Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Funny thing about Mertex's supposed "PR" - no matter what it might be, Rosie was Town's most important player. Mertex should have done more to protect Rosie, even if that meant outing herself, to draw attention away from Rosie.

That is, if Mertex really is a PR. Which I don't believe at all.
Funny thing about Mertex's supposed "PR" - no matter what it might be, Rosie was Town's most important player. Mertex should have done more to protect Rosie, even if that meant outing herself, to draw attention away from Rosie.

That is, if Mertex really is a PR. Which I don't believe at all.

How, if Macho cops can't be protected?
Okay, Mertex did not know that Rosie was a MACHO Cop. Aye and I did not know, either. Rosie simply said that she could not be protected.

Mertex DID know that Rosie was the Cop. Mertex DID know that the Cop is the most important role. Therefore Mertex could have waved her hands and whistled and held up shiny objects and said "Yoo-hoo, Scummies, over here, look at me, I'm a PR, yoo-hoo!"

But Mertex didn't. She made no effort at all to help Rosie. Why?
TN mentioned this was marathon weekend at the main site. I imagine he is immersed in that. But I too hope he surfaces long enough to come over and let us know his thoughts.
I'm reading Scarlet Rage as town. I understood what she was trying to do when she self-voted. I'm also a bit surprised no one bit.

I am suspicious of Mertex. Aye has been responding analytically and reminds me more of her town play. Grandma has also read town to me.
Okay, Mertex did not know that Rosie was a MACHO Cop. Aye and I did not know, either. Rosie simply said that she could not be protected.

Mertex DID know that Rosie was the Cop. Mertex DID know that the Cop is the most important role. Therefore Mertex could have waved her hands and whistled and held up shiny objects and said "Yoo-hoo, Scummies, over here, look at me, I'm a PR, yoo-hoo!"

But Mertex didn't. She made no effort at all to help Rosie. Why?

First -- Wouldn't claiming anything still not help Rosie? If Rosie soft claimed cop another person going "I am a PR lookie here!!" would just make them the next night's kill. It would be worse for town.

Second -- Going "lookie I am a PR" doesn't require anyone to BE a PR. By your own argument everyone here is scum, which I find ridiculous.

Third -- I am assuming most people has as much experience as I do since I am only 10 ish games all town since I never have drawn scum including this game (seriously not sarcastic) even I know that if someone says they are a cop and can't be protected you don't fucking try to protect them!! You listen to the almighty cop because their word is gold.

/end rant
I'm reading Scarlet Rage as town. I understood what she was trying to do when she self-voted. I'm also a bit surprised no one bit.

I don't know a thing about why she self-voted, but that had nothing to do with my vote.

How do you explain her lies? That's what sold me on her.
I don't think grandma should be on the table btw - I find her as a scum pick as well but a scum pick that can be lynched tomorrow when she does not have immunity if enough of us agree to lynch her.

I don't understand. What does Grandma having immunity from NK have to do with lynching her? She is Scum, she's not going to be NK by her own team. Surely the other Scum team is not that obtuse to try and NK her knowing she has immunity.

Her interaction with Rosie in the neighborhood leaves me wondering if she and Grandma are one of the Scum Teams. There's an awful lot of trust between them (in the neighborhood) that I find questionable. If Grandma thinks I'm Scum and Rosie and her are sharing information they wouldn't share out here, why would they trust to share it in front of me in the neighborhood? Something doesn't add up.

And if they are scum together why would they be talking in the neighborhood in front of you and Aye instead of in whatever scum chat they have?

I'm sure they are talking in their Scum QT. The only reason they would do that in the neighborhood is to make me and Aye trust that they are both Town, and maybe open up about any roles we may have. I wouldn't share anything in the neighborhood that I'm not sharing here in the open game thread. That's why I find it questionable.

Would you share your role in the neighborhood if you were Town?

When it is not Vanilla, the role needs all the help it can get.

Power roles are very vulnerable going it alone.

But Scum will not help and will take that player out, instead.

The ball is in your court. What are you going to choose to do today, Mertex?

Regards from Rosie

considering the fight that has been going on was about mertex not being willing to use her shield to protect at power role that is revealed in the hood.. Not really that huge a leap to conclude it is Rosie. Especially since even if it was grandma she had immunity.

ironically all this fighting about mertex protecting Rosie was moot because her role wouldn't allow protection
Agreed. Unfortunately, it is totally fake here most likely.

Grandma where is your vote? About how many votes on Mertex?

Why the hard-on for Mertex?
Because Mertex is scum. Her bad theft, refusal to claim who she used it on, her tonal difference here than her town games, the fact I was shot while pushing her...

Bad theft = poor judgment, not necessarily scummy.

Refusal to claim who she used it on = Maybe she didn't! If she has a protector PR, she's more valuable to us alive than tritely blowing a one shot ability that will likely kill her. You should know that, Ms. Experienced Gamer.

You got nothin'.
I will need to go back and re-read, but didn't someone use an ability on Mertex that would force her to use the shield last night?
Using it is scummy, period.

It denies town info and prevents a possible townie from being able to defend themselves.

Bad theft = poor judgment, not necessarily scummy.

Refusal to claim who she used it on = Maybe she didn't! If she has a protector PR, she's more valuable to us alive than tritely blowing a one shot ability that will likely kill her. You should know that, Ms. Experienced Gamer.

You got nothin'.

So you're lying.

Vote: ScarletRage

I have plenty for a top scumread. Her play is inconsistent with a PR looking to lie low. She notoriusly steals an ability. Plus if she was, she would steal immunity not shield.

How can Mertex "let" Rosie die if she can't protect her, scum?
I don't think all the quotes I wanted showed up here, darn it!

House, the biggest part of your argument with SR is she believes the shield could have protected Rosie and you are insisting that it could not. The Wiki definition is talking about the doctor's protection for the cop and that the macho modifier renders the doctor's protection useless. It does not say all protective abilities won't work. To me that leaves it open to the moderator to decide if shield will work or not. In addition, Rosie never claimed to be a macho cop according to Grandma and/or Aye. So Mertex would have no idea that the shield might not work.

Mertex started crumbing that she was a PR when she had 3 votes against her the very first day when it took 9 to lynch. 3 votes should not have been enough pressure to make a person crumb a PR because doing so opens them up to being at the top of the NK list. PR's usually try and not draw attention to themselves because they need to be around to use their roles. I believe that is part of why Rosie wasn't posting much in the game thread. Ironically that is part of why I had a scum read on her. It wasn't like her to not be present in the game. Mertex though has been here and in everyone's face throughout day 1.
My claim can be verified by the fireproof townie. I don't want that to happen but if needed.

At least you are ceding no cc. But my role exists. It would be retarded levels of scum to claim that.

Mathblade is older but I have played mafia longer.

I tend to agree it's not verifiable.

if you are scum, you can have your partner claim to be the fire immune. Especially if you are ice. Because then if fire tries to test and see if your partner is immune he/she will be.

if there is a fire immune town player I recommend not telling hs
going to go through central posts to find who mentioned investigative roles. I know I didn't imagine that
reread the neighborhood thread. Cafe is right. They didn't outrigrht say investigative. One of she's posts stated Rosie was looking for targets for her pr. It seemed implied there was investigation. Atleast I read it that way. It's why I stopped pushing for Rosie on day one.

needless to say it was obvious Rosie had a pr role so I think central people should be looked at as well
scarlet why do you assume ice hit you and not one of the fire scum?

and how we know you aren't fire scum trying to pretend you have immunity because either you or your partner was hit?

wouldn't the prudent game play be to allow them to act rather than bait yourself and skew results?

and why are you bringing up a day vig?

Can you please clarify as to whether or not a player is notified if they were a Night target, if that play did not go through for whatever reason? Thank you!

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