Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

@Mertex aside from Grandma, who I do not forsee voting, who do you think is scum?

Because of all the lies that she has manufactured, Grandma remains at the top of my list.

Because of all the lies you've told on this thread, I see you as Scum, too.

Wolfsister, for telling me that she can't use anything from the QT even though it was verified by Rosie and Aye, and for swallowing the lies that Grandma is spewing when it has been verified that Grandma should have seen Rosie's post where she said protection shouldn't be wasted on her and still (Wolf) insisting that I should have protected her, she's highly suspect, FOS = Wolfsister.
My take - for whoever cares - is that Mertex is town. None of her posts, when compared to other games she has played town, differ from this game. When she played scum, she wasn't posting much and wasn't calling everyone scum/scummy/idiot/dummy/etc. She way lying low and stayed in the background while townies tore each others throats out. What is she doing in this game? She's out front, posting as though all of us are her enemy, which is her town meta.
Mertex, that still foesn't explain why you didn't protect Rosie. If you used your power scum would not be attacking her. Thus you were not protected from a kill.

I still do not know which disagreed post you want me to explain. That is because you quoted a cafe postm
My take - for whoever cares - is that Mertex is town. None of her posts, when compared to other games she has played town, differ from this game. When she played scum, she wasn't posting much and wasn't calling everyone scum/scummy/idiot/dummy/etc. She way lying low and stayed in the background while townies tore each others throats out. What is she doing in this game? She's out front, posting as though all of us are her enemy, which is her town meta.
Funny. I saw Mertex working with people and much calmer as town. She lurked a fair amount where we mislynched her. Being front and center is aldo nit where a PR should be.
Question for everyone - Where is TN? Why isn't he posting in the thread, like he had been since the game started? He used his ability on Mertex, tells SR to not lynch Mertex on Day 1, then disappears? Not exactly town behavior, is it?
@Mertex aside from Grandma, who I do not forsee voting, who do you think is scum?

Because of all the lies that she has manufactured, Grandma remains at the top of my list.

Because of all the lies you've told on this thread, I see you as Scum, too.

Wolfsister, for telling me that she can't use anything from the QT even though it was verified by Rosie and Aye, and for swallowing the lies that Grandma is spewing when it has been verified that Grandma should have seen Rosie's post where she said protection shouldn't be wasted on her and still (Wolf) insisting that I should have protected her, she's highly suspect, FOS = Wolfsister.

Yeah. You cannot follow directions at all.
Well, let's see here. Announced in thread you are ice immune and you expect us to believe icescum attacked you? Or Grandma who had total kill immunity? Rosie couldn't be attacked by icescum. TN was under heavy suspicion and makes no sense as a kill.

If you expect us to believe icescum attacked you, you had to use your shield. Yet that is in direct contradiction to the implication that you did not use shield.

Scum stealing my vest is remote.

Another lie. I never said that Icescum attacked Grandma. Give us the post number, or admit you are lying.

If Icescum attacked me, and I had protection, what do you mean I had to use my shield? You are not making sense. Typing gibberish in an attempt to blur what is obvious, that you have lied, just like Grandma has.
I never said icescum shot grandma either. That post was about eliminating targets logically until you get left with me.
That is unless that PRs job is to take a bullet.

Mertex explained in here and in the QT that the shield would kill her if the person she uses it on is a scum target. In other words, it would have redirected the hit to her.

There's a game post where Wake was asked about players not using their abilities if they were forced to, in regards to what would happen to them. It was stated they would have been modkilled.
That is unless that PRs job is to take a bullet.

Mertex explained in here and in the QT that the shield would kill her if the person she uses it on is a scum target. In other words, it would have redirected the hit to her.

There's a game post where Wake was asked about players not using their abilities if they were forced to, in regards to what would happen to them. It was stated they would have been modkilled.
That is an utter fiction.
Yeah I am pretty sure you are hiding behind your refusal to claim. One shot immunities, when used should be claimed.
I would rather hear that from the other Townies than from you, a suspected Scum. I do not trust anything you say, and I was told I did not have to reveal my target.

This works as two fold. First, it gives total permanent shields a place to hide.
Please explain further, I do not understand how it gives total permanent shield a place to hide. It doesn't even make sense.

Second, if you used your shield today you are essentially claiming fire scum if you think it saved a townie bc I am iceproof.

If Mertex used the shield a kill would be redirected to her, then she she should use it and tell us who.If she had the clause she would die if she picked scum regardless of the attack target, three deaths would have occurred. Thus Rosie's shield target is scum.
Scrach point 2. Forgot your scumbuddy made you iceproof. Still your reluctance to tell us who isn't icescum is bullshit if you used the shield.

How would you know that Ice targeted the same person I shielded. Your posts don't make any sense. Are you just trying to confuse the issue and hope we forget all the lies House caught you in?
Mertex you are repeating shit we have already discussed.

If anyone who believes they are attacked claims one shot, scum cannot be certain if a player is protected or not. Thus giving fully immune places to hide.

Revealing your target prior to somrone surviving an attack is bad. Aftwards it confirms someone is not ice scum Facts do not change regardless of who speaks them.
I have not been caught in a lie. As far as I am concerned, Grandma has not either.

My job is to teach you how to play. I cannot and do nit lie about mechanics.
The fact you House and Mathblade are panicking is sufficient proof. The fact you cannot figure out icescum do not attack themselves is fatal.

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