Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

PoE is process of elimination. It is dangerous because if any one of your reads is wrong, the likelihood of the conclusion being wrong greatly increases and evidence is found to support the conclusion which is bad scumhunting.

Someone is discussed, not to tunnel them but to highlight new facts and information to discuss with the group.

I stepped away from a good chunk of that train but House spent a fair amount of time at the end arguing Grandma was town. If so, why was it so difficult to get him to vote elsewhere?
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

Everyone should be discussed given the game's dwindling size. There's tunnelling (I've always thought you were scum) and then there's trying to dominate and using one player to avoid scumhunting.

Why is TN scum?

SR you should be the focus. This attempt to focus conversations on anyone else is old. First it's OMGUS myself and House then it is you helping to stir the grandma bit. Now you are trying to say "Discuss anyone but me"

However it is anti town of me to not answer it.

That slot is scum due to PoE.
Myself Town
Mertex Sameech Town
House Cafe Gath Aye Town

This leaves SR Wolf and TSO scum.

The issue I see here is House argued day 1,2 and 3 IIRC Grandma was scum and then he pulled his vote right before she was lynched. I can see why someone might think he was scum. He argued right along with our claimed town doc she was scum. I actually defended Grandma several times until I found that strange comment in our qt then the meltdown happened.

Cafe, actually, at the very last I thought that Grandma might be Town and would have pulled my vote off her if I hadn't been so adamant all along that she was Scum and all the back and forth that went on. I figured either way I was going to look Scummy to some, and decided to keep my vote on her because Grandma did the same thing in Game 4 (claim she was Town till the very end and then we found out she was scum)...the fact that House pulled his vote at the last minute does not raise a red flag for me. I think he is Town, too.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

Everyone should be discussed given the game's dwindling size. There's tunnelling (I've always thought you were scum) and then there's trying to dominate and using one player to avoid scumhunting.

Why is TN scum?

SR you should be the focus. This attempt to focus conversations on anyone else is old. First it's OMGUS myself and House then it is you helping to stir the grandma bit. Now you are trying to say "Discuss anyone but me"

However it is anti town of me to not answer it.

That slot is scum due to PoE.
Myself Town
Mertex Sameech Town
House Cafe Gath Aye Town

This leaves SR Wolf and TSO scum.

The issue I see here is House argued day 1,2 and 3 IIRC Grandma was scum and then he pulled his vote right before she was lynched. I can see why someone might think he was scum. He argued right along with our claimed town doc she was scum. I actually defended Grandma several times until I found that strange comment in our qt then the meltdown happened.

Cafe, actually, at the very last I thought that Grandma might be Town and would have pulled my vote off her if I hadn't been so adamant all along that she was Scum and all the back and forth that went on. I figured either way I was going to look Scummy to some, and decided to keep my vote on her because Grandma did the same thing in Game 4 (claim she was Town till the very end and then we found out she was scum)...the fact that House pulled his vote at the last minute does not raise a red flag for me. I think he is Town, too.

This is a pretty good point to raise. If we assume Mertex is town, then House's vote staying on could be reasonably town motivated.

That being said, it generally is poor form to vote someone you think is town unless their lynch is unavoidable. That was not the situation given the facts in the thread.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
And the right candidate is SR.

The thing is I don't trust you, nor am I going to go along with your reads when you are scumreading me for nothing. I know I'm a townie so that instantly makes me suspicious of you. You can call it OMGUS if you want. I call it not wanting any more mislynches.
Lol I call it you being scum and OMGUS and wanting to deflect.

I am calling you out so yeah I am pretty sure I don't have your "trust". I don't need your "trust" I need to demonstrate that SR is scum to you. Those arguments posted earlier are factual whether or not you "trust" me.

@CaféAuLait PoE = Process of Elimination

And I'm going to listen to you, who is scumreading me, and who is acting extremely scummy yourself.

Yeah, if one or more of my town reads wants me to vote SR and gives me reason, I'll listen. I'll listen on others I find suspicious in my earlier list-from my town reads.

The only way you get someone to vote your way is gain their trust that you are correct in who you think is scum. Your concentration on SR does not do that for me because you could be scum from an opposing team, desperate to get her lynched and you need town's help. SR has put out some pretty townie posts also. I would prefer not to mislynch here if she's town. I would hope that would be a consideration of yours as well.
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
And the right candidate is SR.

The thing is I don't trust you, nor am I going to go along with your reads when you are scumreading me for nothing. I know I'm a townie so that instantly makes me suspicious of you. You can call it OMGUS if you want. I call it not wanting any more mislynches.
Lol I call it you being scum and OMGUS and wanting to deflect.

I am calling you out so yeah I am pretty sure I don't have your "trust". I don't need your "trust" I need to demonstrate that SR is scum to you. Those arguments posted earlier are factual whether or not you "trust" me.

@CaféAuLait PoE = Process of Elimination

And I'm going to listen to you, who is scumreading me, and who is acting extremely scummy yourself.

Yeah, if one or more of my town reads wants me to vote SR and gives me reason, I'll listen. I'll listen on others I find suspicious in my earlier list-from my town reads.

The only way you get someone to vote your way is gain their trust that you are correct in who you think is scum. Your concentration on SR does not do that for me because you could be scum from an opposing team, desperate to get her lynched and you need town's help. SR has put out some pretty townie posts also. I would prefer not to mislynch here if she's town. I would hope that would be a consideration of yours as well.

Of course I don't want to mislynch anyone. SR is scum though.

The way to convince a player is scum is two fold.
1) Present logical arguments as to why they are scum.
2) Person to convince reads arguments, gives them a shot, analyzes them and agrees or disagrees. No trust involved.

If either SR or Wolf actually posted a decent argument as to who they want to lynch is scum I would consider it. However the arguments are not sound. Having made up your mind to ignore me is scummy wolf.
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

You are being narrow minded, using faulty PoE-which really hurt me with my Grandma vote, and so stuck on certain people as scum, you are unwilling to look at new information or consider other candidates.

This is not helpful for end of game when lynching scum is super important. I can't show you or anyone my role PM but it is a complete waste of time to even think of going after me if we survive and get to a mylo/lylo situation. I will not tolerate it. You better have damn good reasons.
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

You are being narrow minded, using faulty PoE-which really hurt me with my Grandma vote, and so stuck on certain people as scum, you are unwilling to look at new information or consider other candidates.

This is not helpful for end of game when lynching scum is super important. I can't show you or anyone my role PM but it is a complete waste of time to even think of going after me if we survive and get to a mylo/lylo situation. I will not tolerate it. You better have damn good reasons.

Reasons already said. Threats do not help your "townie" view point. I don't care if I have to be lynched to show I am town and get people to do the right thing. I am always open to where I could have messed up but no one is posting anything more damning than lying to all of town about their role. Going to be pretty damn hard to beat intentionally deceiving town and trying to get me to do the same.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
And the right candidate is SR.

The thing is I don't trust you, nor am I going to go along with your reads when you are scumreading me for nothing. I know I'm a townie so that instantly makes me suspicious of you. You can call it OMGUS if you want. I call it not wanting any more mislynches.
Lol I call it you being scum and OMGUS and wanting to deflect.

I am calling you out so yeah I am pretty sure I don't have your "trust". I don't need your "trust" I need to demonstrate that SR is scum to you. Those arguments posted earlier are factual whether or not you "trust" me.

@CaféAuLait PoE = Process of Elimination

And I'm going to listen to you, who is scumreading me, and who is acting extremely scummy yourself.

Yeah, if one or more of my town reads wants me to vote SR and gives me reason, I'll listen. I'll listen on others I find suspicious in my earlier list-from my town reads.

The only way you get someone to vote your way is gain their trust that you are correct in who you think is scum. Your concentration on SR does not do that for me because you could be scum from an opposing team, desperate to get her lynched and you need town's help. SR has put out some pretty townie posts also. I would prefer not to mislynch here if she's town. I would hope that would be a consideration of yours as well.

Of course I don't want to mislynch anyone. SR is scum though.

The way to convince a player is scum is two fold.
1) Present logical arguments as to why they are scum.
2) Person to convince reads arguments, gives them a shot, analyzes them and agrees or disagrees. No trust involved.

If either SR or Wolf actually posted a decent argument as to who they want to lynch is scum I would consider it. However the arguments are not sound. Having made up your mind to ignore me is scummy wolf.

Meh-I find your SR reasons faulty. My reasons for you are explained-bad votes, tunneling, distractions. My reasons for Gath are appeasy behavior and bad votes. I used PoE for SR and TSO which I already explained hurt me with Grandma. Sameech I explained earlier as to why he should not be counted out completely.
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

You are being narrow minded, using faulty PoE-which really hurt me with my Grandma vote, and so stuck on certain people as scum, you are unwilling to look at new information or consider other candidates.

This is not helpful for end of game when lynching scum is super important. I can't show you or anyone my role PM but it is a complete waste of time to even think of going after me if we survive and get to a mylo/lylo situation. I will not tolerate it. You better have damn good reasons.

Reasons already said. Threats do not help your "townie" view point. I don't care if I have to be lynched to show I am town and get people to do the right thing. I am always open to where I could have messed up but no one is posting anything more damning than lying to all of town about their role. Going to be pretty damn hard to beat intentionally deceiving town and trying to get me to do the same.

Normally, I would not care if I'm lynched as town because town can still win and I am not a PR. However, right now, town needs to NOT mislynch so I do care. You can call them threats. I call it wanting a town win which is playing to my wincon.
Mathblade, if you have three legitimate scumreads, it shouldn't matter which of them flips. Lynching scum is lynching scum. If there's only one scum left, then tunnelling makes sense. There's at least 3 so tunnelling one doesn't make sense.

I've put up reasons why Gath is scum. You've dismissed it saying Gath did one thing sort of townie. That's not rationally discussing cases at all.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
And the right candidate is SR.

The thing is I don't trust you, nor am I going to go along with your reads when you are scumreading me for nothing. I know I'm a townie so that instantly makes me suspicious of you. You can call it OMGUS if you want. I call it not wanting any more mislynches.
Lol I call it you being scum and OMGUS and wanting to deflect.

I am calling you out so yeah I am pretty sure I don't have your "trust". I don't need your "trust" I need to demonstrate that SR is scum to you. Those arguments posted earlier are factual whether or not you "trust" me.

@CaféAuLait PoE = Process of Elimination

And I'm going to listen to you, who is scumreading me, and who is acting extremely scummy yourself.

Yeah, if one or more of my town reads wants me to vote SR and gives me reason, I'll listen. I'll listen on others I find suspicious in my earlier list-from my town reads.

The only way you get someone to vote your way is gain their trust that you are correct in who you think is scum. Your concentration on SR does not do that for me because you could be scum from an opposing team, desperate to get her lynched and you need town's help. SR has put out some pretty townie posts also. I would prefer not to mislynch here if she's town. I would hope that would be a consideration of yours as well.

Of course I don't want to mislynch anyone. SR is scum though.

The way to convince a player is scum is two fold.
1) Present logical arguments as to why they are scum.
2) Person to convince reads arguments, gives them a shot, analyzes them and agrees or disagrees. No trust involved.

If either SR or Wolf actually posted a decent argument as to who they want to lynch is scum I would consider it. However the arguments are not sound. Having made up your mind to ignore me is scummy wolf.

Meh-I find your SR reasons faulty. My reasons for you are explained-bad votes, tunneling, distractions. My reasons for Gath are appeasy behavior and bad votes. I used PoE for SR and TSO which I already explained hurt me with Grandma. Sameech I explained earlier as to why he should not be counted out completely.

1) Yes I voted Grandma but she was toxic. I stated such. I voted Avi stated such and that was a good vote. I don't see any "bad" votes. Moonglow was RVS and didn't seem nice.

Tunneling = protown during lynch shopping

Distractions = not doing what you want
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

She did this in game 3 as town. Vote hoping is not alignment indicative. It is the reasons for doing it that are.
Mathblade, if you have three legitimate scumreads, it shouldn't matter which of them flips. Lynching scum is lynching scum. If there's only one scum left, then tunnelling makes sense. There's at least 3 so tunnelling one doesn't make sense.

I've put up reasons why Gath is scum. You've dismissed it saying Gath did one thing sort of townie. That's not rationally discussing cases at all.
Right so Gath = town because of townfirm action. No further discussion needed. You disagree it is townfirm which is derp. When someone is townfirm you do not discuss their possibility of being scum.

So we can discuss you, Wolf, or TN/TSO. Your pick :) I don't want to talk lynching townies to avoid a mislynch.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

She did this in game 3 as town. Vote hoping is not alignment indicative. It is the reasons for doing it that are.

Vote changing is not lynch shopping.

She has changed the discussion from me to Gath to tried Cafe then House (if I get my order right) then back to Gath. She is just trying to see who sticks aka spaghetti play rather than actually standing up for what she thinks.
1) Yes I voted Grandma but she was toxic. I stated such. I voted Avi stated such and that was a good vote. I don't see any "bad" votes. Moonglow was RVS and didn't seem nice.

Tunneling = protown during lynch shopping

Distractions = not doing what you want

Distractions=arguing with your sister for pages, tunneling is not protown and can be scummy at this point in the game, your vote placement on wagons that are town is scummy.
Mathblade, if you have three legitimate scumreads, it shouldn't matter which of them flips. Lynching scum is lynching scum. If there's only one scum left, then tunnelling makes sense. There's at least 3 so tunnelling one doesn't make sense.

I've put up reasons why Gath is scum. You've dismissed it saying Gath did one thing sort of townie. That's not rationally discussing cases at all.
Right so Gath = town because of townfirm action. No further discussion needed. You disagree it is townfirm which is derp. When someone is townfirm you do not discuss their possibility of being scum.

So we can discuss you, Wolf, or TN/TSO. Your pick :) I don't want to talk lynching townies to avoid a mislynch.

Except even Cafe, a town read of yours, has said that's not a townfirm action. Your post also completely excludes the point of Gath being Fire scum. He cannot give the keys to himself.

The group has asked to discuss everyone. Discussing everyone is good.

Can you go through your townreads and explain why each one is town?
Mathblade, if you have three legitimate scumreads, it shouldn't matter which of them flips. Lynching scum is lynching scum. If there's only one scum left, then tunnelling makes sense. There's at least 3 so tunnelling one doesn't make sense.

I've put up reasons why Gath is scum. You've dismissed it saying Gath did one thing sort of townie. That's not rationally discussing cases at all.
Right so Gath = town because of townfirm action. No further discussion needed. You disagree it is townfirm which is derp. When someone is townfirm you do not discuss their possibility of being scum.

So we can discuss you, Wolf, or TN/TSO. Your pick :) I don't want to talk lynching townies to avoid a mislynch.

So no matter how many times I tell you that it would be stupid of scum to give those keys to their scum buddies or hold them, you are going to townread someone simply for making a smart scum move and looking town for it.
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

You are being narrow minded, using faulty PoE-which really hurt me with my Grandma vote, and so stuck on certain people as scum, you are unwilling to look at new information or consider other candidates.

This is not helpful for end of game when lynching scum is super important. I can't show you or anyone my role PM but it is a complete waste of time to even think of going after me if we survive and get to a mylo/lylo situation. I will not tolerate it. You better have damn good reasons.

Wolf, this is so unlike you. You keep doing this. And it is confusing to me.

I can tell you that I have waffled on you being scum and SR being so sure you are town is a bit confusing to me, but hey I may have missed your town game where you acted like this prior. IDK. All I know is you seem very arrogant or maybe it is aggressive -the word I am looking for and it seems off.
I'll explain my town reads also, then I need sleep.

Cafe and ACSY-active, trying to figure things out, asking good questions, honest and open with sharing information. Mertex-doc claim. House-a lot of this is talking in the hood-he's very townie acting and active and interested in scumhunting, when I pressured him earlier in the game-he reacted as a townie would to being called scum-pissy and indignant-not trying to appease me.

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