Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

So, we're at 12-2-2. We've probably got medium power, I guess.

@Wake: Neighbourhoods were pre-determined, yeah?

Wake claims neighborhoods are randomly assigned. North-myself, Sameech-Night Watchman, Avatar-dead fire scum, House
South-Rosie-dead cop, Mertex-doc, AyeCan'tSeeYou, Grandma-dead VT
West-SR, FA_Q2-dead VT, mathblade
East-you, Cafe, Sgt_Gath, Shaitra-dead VT
Central-created with ability-Cafe, AyeCan'tSeeYou, Grandma-dead, Avatar-dead, FA_Q2-dead, Sameech

Interesting how central is getting thinned out, innit?

Probably means that scum don't like there being a neighborhood they cannot control or eavesdrop on now that Avatar is dead. Since Wolf was all upset about mine having stopped posting anything on Day 1 when I didn't give her warning of my hammer on someone she was sitting on to keep her from pulingl her vote and screw up another lynch at the 11th hour when I gave it to central, and now is all Sameech is scum after I posted nearly identical posts about how we are screwed if we don't knock out fire mafia, plus Avatar's parting comment to her seeming more like a setup for where for her to go at another critical point in the game, it certainly raises more on an eyebrow on her for me than I have on anybody else right now.
Well, back to the grindstone.

Figure out a decent strat and keep me in the loop, peeps.
My strategy today is simple. Lynch Scarlet Rage because I think she is scum.

Do your parents take the knives off the table at Thanksgiving dinner? :laugh2:

Not sure on SR. She seemed to be working so many angles as town in the one game I played with her before that I was convinced she was scum and after it ended, was thoroughly convinced she has the absolutely worst town game I have ever seen ever. Have you played a lot of games with her as scum and as town to where you would have solid meta on that?
Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech
Mertex (2): ScarletRage, RosieS
tn5421 (1): FA_Q2
Shaitra (1): Grandma
RosieS (1): Shaitra
Not Voting (2): CafeAuLait, Moonglow

The below is the VOTE BEFORE AVATAR WAS LYNCHED and SAMEECH stated he was watcher and saw him kill Rosie

Grandma (4): Mertex, House, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2
Mertex (3): ScarletRage, Sgt_Gath
ScarletRage (2): Mathblade, CafeAuLait
Avatar4321 (1): Sameech

Not Voting (5):
AyeCantSeeYou, tn5421, Avatar4321, Shaitra, Grandma

This is the Same day vote after Sameech declared he was the watcher and Avatar was lynched

Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech, Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade, AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
Grandma (1): Mertex, FA_Q2
Mertex (1): ScarletRage
ScarletRage (1): CafeAuLait

Grandma's lynch:

Grandma (7): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
Sgt_Gath (1): ScarletRage

Not Voting (5):
Sameech,Grandma, Shaitra,AyeCantSeeYou, House

Current votes:

ScarletRage (3): Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex
MathBlade (2): Wolfsister77, ScarletRage
tn5421 (1): House
Sameech (1): Sgt_Gath

Not Voting (3):
Sameech, CafeAuLait, tn5421

Well, back to the grindstone.

Figure out a decent strat and keep me in the loop, peeps.
My strategy today is simple. Lynch Scarlet Rage because I think she is scum.

Do your parents take the knives off the table at Thanksgiving dinner? :laugh2:

Not sure on SR. She seemed to be working so many angles as town in the one game I played with her before that I was convinced she was scum and after it ended, was thoroughly convinced she has the absolutely worst town game I have ever seen ever. Have you played a lot of games with her as scum and as town to where you would have solid meta on that?

Hahahaha. And no they don't ...yet :p

I have played with her town meta and her serial killer meta but not scum meta. When she is town she tends to act differently. In the serial killer game she was in she "Townfirmed" herself with the double vote and won the game. I noticed she was lying and everyone called me crazy for it and lynched me for suspecting her. They apologized afterward. Now the pattern is repeating itself. Trying to make up a "townfirm" then avoid the lynch that way.
Hahahaha. And no they don't ...yet :p

I have played with her town meta and her serial killer meta but not scum meta. When she is town she tends to act differently. In the serial killer game she was in she "Townfirmed" herself with the double vote and won the game. I noticed she was lying and everyone called me crazy for it and lynched me for suspecting her. They apologized afterward. Now the pattern is repeating itself. Trying to make up a "townfirm" then avoid the lynch that way.

Perhaps they should at least consider sporks this year after this game ;)

See in my limited experience she was 100% I was scum when I was town and declared explicitly I must die and hounded me 3 days the way she has Mertex in this game, even wanting to lynch me for being the lone voice of reason and being right when she led an ill-timed and unfounded mislynch, so my meta read is different on her than yours so I don't see her meta as that different the way you do.

I feel like I screwed up my discussing that I would not be on FA apparently sending the NK that way. It feels a little to me like all this wifom makes it easier for scum to set up people. With the math so narrow, I feel like yeah I could roll the dice under better circumstances on SR, but if she is not scum, we will be in a very bad place tomorrow. Don't know. I will think about it as I read back some.
Well, back to the grindstone.

Figure out a decent strat and keep me in the loop, peeps.
My strategy today is simple. Lynch Scarlet Rage because I think she is scum.

Do your parents take the knives off the table at Thanksgiving dinner? :laugh2:

Not sure on SR. She seemed to be working so many angles as town in the one game I played with her before that I was convinced she was scum and after it ended, was thoroughly convinced she has the absolutely worst town game I have ever seen ever. Have you played a lot of games with her as scum and as town to where you would have solid meta on that?

My strategy is work with people, see if my reads are accurate. Not pick my read and assume I'm right. Hell, if no one can reason with my why I'm wrong, I'll suppose my reads are right. If Mathblade is town, someone

@Mertex, nice setup with that "slip" I already explained. Any scum thinking to shoot would think you'd be a target for the other scumteam. Mathblade jumps as a slip.

@sameech, if you want my scum meta, I have plenty on I have a wiki that lists all of my games. There's plenty there for you to get a read on me. If you have a specific thing you're looking for, I can show you that.

The idea for scum is to blend and try to suggest mislynches casually. Being too dominant usually winds up getting scum lynched if town wise up.

Unfortuantely, this town is not wising up to Mathblade yet.
Hahahaha. And no they don't ...yet :p

I have played with her town meta and her serial killer meta but not scum meta. When she is town she tends to act differently. In the serial killer game she was in she "Townfirmed" herself with the double vote and won the game. I noticed she was lying and everyone called me crazy for it and lynched me for suspecting her. They apologized afterward. Now the pattern is repeating itself. Trying to make up a "townfirm" then avoid the lynch that way.

Perhaps they should at least consider sporks this year after this game ;)

See in my limited experience she was 100% I was scum when I was town and declared explicitly I must die and hounded me 3 days the way she has Mertex in this game, even wanting to lynch me for being the lone voice of reason and being right when she led an ill-timed and unfounded mislynch, so my meta read is different on her than yours so I don't see her meta as that different the way you do.

I feel like I screwed up my discussing that I would not be on FA apparently sending the NK that way. It feels a little to me like all this wifom makes it easier for scum to set up people. With the math so narrow, I feel like yeah I could roll the dice under better circumstances on SR, but if she is not scum, we will be in a very bad place tomorrow. Don't know. I will think about it as I read back some.

That makes sense as a fire kill to frame you, but I'm a little more subtle on you. It's easier to tunnel on newbie solely for being new. Here, you seem to be owning your opinions rather than being subtle in the background.

Mertex's issue was more of the fact I didn't believe a doctor here given my role. When Mertex started claiming doctor, I figured it was a natural fake claim. The real doctor would be fosing Mertex. I actually thought Grandma was the real doctor until her breakdown. I was wrong.
This is when you don't want a 16 game in a row town streak :( Your sister continually tunnels you every game until you draw scum....except I never do *sigh*

I should just change my name to Eternal Townie :)
Hahahaha. And no they don't ...yet :p

I have played with her town meta and her serial killer meta but not scum meta. When she is town she tends to act differently. In the serial killer game she was in she "Townfirmed" herself with the double vote and won the game. I noticed she was lying and everyone called me crazy for it and lynched me for suspecting her. They apologized afterward. Now the pattern is repeating itself. Trying to make up a "townfirm" then avoid the lynch that way.

Perhaps they should at least consider sporks this year after this game ;)

See in my limited experience she was 100% I was scum when I was town and declared explicitly I must die and hounded me 3 days the way she has Mertex in this game, even wanting to lynch me for being the lone voice of reason and being right when she led an ill-timed and unfounded mislynch, so my meta read is different on her than yours so I don't see her meta as that different the way you do.

I feel like I screwed up my discussing that I would not be on FA apparently sending the NK that way. It feels a little to me like all this wifom makes it easier for scum to set up people. With the math so narrow, I feel like yeah I could roll the dice under better circumstances on SR, but if she is not scum, we will be in a very bad place tomorrow. Don't know. I will think about it as I read back some.

I absolutely believe SR is scum. She is using the exact same confidence / "aura" (lack of a better word) than her townie games. In townie games she usually is more combative. As scum she is more cooperative. As either she is vocal. Have her tell the bomber story at some point. She loves to tell it! :D
This is when you don't want a 16 game in a row town streak :( Your sister continually tunnels you every game until you draw scum....except I never do *sigh*

I should just change my name to Eternal Townie :)

I thought you said 10 games in a row for town, previously? I could have sworn you said you had played 10 game and each and every one was as tow

For what its worth, you both have been going at one another since you arrived. It has created a distraction IMO. Simple as that.
Cafe, if you want me to move my vote, I'm perfectly fine lynching Gath as well. In fact, it is what I'd prefer but no one seems to want to discuss him critically much less lynch him. My vote goes to my scumread with the biggest votes. My goal hasn't been to get in a battle with Mathblade because I knew that would be discarded as "sibling rivalry" but she absolutely is scum.
Yes, Avatar does have a reason to lie to town - he's scum and he wants to win.

I have gone over different scenarios in my mind with the Avi vs. Sam dilemma.
- Avi could be telling the truth. If so, Sam is ICE.
- Avi could be lying. If so, Sam has the PR he has claimed. However, Avi stated in Central he did not kill Rosie - he was very adamant about that. I asked Avi in there how the kills are taken out - Avi said they agreee, then one of them carries it out, not both. So, back to the 'who is lying' part, right?

Is it possible FIRE targeted SAM and ICE targeted Avi the night there was no kill? I don't believe that happened. If it had, Avi would have told us when Sam came out demanding Avi be lynched. Who did FIRE target that night? We don't know!

Aye, the night that both Mafia's cancelled each other, Avatar was already dead.
Avi was lynched Day 2, it would have been senseless for any Scum to target him on N2, and that is the only night they cancelled each other.
This is when you don't want a 16 game in a row town streak :( Your sister continually tunnels you every game until you draw scum....except I never do *sigh*

I should just change my name to Eternal Townie :)

I thought you said 10 games in a row for town, previously? I could have sworn you said you had played 10 game and each and every one was as tow

For what its worth, you both have been going at one another since you arrived. It has created a distraction IMO. Simple as that.

I was exaggerating. :p

3 on DLP
2 on Fantasy Strike
2 on Mafia Scum (non Marathon)
3 on sc2mafia

If you count marathons it is closer to 16

I am not counting the game where All replacements were Borg because my sister didn't play with me in it and the game ended because everyone quit :(
The vote count cafe posted is interesting, but it implies Gath is fire scum if both Sameech and I are right and Mathblade is protecting him to keep the KPN high.

That quote by Mertex raises an interesting question. Having a particular player do the kill is important if there is a tracker or watcher in the game. In the original version of Fire and Scum, who did the kill did not really matter. Avi's insistence on who did the kill being important seems a little out of place. If I had seen that in Central, I would have been all over Avatar as scum.

@MathBlade, I haven't registered on Fantasy Strike. That's not a collection of games we have played together to make it clear. Sometimes you get streaks where you are town. It's not relevant to RNG. Great, you have no scum meta. Can you show us where you lied about a read as town in that extensive town meta?
Cafe, if you want me to move my vote, I'm perfectly fine lynching Gath as well. In fact, it is what I'd prefer but no one seems to want to discuss him critically much less lynch him. My vote goes to my scumread with the biggest votes. My goal hasn't been to get in a battle with Mathblade because I knew that would be discarded as "sibling rivalry" but she absolutely is scum.

I apologize, but I fully admit to not being here mentally, this has had to do with surgery and the amount of medication needed prior and after. I am no where near I was the start of this game and after returning from surgery. I am more mentally alert the last day or so.

Can you please tell me, What scum team do you think Gath is from? I just found something reading back.
Oh and good eye Mertex!

I caught that in post 3720 and that's why my vote remains on her until I am satisfied with an explanation.

To provide parity, Scarlet responded to 3720 thus:


Both teams would want to kill Mertex. That is a factor given scum wouldn't want to kill the other guy. I think that got garbled.

(emphasis mine)

Garbled is right, I'd say.

Garbled? I remember Game 1, Moonglow made the same mistake, and turned out to be Scum.
The vote count cafe posted is interesting, but it implies Gath is fire scum if both Sameech and I are right and Mathblade is protecting him to keep the KPN high.

That quote by Mertex raises an interesting question. Having a particular player do the kill is important if there is a tracker or watcher in the game. In the original version of Fire and Scum, who did the kill did not really matter. Avi's insistence on who did the kill being important seems a little out of place. If I had seen that in Central, I would have been all over Avatar as scum.

@MathBlade, I haven't registered on Fantasy Strike. That's not a collection of games we have played together to make it clear. Sometimes you get streaks where you are town. It's not relevant to RNG. Great, you have no scum meta. Can you show us where you lied about a read as town in that extensive town meta?
If you register on FS I can. I said I was not every role in an open set up to preserve my pants. It worked :D

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