Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?
I hate lying but in this case everyone was depantsing themselves...I had to find a way to keep my pants.

Depantsing -- when one claims a role or is outed to have a role by a mod / action 100% firm.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
@Mertex, I garble a fair amount more as town. Garbled indicates more... what is it I want to say... carelessness is not the right word but not being as manipulative. Garbled thought indicates more that someone is thinking hypothetically, and detached. What a player garbles and why is important to look at. There, I was clearly speaking hypothetically one scum would think the other scum might shoot you.

@Cafe, I'd have to look back to be certain. Gath doesn't have much in the way of interactions, so it is harder to peg what scumteam he is on. I'm leaning ice because of how quick Mathblade defended him and she looks pretty solidly ice. Sameech does raise a point about the FA kill possibly being to frame him. It's my least favorite out of the two, but I can't say it's wrong. It's the same kind of self-centered thinking I tend to do as town.

Vote: Sgt. Gath
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

Why do you read Wolf as Ice? Just curious.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

With that said, I can't get Quick Topic to work, anyone same having the same issues?

I have no reasons to use QT. My neighborhood is scummy :(

This is a bad reaction. Let's suppose for a minute that one of us is scum. Talking still gets the town one of us information.

If you are scum, ignoring the hood ignores a chance to manipulate me. It's a chance you shouldn't pass up.

Everything should be filtered through alignment, as any other post, but you don't ignore someone when given the opportunity to communicate privately.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
/me facepalms

Sgt. Gath IMO is town. This is a bad way to go. We need to get rid of SR before she leads us into a loss :(

Him giving the keys to Shaitra makes him townie. Dammit :/
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

When did Wolf and I suddenly cease being scumbuddies?

With that said, I can't get Quick Topic to work, anyone same having the same issues?

I have no reasons to use QT. My neighborhood is scummy :(

This is a bad reaction. Let's suppose for a minute that one of us is scum. Talking still gets the town one of us information.

If you are scum, ignoring the hood ignores a chance to manipulate me. It's a chance you shouldn't pass up.

Everything should be filtered through alignment, as any other post, but you don't ignore someone when given the opportunity to communicate privately.
...I am town. Ignoring the hood is exactly what I should do. I can't use anything "scummy" you do here and you are too smart to fall for any WIFOM tricks to accidentally out yourself in thread. The only thing me talking in hood accomplishes is helping scum :(
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
/me facepalms

Sgt. Gath IMO is town. This is a bad way to go. We need to get rid of SR before she leads us into a loss :(

Him giving the keys to Shaitra makes him townie. Dammit :/

No, it does not. That would be a smart scum move.
Oh and I will say this I am not up for any quick lynch either, I will wait for responses and or counter arguments. We don't need any more quick lynches and I fully take responsibility for my misvote on Grandma. I feel badly for it and wished I had pulled my vote before leaving the game. Either way she stated she was leaving on way or the other, even said she would find a way to get mod killed and I did not want to see yet another game go down the toilet after all the hard work put in.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
/me facepalms

Sgt. Gath IMO is town. This is a bad way to go. We need to get rid of SR before she leads us into a loss :(

Him giving the keys to Shaitra makes him townie. Dammit :/

No. Scum giving the keys to their buddy is useless and has a major risk of backfiring.
Oh and I will say this I am not up for any quick lynch either, I will wait for responses and or counter arguments. We don't need any more quick lynches and I fully take responsibility for my misvote on Grandma. I feel badly for it and wished I had pulled my vote before leaving the game. Either way she stated she was leaving on way or the other, even said she would find a way to get mod killed and I did not want to see yet another game go down the toilet after all the hard work put in.

After Grandma said Fuck Town and all the fighting with Mertex, it was really the only option.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

What does TSO mean?
Oh and I will say this I am not up for any quick lynch either, I will wait for responses and or counter arguments. We don't need any more quick lynches and I fully take responsibility for my misvote on Grandma. I feel badly for it and wished I had pulled my vote before leaving the game. Either way she stated she was leaving on way or the other, even said she would find a way to get mod killed and I did not want to see yet another game go down the toilet after all the hard work put in.

We should talk about everyone then to be sure. House hasn't really been discussed critically. I am leaning town but I get an intellectual vibe from him. I tend to get that from older players as they tend to debate more formally. Let's discuss him.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

When did Wolf and I suddenly cease being scumbuddies?

Been working on multiple theories of partners all game. Check hood and thread. Hence why I am working on scummy people not teams.

@CaféAuLait TSO = TN's replacement

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