Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Clarification: Mertex was forced to use her special ability, which granted her a 1-Shot Bodyguard/Meat Shield ability (this allows a player to guard another, to take a bullet to defend their target). Any player granted a 1-Shot Night ability thanks to a special ability is not forced to activate that Night Ability. It can be held for later use.

It works like the Jailers keys then? The player she targets can choose when to be protected?
No, I think it means she didn't have to shield anyone last night which is why she's not telling us who she shielded.

Hmm... I'm not really sure what to make of that, to be honest. lol

She was forced to use her ability, but not to actually target anyone with it?
She was forced to activate her ability, which gave her the ability to shield one person, one night. She is or was not forced to use it last night.

@Mertex, did you just activate your ability or did you actually shield someone?
House that is a dodge. You have stated my "lies" are scummy but you blew off Grandma's alleged lies. Again here you caught me but you caught Grandma allegedly as well. Your buzzwords don't indicate a difference. It also doesn't indicate why you think Mertex hiding her shield isok.
Clarification: Mertex was forced to use her special ability, which granted her a 1-Shot Bodyguard/Meat Shield ability (this allows a player to guard another, to take a bullet to defend their target). Any player granted a 1-Shot Night ability thanks to a special ability is not forced to activate that Night Ability. It can be held for later use.

It works like the Jailers keys then? The player she targets can choose when to be protected?
No, I think it means she didn't have to shield anyone last night which is why she's not telling us who she shielded.

Hmm... I'm not really sure what to make of that, to be honest. lol

She was forced to use her ability, but not to actually target anyone with it?

She activated it which means she has to use it. She's also said she used it but won't tell us who.
Mertex has been here and avoided the question of who she protected. She's been asked repeatedly. Until she answers what she did, I am not taking off my vote. L-1 or not. If she doesn't defend herself, she is likely scum. Town has no reason to withhold information that can help town. Scum would just be quiet.
Wolf are you in Central? Can you give me a list?

I'm not. I'm in North with Avatar, Sameech, and House.

Central was created by Cafe and has 6 members-Cafe, FA, Aye, Sameech, Avatar, and Grandma.

South is Rosie, Grandma, Mertex, and Aye.

Cafe and TN are in one but not sure which.

You are in one with Mathblade and FA.

That's all I know about the neighborhoods.
Ya'll want info - you're about to get some! Let's just hope it helps town.

- Revengeance


Do I need to PM you the target, or do I put it in the game thread?
Can someone post a link to Central please?

And IMO Scarlet Rage...That told you is not a "told you". IMO it looks like he just copy pasted the Shield ability. :/ same endless damn circle. If Wake meant it to break Macho rules IMO he needs to explicitly say so. But either way the point is proven Mertex wouldn't protect someone who said they couldn't be protected. Mertex is town and I'm facepalming at the town derp.
Math, we can't give you the Central QT link. Sorry!
Lol. You just asked to be a part of someone else's hood for no reason.

Wake did not have an excepyion for Macho cop. General rules trump assumptions. Besidesif Mertex shielded Rosie, why not tell us?

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