Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

It has been fun but I need to sleep.

I love it when a plan comes together. Even if I am lynched, we will beat the scum. :)

Not unless we lynch Avatar. He is the one who took down Rosie during the night. Don't believe me, lynch me.

You are more suspicious to me for the way you hammered Moonglow with no intent stated, then Avi is for putting him at L-1 and warning the neighborhoods. But hey, you said you thought I was scum, so I know you are full of shit.
Lol. I wasn't notified of attacks on me. I was told I do not have a vest. Keep fishing.

You cannot explain my actions in terms of rational scum play bc I am not scum. ;)

I have faith that I will be vindicated by the fieproof townie if I get run up.

All we have to do is lynch one firescum and I become conftown.

Yet I push the player I think is ice (but yhe group thinks is fire).

...You said YOU WERE SHOT/ATTACKED/WHATEVER. Wake said you can't know that. That's all I need to know is that you are a liar and the role probably doesn't exist. I don't have to explain why you lied. As I have said most everyone makes illogical actions to me. For me to attempt to explain an illogical action with logic is 1) poor logic at the start 2) More than likely impossible.

Two -- Assuming you are telling the truth about being shot in the night then I would hope the fireproof townie WOULDN'T CC you. That would be HORRIBLE for town.

Three -- Lynching one firescum doesn't "conf!Town" you. There's two firescum :(

Four -- EXCUSE ME? I think Mertex is TOWN.
Logical deduction does it. I was pushing Mertex and I tend to get attacked early due to my experience. The jailkeep FA did was not mentioned in the hood at all.

I believe I was targeted because I was pushing Mertex and Mertex is ice scum. I cannot discount that Mertex looks good as fire scum though too because of those coincidences. Let's suppose Mertex flips fire rather thsn ice like I predict.

Roleblock me. If last fire wants to frame me, they must no kill. If ice scum wants to kill me, they'll prove my honesty.

Avatar, a scum claiming ice immune and relying on fire immune claim requires a suicidalscumteam claiming, putting huge targets on their back for zero gain. If either flips scum, gg. I had zero votes and zero duspicion on me. Makes zero sense.

Wake that vc is wrong. Both Grandma and I are voting Mertex.

FA has commented on my crumbing plan. He didn't see what

I admit it's not the most logical explanation. It's a long shot. I don't think that's a likely explanation but I'm thinking out possibilities.

if you are fire and thus immune to ice attacks, you'd be taking a huge risk outing yourself in case it was your partner hit. Unless your partner was immune to cold last night and wouldn't have been targeted by them.

mertex and grandma were immune to ice attacks last night. If scarlet is scum it seems only logical that the only way she would be certain that ice didn't attack her partner is if it was grandma or mertex.

all that said I'm leaning town on scarlet. Just seems far fetched that scarlet would expose herself like this if she was scum. Especially if the partner was mertex. Would scarlet not only have outed herself and be busing her partner in a gambit? Seems unlikely. Of course today just started so I may have missed something so far.
House, why were you annoyed by my "lies" but not Grandma's? When Grandma "lied" according to Mertex, you said "Everyone lies"? But you immediately vote me for "Lying". In factyour case is largely I lied.
Lol. I don't know I was attacked. I do not have a vest. Logical conclusion is I was attacked.

We lynch firescum, and then run me up. Hmm, where's my buddy to "fakeclaim" fireproof. They claim fireproof, we both are conftown.
Where is this talk about avatar shooting Rosie from? I missed that. Rereading.

Sam is convinced I'm scum because I put moonglow at L1 and pointed it out to the hoods and here. I did that to prevent an accidental hammer vote.

he has some other theories. He is claiming I killed Rosie to up his emotional argument.
@avatar 4321 Please answer yes or no on if you visited Rosie.

Do you think Mertex is scum?

I didn't visit Rosie. Had no reason to. If anyone claims I did they are lying because I didn't do anything last night.

as for mertex being scum. I'm starting to lean against it. She didn't even seem to realize the scum needed to kill the opposing team yesterday. She could have been faking. Her meta is her usual town against everyone meta.

this set up seems too obvious. Why would fire target Rosie if mertex was one of them? She would be the number one suspect with Rosie dead. Even if she had sheilded her rosies role wouldn't allow protection.

she could be faking. And I understand the suspicion. I was suspicious yesterday until she made it clear she didnt realize the scum needed to kill one another.

and yet some of you have gone after her without looking at new info. Seems like a set up to me.
Avatar, who do yoy think is scum then?

I do think Mertex is ice scum and is suspected as firescum due to the setup spec.
That being said, if certain events happen, I will be certain you and Sammech are a 1 v 1. If you had visited Rosie, then you both could be town if the triggering event happens. I find it unlikely but if it does, then thst is that.
@Sammech how certain are you that Avatar killed Rosie?

More likely than not/Probably true/Would bet my game life on it/The mod lied to me if Avatar did not kill Rosie

Pick one of the above please.
Because I'm not sure that revealing it is good for Town. I don't know if the Scum teams even targeted the person, but if one of the teams did, and that person didn't die, my revealing it may just be the information that Scum needs.


All of you have disagreed with my post but I don't see any of you giving a reason as to why. Why don't you provide a good reason why I should instead of just disagreeing with me? Are you able to think of one?
If Mertex is not firescum, I would say Aye. Grandma seems pretty town. I cannot see any townie scumreading Grandma given the wildly discrepant tones.

If Mertex firescum
Mertex fire
House/Mathblade as icescum (Mathblade being the weaker read). TN to fill in here.
Avatar/Sameech (provided Sameech picks the last answer) if he doesn't then TN would be likely here.

If Mertex is ice scum then

Mertex plus one of Math/House as her partner, stronglean House
Avatar/Sammech as fire scum with Aye/Grandma (provided Sammech picks option 4). If he doesn't then TN as second fire scum.

If Mertex is town...(I do not see how this is given her implications of use but no share)

House/Mathblade/TN/Avatar/Sameech should house the scums.

I cannot rule out scumSameech trying to save scumMertex.
Because I'm not sure that revealing it is good for Town. I don't know if the Scum teams even targeted the person, but if one of the teams did, and that person didn't die, my revealing it may just be the information that Scum needs.


All of you have disagreed with my post but I don't see any of you giving a reason as to why. Why don't you provide a good reason why I should instead of just disagreeing with me? Are you able to think of one?
Your quote box broke. Please reply to your own post and I will tell you why.
Lets see if I can finish.

I also find it of value or perhaps I should said interesting when Mani signed up to play in the signups for this game he said he would not have time to play if he rolled scum but could if he was town and he ends up replacing out, you took his spot. I have mentioned this in my own neighborhood.

Signups for Official USMB Mafia Game 5 Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The above may mean nothing and it was just a coincidence, but I am sharing here too.

I have no clue if Avatar is scum as you are alleging here and in in Central, calling Avatar scum, but I will repeat what I have said there to both of you, your meta is off.

What seems to be strange is, I was sitting there trying to get to the bottom of things you brought to our attention in voting for Avatar and now you seem to be steering me in another direction... telling me I'm barking up the wrong tree. I don't get it. Maybe I need to take a break, and reread to see what I am missing here.

No, that's not odd at all (that Mani wanted to be replaced if he ended up being Scum) because Scarlet Rage who replaced Mani, seems to be coming after me, just like Grandma. She "dislikes" some of my posts just like "Grandma" - hmmmm, maybe there is a connection here.[/QUOTE]
Lets see if I can finish.

I also find it of value or perhaps I should said interesting when Mani signed up to play in the signups for this game he said he would not have time to play if he rolled scum but could if he was town and he ends up replacing out, you took his spot. I have mentioned this in my own neighborhood.

Signups for Official USMB Mafia Game 5 Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The above may mean nothing and it was just a coincidence, but I am sharing here too.

I have no clue if Avatar is scum as you are alleging here and in in Central, calling Avatar scum, but I will repeat what I have said there to both of you, your meta is off.

What seems to be strange is, I was sitting there trying to get to the bottom of things you brought to our attention in voting for Avatar and now you seem to be steering me in another direction... telling me I'm barking up the wrong tree. I don't get it. Maybe I need to take a break, and reread to see what I am missing here.

No, that's not odd at all (that Mani wanted to be replaced if he ended up being Scum) because Scarlet Rage who replaced Mani, seems to be coming after me, just like Grandma. She "dislikes" some of my posts just like "Grandma" - hmmmm, maybe there is a connection here.

Never mind, I thought ScarletRage had replaced Mani. Who did Scarlet Rage replace?

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