time that Cafe mentioned they were thanking each other's posts, and especially Rosie being nice to MeBelle, when I had my vote on MeBelle. That's when I quickly took my vote off MeBelle and voted for FA.

Tonight, when Aye voted for tn right after I mentioned I suspected him, and then when he claimed to be Mason and no one counter claimed, it started dawning on me that it could be Aye, because she was one we least suspected, but then MeBelle dropped in and left, and voted for me, I knew that she had just handed Scum the game.
OK, First I knew Grandma was scum all along.

Second, TN screwed up by not coming back and hammering Grandma like he said he would.

I blame mebelle for the loss. First she quickhammers Cafe in Day3 which was insane. Then she casts a vote in lylo which means if she votes for a townie, the 2 scum can finish the job which they did. You don't vote here unless you are positive you have scum. Damn, she handed the game to scum. That sucks.

On the other hand Aye did a great job. I never suspected her.

I absolutely suspected FA. I was certain him and Grandma were scum but I had no idea who the 3rd was.

Congratulations scum for the win!!

I was positive I had scum when I voted each time.

To my detriment I was sick with the flu for about a week, which wasn't communicated to the group.
Right after recovering from that I had something else come up, the only way I could explain it without giving out personal info in the game was posting (((pain meds))
OK, A couple other observations. I was shocked town lynched mani. He did nothing scummy.

I thought Avi was scum and would of been o.k. with his lynch and voted for him.

I never thought Cafe was scum. She was playing her town game.

I never thought Mertex was scum. She was playing her town game also.

It was the first lynch. Why should you be shocked? There was no indication that he was Town or Mafia. A gut feeling on the first lynch is nothing but a gut feeling and the chances of killing Town are greater than they are for killing Scum.

I didn't vote for Avatar because I knew Grandma was Scum. We almost had her lynched, but Cafe was in the clouds. R.D. switched to Avatar because she preferred a mislynch to a NL, or we could have gotten Grandma. All three Scum were voting for Avatar...we needed Cafe, but that's the problem with complete newbies, they are easily misled.
So were tn and I right? Aye/Grandma scum? MeBelle dumb?

No, MeBelle voting in lylo with 2 scum and 3 votes to lynch doomed us.

Mertex was going to vote for you. If she had, MeBelle's vote wouldn't have mattered.


No Bingo.....I said I intended to vote for him. I knew we were at Lylo, I wasn't about to make a dumb mistake and hand Scum the game, but you didn't even discuss why you thought I was Scum.....had we been able to talk more, tn and I might have been able to convince you that Aye was Grandma's accomplice. You were playing your own game.
OK, A couple other observations. I was shocked town lynched mani. He did nothing scummy.

I thought Avi was scum and would of been o.k. with his lynch and voted for him.

I never thought Cafe was scum. She was playing her town game.

I never thought Mertex was scum. She was playing her town game also.

It was the first lynch. Why should you be shocked? There was no indication that he was Town or Mafia. A gut feeling on the first lynch is nothing but a gut feeling and the chances of killing Town are greater than they are for killing Scum.

I didn't vote for Avatar because I knew Grandma was Scum. We almost had her lynched, but Cafe was in the clouds. R.D. switched to Avatar because she preferred a mislynch to a NL, or we could have gotten Grandma. All three Scum were voting for Avatar...we needed Cafe, but that's the problem with complete newbies, they are easily misled.

Because mani did nothing scummy. And Avi hammered him with still a day until deadline.

Seemed the case against him was weak. BUT, I am on the outside looking in so I know it is much different playing.

Grandma going so hard for you was a dead give away. I am very familiar with your town and scum game and you were playing your town game.
I never suspected Cafe to get lynched so quickly. But when Rosie flipped mason, I thought Cafe was playing town too hard and directing the vote.

Aye, you played a great scum game. I never really suspected you.
Hmmm, scum are evil. They schemed more than we did but they have more time. It is really strange what happens to your mind as each role. And even as an outsider looking in. Interesting human dynamics. No one suspected FA in the dz.
So were tn and I right? Aye/Grandma scum? MeBelle dumb?

Mertex was going to vote for you. If she had, MeBelle's vote wouldn't have mattered.


No Bingo.....I said I intended to vote for him. I knew we were at Lylo, I wasn't about to make a dumb mistake and hand Scum the game, but you didn't even discuss why you thought I was Scum.....had we been able to talk more, tn and I might have been able to convince you that Aye was Grandma's accomplice. You were playing your own game.

Yes Bingo!

Aye perfectly described my thought process.

I HAD to leave for awhile, irl.

It's only a game. I'll refrain from insulting you back....OK?

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