Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

What does TSO mean?

TSO replaced TN.
Sgt_Gath is now at L-2. I feel comfortable having someone at L-2 but not any closer than that. So make sure we are certain here before anyone else votes. If I see another vote on Gath, I will unvote and look there for scum. No quick lynching please but some votes are fine for certain reasons-mainly pressure and reactions.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

Everyone should be discussed given the game's dwindling size. There's tunnelling (I've always thought you were scum) and then there's trying to dominate and using one player to avoid scumhunting.

Why is TN scum?
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
/me facepalms

Sgt. Gath IMO is town. This is a bad way to go. We need to get rid of SR before she leads us into a loss :(

Him giving the keys to Shaitra makes him townie. Dammit :/

Look I thought the same but some things are off. I am willing to unvote and let it be known I am more than willing to vote Gath to ensure we don't have a quick lynch. Which I think may be the better route to go given there are three scum who can jump on this vote.


With the caveat I believe Gath to be scum. I am unvoting to ensure I do not start a mislynch or a quick lynch if I walk away from the game or I have to leave.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

Everyone should be discussed given the game's dwindling size. There's tunnelling (I've always thought you were scum) and then there's trying to dominate and using one player to avoid scumhunting.

Why is TN scum?

SR you should be the focus. This attempt to focus conversations on anyone else is old. First it's OMGUS myself and House then it is you helping to stir the grandma bit. Now you are trying to say "Discuss anyone but me"

However it is anti town of me to not answer it.

That slot is scum due to PoE.
Myself Town
Mertex Sameech Town
House Cafe Gath Aye Town

This leaves SR Wolf and TSO scum.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
/me facepalms

Sgt. Gath IMO is town. This is a bad way to go. We need to get rid of SR before she leads us into a loss :(

Him giving the keys to Shaitra makes him townie. Dammit :/

Look I thought the same but some things are off. I am willing to unvote and let it be known I am more than willing to vote Gath to ensure we don't have a quick lynch. Which I think may be the better route to go given there are three scum who can jump on this vote.


With the caveat I believe Gath to be scum. I am unvoting to ensure I do not start a mislynch or a quick lynch if I walk away from the game or I have to leave.

You realize if 3 jump on the wagon to lynch Gath, they will be casting huge suspicion on themselves. But I understand. Let's let everyone else weight in first. At least you let us know your intention.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
And the right candidate is SR.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

Everyone should be discussed given the game's dwindling size. There's tunnelling (I've always thought you were scum) and then there's trying to dominate and using one player to avoid scumhunting.

Why is TN scum?

SR you should be the focus. This attempt to focus conversations on anyone else is old. First it's OMGUS myself and House then it is you helping to stir the grandma bit. Now you are trying to say "Discuss anyone but me"

However it is anti town of me to not answer it.

That slot is scum due to PoE.
Myself Town
Mertex Sameech Town
House Cafe Gath Aye Town

This leaves SR Wolf and TSO scum.

LOL, very funny. Good one.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
/me facepalms

Sgt. Gath IMO is town. This is a bad way to go. We need to get rid of SR before she leads us into a loss :(

Him giving the keys to Shaitra makes him townie. Dammit :/

Look I thought the same but some things are off. I am willing to unvote and let it be known I am more than willing to vote Gath to ensure we don't have a quick lynch. Which I think may be the better route to go given there are three scum who can jump on this vote.


With the caveat I believe Gath to be scum. I am unvoting to ensure I do not start a mislynch or a quick lynch if I walk away from the game or I have to leave.

You realize if 3 jump on the wagon to lynch Gath, they will be casting huge suspicion on themselves. But I understand. Let's let everyone else weight in first. At least you let us know your intention.

Sure, but if I were scum I would be all over it with the hopes of a repeat of last night, then we are really screwed. I am not taking the chance.

Again, I am going to finish reading but I was going to post this in central ( about Gath to get feedback) but I can't get quick topic to load. So it is out here for now. We still have several days left. I will finish reading by tomorrow.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
And the right candidate is SR.

The thing is I don't trust you, nor am I going to go along with your reads when you are scumreading me for nothing. I know I'm a townie so that instantly makes me suspicious of you. You can call it OMGUS if you want. I call it not wanting any more mislynches.
Mathblade, PoE is dangerous. You are saying that TN didn't do anything scummy but everyone else is really townie.

Why are they town? We should have a collective discussion.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

Everyone should be discussed given the game's dwindling size. There's tunnelling (I've always thought you were scum) and then there's trying to dominate and using one player to avoid scumhunting.

Why is TN scum?

SR you should be the focus. This attempt to focus conversations on anyone else is old. First it's OMGUS myself and House then it is you helping to stir the grandma bit. Now you are trying to say "Discuss anyone but me"

However it is anti town of me to not answer it.

That slot is scum due to PoE.
Myself Town
Mertex Sameech Town
House Cafe Gath Aye Town

This leaves SR Wolf and TSO scum.

The issue I see here is House argued day 1,2 and 3 IIRC Grandma was scum and then he pulled his vote right before she was lynched. I can see why someone might think he was scum. He argued right along with our claimed town doc she was scum. I actually defended Grandma several times until I found that strange comment in our qt then the meltdown happened.
Mathblade, PoE is dangerous. You are saying that TN didn't do anything scummy but everyone else is really townie.

Why are they town? We should have a collective discussion.
Never said they didn't do anything scummy. They have lurked and done other things players have called out as TN's scum meta.

Yes we should have a collective discussion but my answer is SR should be lynched and my vote will be on one of my top three scumspects.

My contribution is SR Wolf and TN/TSO are scum. Yay!!

Now let's go back to you trying to focus discussion on anyone but you. It is dodgy and scummy.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

I think you are wrong about Fire. I think its Gath, I think SR is the same old SR who has always plated here. I just noted something reading back. I get Gath hammered Avatar, but between neighborhood chatter and GT, I admit to still reading back, my vote is on Gath right now. I think I put too much into his giving a key to Shaitra.

Vote : Sgt Gath.
/me facepalms

Sgt. Gath IMO is town. This is a bad way to go. We need to get rid of SR before she leads us into a loss :(

Him giving the keys to Shaitra makes him townie. Dammit :/

Look I thought the same but some things are off. I am willing to unvote and let it be known I am more than willing to vote Gath to ensure we don't have a quick lynch. Which I think may be the better route to go given there are three scum who can jump on this vote.


With the caveat I believe Gath to be scum. I am unvoting to ensure I do not start a mislynch or a quick lynch if I walk away from the game or I have to leave.

You realize if 3 jump on the wagon to lynch Gath, they will be casting huge suspicion on themselves. But I understand. Let's let everyone else weight in first. At least you let us know your intention.

Sure, but if I were scum I would be all over it with the hopes of a repeat of last night, then we are really screwed. I am not taking the chance.

Again, I am going to finish reading but I was going to post this in central ( about Gath to get feedback) but I can't get quick topic to load. So it is out here for now. We still have several days left. I will finish reading by tomorrow.

It's working for me. See if Wake or one of your neighbors can resend it.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Fire Scum -SR
Ice Scum - You and TN I think

You haven't been saying much about me or TN(TSO). Just SR. You have not done anything to show TSO or myself are the ice scum team. This is one of my main reasons for scum reading you. Your insistence on casting suspicions on people who most don't suspect as scum and your votes which are all scummy as hell.

SR should be the lynch today. I tunnel. I also point out scummy shit when it happens. The conversation should be focused on SR because she should be the lynch.

No, We can't do that because we there are still 3 scum alive and only 7 townies. We have to make sure we are doing this right. If you are wrong about SR, town is in bad shape. All suspicions should be brought forward to make sure we have the right lynch candidate this time, IMO.
And the right candidate is SR.

The thing is I don't trust you, nor am I going to go along with your reads when you are scumreading me for nothing. I know I'm a townie so that instantly makes me suspicious of you. You can call it OMGUS if you want. I call it not wanting any more mislynches.
Lol I call it you being scum and OMGUS and wanting to deflect.

I am calling you out so yeah I am pretty sure I don't have your "trust". I don't need your "trust" I need to demonstrate that SR is scum to you. Those arguments posted earlier are factual whether or not you "trust" me.

@CaféAuLait PoE = Process of Elimination
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

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