Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

God damn it. No one took the bait. Time to claim.

I am a one shot iceproof townie. ;) Ice scum try to kill me once and I am immune. Seeing a failed ice kill meant they likely tried to kill me since I was pushing Mertex the strongest. I bet yhere's at least another "one shot" proof townie to fire as well.

I was crumbing it while attempting to bait the ice scum to vote me. They did not.

How do you know it was you they tried to kill? It could have been me they were trying to kill. I thought tn had protected me from Ice?
Cafe, ice scum would think I was scum due to no nk. Think Grandma was not killed bc obvious immunity. They didn't kill the same target. Jailor is a one shot. As to how I was notified, best to keep that under wraps. Mertex never used her shield bc scum.

I am surprised no one bit though. *shrug*

You are just guessing. Nobody notified you. I had protection from NK from Ice, it was in the thread, how could you have missed it since FA and others mentioned it. The fact that you are agreeing with Grandma does seem a bit odd, considering all that has been posted and the fact that she is Scum.
That being said fire scum are likely in Rosie's hood.

Yes, and it is Grandma. I've been saying that all along. She was the only one (except for me and Aye) who knew that Rosie was a Cop. She lied about my not revealing my ability, and when both Aye and Rosie posted on the thread that I indeed had revealed my ability she then changed her tune to "she didn't reveal until right before she used it" - To me, it is pretty scummy to lie about another Townie like that. Why she is getting a pass from almost everyone is beyond me.

Here are the posts where Rosie (confirmed Town) called Grandma a liar, as well as Aye.

I'm in the neighborhood with Grandma and Mertex. Mertex DID tell us what her ability is. I don't understand why Grandma would say she didn't, unless she's trying to get a townie lynched. Get one person lynched and narrow the field a little, right? Come Day 2, there's a big chance we'll have 3 townies out of the game.

Mertex shared her ability in the neighborhood before it was brought up in this thread.

Regards from Rosie
Agreed. Unfortunately, it is totally fake here most likely.

Grandma where is your vote? About how many votes on Mertex?

Why the hard-on for Mertex?

After all that has been revealed in the thread earlier and why tn went to all the trouble of protecting me from Ice, it is apparent that Grandma and Scarlet are working together or for opposite Mafia teams. I was protected from Ice, so if they attempted to kill me they were unable to. Grandma was one in my neighborhood who knew that Rosie was a cop, she wasn't all that sure about me, so of course, the better option was to take Rosie out. They will NK me if I'm not lynched. It's so obvious.
Agreed. Unfortunately, it is totally fake here most likely.

Grandma where is your vote? About how many votes on Mertex?

Why the hard-on for Mertex?
Because Mertex is scum.
A flat out lie.

Her bad theft, refusal to claim who she used it on, her tonal difference here than her town games,
It wasn't a bad theft. You don't know for a fact that it didn't protect a Townie, so you are guessing. And, you are just repeating what Grandma says because you two are either working together or for opposite Mafia teams.

the fact I was shot while pushing her...
You have no proof that you were shot, so in my book that is another lie.

I think your sister is are Scum, but I think we need to go after Grandma first.
Well, let's see here. Announced in thread you are ice immune and you expect us to believe icescum attacked you? Or Grandma who had total kill immunity? Rosie couldn't be attacked by icescum. TN was under heavy suspicion and makes no sense as a kill.

If you expect us to believe icescum attacked you, you had to use your shield. Yet that is in direct contradiction to the implication that you did not use shield.

Scum stealing my vest is remote.
Yeah I am pretty sure you are hiding behind your refusal to claim. One shot immunities, when used should be claimed.

This works as two fold. First, it gives total permanent shields a place to hide.

Second, if you used your shield today you are essentially claiming fire scum if you think it saved a townie bc I am iceproof.
I would like to concentrate on a fire mafia that knew about Rosie. I just can't believe the outed her investigative role and I really need to hear if it stayed in her neighborhood or went to Central and Avi said it did go to Central and Cafe said no. If no, then it's Mertex, Aye, or Grandma.
Wolf, Rosie wrote a very vague post (I don't remember the number but several have posted it). Avi thought it was a veiled message telling us she had a PR, but I think House interpreted it right, that she was speaking to me, but she wasn't asking me to protect her because in the QT she made it quite clear that her role couldn't be protected. Grandma knew this, then she tried to get me to use the shield on Rosie....that would have been a waste since Rosie couldn't be protected and it would have ended up killing me if I had used it on Rosie.

That's another of my reasons for suggesting that Grandma is scum.

I think Avi just misunderstood Rosie's post. I didn't even understand what she was saying, either, but I knew she was talking to me because she mentioned my name at the end of the post.

But Avi did say that both Aye and Grandma mentioned in the Cafe ability neighborhood, that Rosie needed protection. What a great way for Grandma to broadcast to another Scum team (if there was one in that neighborhood) that Rosie had a PR.
Scrach point 2. Forgot your scumbuddy made you iceproof. Still your reluctance to tell us who isn't icescum is bullshit if you used the shield.
Let us suppose for a meoment shield does not work for Rosie. You would not have been killed. Grandma doesn't get a second kill at all.

Plus why would she want you to die at night if she could frame you by killing Rosie. You are talking out of both sides of you face.

Does shield count as a protection under Macho roles or does it act more like jail or roleblock?
Well, let's see here. Announced in thread you are ice immune and you expect us to believe icescum attacked you? Or Grandma who had total kill immunity? Rosie couldn't be attacked by icescum. TN was under heavy suspicion and makes no sense as a kill.

If you expect us to believe icescum attacked you, you had to use your shield. Yet that is in direct contradiction to the implication that you did not use shield.

Scum stealing my vest is remote.

She wouldn't even know if icescum had attacked her, according to Wake.

The people who were targeted were not informed if the attack failed.
Agreed. Unfortunately, it is totally fake here most likely.

Grandma where is your vote? About how many votes on Mertex?

Why the hard-on for Mertex?
Because Mertex is scum. Her bad theft, refusal to claim who she used it on, her tonal difference here than her town games, the fact I was shot while pushing her...
How is it a fact you were shot? Where is the proof of such a "factual" assertion?

Facts are provable. Kindly do so.
Proof eithheld as antitown to prove.

So you're lying.

Vote: ScarletRage
Nope. Cannot quote mod pms. Nice desperation.

Nice try Miss Scarlet.

Game moderators may not verify anything when it comes to any potential Night abilities.
I would like to concentrate on a fire mafia that knew about Rosie. I just can't believe the outed her investigative role and I really need to hear if it stayed in her neighborhood or went to Central and Avi said it did go to Central and Cafe said no. If no, then it's Mertex, Aye, or Grandma.

I am reading again to ensure I did not miss it. As I said I don't recall it and searched 'investigator', investigate, AFAIR it was only she needed protection as a PR. I will finish reading and verify one way or the other.
This makes no sense. Rosie flipped Macho Cop. How could she beg for protection that likely is incompatible? The closest is Mertex who let Rosie die.

Try harder.

Rosie mentioned in our neighborhood (Rosie, Aye, Grandma, Me) that her role couldn't be protected. What would be the point for trying to protect her?

Also, Grandma knew this and yet she asked me in the QT to use the shield on Rosie knowing full well that it would be a waste.

Miss Scarlet, the more you post the more it is obvious you are trying to protect Grandma.
Yeah. Macho canmot be healed from an attack that targets them.

The shield redirects entirely. Just like a roleblocker.

Shield intercepts yhe attack. Macho means no methid of healing.

Scummy lying is scummy.


Macho is a role modifier that prevents players from being protected from kills in any way.

The modifier was first developed as a way to neutralise Follow the Cop strategies that exist in Cop/Doctor set-ups, preventing the Cop from gaining theDoctor's protection. Macho Cop is still the most common role associated with this modifier, but other roles have used it for balance and design reasons.

This role modifier is considered Normal on

(emphasis mine)

Not letting you off the hook, scum.

How did Mertex let Rosie die, @ScarletRage?

I think you have caught Miss Scarlet in a big fat lie. Just like Grandma, Scum lie. I'm going to enjoy watching them trying to get out of their lies.
Grandma where is your vote? About how many votes on Mertex?

post 2242
Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 113 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

2 or 3 votes, I think.

Rosie hinted that if Shaitra's result were Town, then Rosie would have voted for Mertex.

Rosie thought I was Scum because she trusted you, Scum. She would be alive if you hadn't been in the neighborhood and found out she was a Cop.
Nope. I have been playing for years. Rosie wasn't protected. The kill was prevented from happening at all if sheild was used. If your version is accurate, why wouldn't Mertex just say she used it?

Well you either don't know that much or you are lying. Either way, the shield wouldn't have protected Rosie. She mentioned that in the QT, she knew I had the human shield and she told me "don't bother using it on me, I can't be protected." I think Rosie knows how this game is played. Quit lying.

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