Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

My reads so far:

Should have been the target last night but wasn't and that does not make any sense. She is also in Rosie's 'hood where at least one scum most certainly is. Then again, I really suspect that entire hood and not all of them are going to be scum. Mertex is the highest on my suspect list though.

Yes, it makes sense based on the information I provided earlier and the reason that tn protected me.

Can't understand that you are not getting it. Rosie could investigate, that is way more dangerous to Scum than just being able to protect. I'm going to die tonight anyway, Rosie was way more valuable dead to Scum than me, but I'm sure that Scum is coming after me.
Derp...sorry my bad on Central.

And.....this is why I don't fake things. You never know what is behind door b. Aye would have tunnelled me as scum at that point and I wouldn't have two legs to stand on.
Central hood has a roleblock and I do not think Sgt has any more keys. Central can roleblock the jailed party. If an icekill happens, we know that party is less likely to be scum.

we have a role block? I'm in central and don't know of any role block
Derp...sorry my bad on Central.

And.....this is why I don't fake things. You never know what is behind door b. Aye would have tunnelled me as scum at that point and I wouldn't have two legs to stand on.
Yes. All three of us would have said the plan.
Revengeance is activated.

[AyeCantSeeYou] - Revengeance
If you are lynched this Day, you may then select and kill one player. You may not activate this ability after you've been lynched. This ability may only be used during Day 1 or 2.

Ya'll want info - you're about to get some! Let's just hope it helps town.

- Revengeance


Do I need to PM you the target, or do I put it in the game thread?
I am a one-shot vig.

You better be damn sure you get scum because we can't afford to lose another townie because you were guessing. I would never have used that if I had it until I was sure. You better be right or it could cost town the game.

What do you think I was telling all of you Day 1? I said town can't afford to mislynch.
Oh, She can only use it if she is lynched it looks like.
No. She can only use it if not lynched.

It's worded bad. It says if you are lynched you can use it, if it is activated. Then says you can't after you are lynched which means she has to activate it first and PM Wake.

@Wake Clarify please. Does it only activate if she's lynched or any time?
Aye may only get her vengeance if she is lynched. First you activate Revengeance and, should you be lynched afterwards, you do then become a Vengeful Townie.
If I do use it, 1 of 2 things will happen:

1) I hit scum and town is happy.

2) I hit town and become the next lynch target.

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