Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Mathblade, if you have three legitimate scumreads, it shouldn't matter which of them flips. Lynching scum is lynching scum. If there's only one scum left, then tunnelling makes sense. There's at least 3 so tunnelling one doesn't make sense.

I've put up reasons why Gath is scum. You've dismissed it saying Gath did one thing sort of townie. That's not rationally discussing cases at all.
Right so Gath = town because of townfirm action. No further discussion needed. You disagree it is townfirm which is derp. When someone is townfirm you do not discuss their possibility of being scum.

So we can discuss you, Wolf, or TN/TSO. Your pick :) I don't want to talk lynching townies to avoid a mislynch.

Except even Cafe, a town read of yours, has said that's not a townfirm action. Your post also completely excludes the point of Gath being Fire scum. He cannot give the keys to himself.

The group has asked to discuss everyone. Discussing everyone is good.

Can you go through your townreads and explain why each one is town?

Me = Town because I am
Mertex = Town because how she claimed Doc not that she did.
Sameech = Town because he told us accurately Avi was scum and tunneled it. (protown instance of tunneling when he was right.)
Cafe = Asking learning questions to better themselves that they could just ask a scum partner if they had one.
House = Town for his probing of everyone and wanting to get to the root of things.
Aye = Obvious town Not a single person has mentioned they could be scum. Has a neon sign town.
Gath = Townfirm based on keys.
I've mentioned Aye could be scum... he's my third scum read. If no one is discussing someone as a suspect, that's a problem.

Cafe, Wolf seems pretty town to me, but let's have a discussion on that tomorrow IRL.
Damn, this has sure gone south in a hurry. lol


Why do you think I'm scum all of the sudden? What did you see looking back over the thread?

I can't very well defend myself if I don't know what I'm accused of.
*If no one's discussing someone over the span of the game...

Mertex has been discussed to death and thoroughly cleared.
*If no one's discussing someone over the span of the game...

Mertex has been discussed to death and thoroughly cleared.

Nonsense. She was one of the strongest voices pushing for Grandma's lynch, and her doc claim still has not been confirmed.

She also seems to be suspiciously chummy with Aye, and has been pretty much all game.

When was she "townfirmed?"
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

You are being narrow minded, using faulty PoE-which really hurt me with my Grandma vote, and so stuck on certain people as scum, you are unwilling to look at new information or consider other candidates.

This is not helpful for end of game when lynching scum is super important. I can't show you or anyone my role PM but it is a complete waste of time to even think of going after me if we survive and get to a mylo/lylo situation. I will not tolerate it. You better have damn good reasons.

Wolf, this is so unlike you. You keep doing this. And it is confusing to me.

I can tell you that I have waffled on you being scum and SR being so sure you are town is a bit confusing to me, but hey I may have missed your town game where you acted like this prior. IDK. All I know is you seem very arrogant or maybe it is aggressive -the word I am looking for and it seems off.

You've played with me when I was scum in game 3 and have not played with me as town. It isn't arrogance. It is wanting a town win. If I sense scum trying to set me up, I will not be happy with it.
I've mentioned Aye could be scum... he's my third scum read. If no one is discussing someone as a suspect, that's a problem.

Cafe, Wolf seems pretty town to me, but let's have a discussion on that tomorrow IRL.
You have mentioned everyone but you and Wolf and now Mertex could be scum. What is it now? Gath? Me? Aye? House? Cafe?
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

It's funny this is the way she plays here all the time, maybe she plays differently elsewhere? I have no clue what your QT looks like thought, so maybe this is why you are so sure she is scum?

I just hope the both of you have not ruled out other players because you seem to have blinders on when it comes to each other. I mean this to the both of you not just you and I hope this does not come off as condescending, if it does I apologize. You replaced someone who was reading as scum prior to your arrival, I was so happy to get a replacement because that player has a history of being a non-participant and to be honest was happy we were getting yet another experienced player. I just hope the rivalry between the two of you does not out shadow your play.
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

You are being narrow minded, using faulty PoE-which really hurt me with my Grandma vote, and so stuck on certain people as scum, you are unwilling to look at new information or consider other candidates.

This is not helpful for end of game when lynching scum is super important. I can't show you or anyone my role PM but it is a complete waste of time to even think of going after me if we survive and get to a mylo/lylo situation. I will not tolerate it. You better have damn good reasons.

Wolf, this is so unlike you. You keep doing this. And it is confusing to me.

I can tell you that I have waffled on you being scum and SR being so sure you are town is a bit confusing to me, but hey I may have missed your town game where you acted like this prior. IDK. All I know is you seem very arrogant or maybe it is aggressive -the word I am looking for and it seems off.

You've played with me when I was scum in game 3 and have not played with me as town. It isn't arrogance. It is wanting a town win. If I sense scum trying to set me up, I will not be happy with it.

I have read your other town game though.
Sameech was on my list too because of what Avatar said after he was lynched and the fact he knew about what Aye and grandma were saying in Central. His meta is off but he has a lot of Real life stuff going on right now as well and if he is the PR he claims I can see him lying low. However, I am shocked not a single claimed PR has been killed by scum yet.

Why are you shocked? They cancel each other if they both aim for the same person. Right now I'm the only PR that has claimed. We know they both cancelled each other once ( probably both aimed for me). That is not hard to figure out.

I missed this. Sameech and I are PRs who haveclaimed.
Anywho I am going to sleep.

@CaféAuLait What is in the QT contributes to it. She tried to set me up to do scummy things and continually "lynch shops" and gets frustrated when I don't help her mislynch.
I've mentioned Aye could be scum... he's my third scum read. If no one is discussing someone as a suspect, that's a problem.

Cafe, Wolf seems pretty town to me, but let's have a discussion on that tomorrow IRL.
You have mentioned everyone but you and Wolf and now Mertex could be scum. What is it now? Gath? Me? Aye? House? Cafe?
No. I have mentioned discussing them. I am not 100% certain. That is rational. Stop accusing me of doubtcasting when I am not.

I am pretty sure Cafe Wolf and House are town but I am willing to discuss things.
Anywho I am going to sleep.

@CaféAuLait What is in the QT contributes to it. She tried to set me up to do scummy things and continually "lynch shops" and gets frustrated when I don't help her mislynch.

That seems to be exactly what I have observed from her so far (if SR is who you are referring to here). She rushes around like a chicken with her head cut off making hyper-aggressive accusations, and then she gets all pissy and spastic when everyone else doesn't play along.

Just two days ago she was convinced that Mertex was scum. Now she regards her as being "townfirmed" for no apparent reason.

Ummm... Wtf changed?
@CafeAuLait, please leave your thoughts on Wolf. Take your time as I will not read it and reply tonight.
I also see excessive tunneling on one person, without being willing to look at others as extremely scummy.

So, while I switched to Gath, huge FoS on mathblade still for tunneling, scummy votes, scum reads on townies for no reason, and distracting the thread with noise.

1) I am making sure we lynch scum.
SR is doing what is sometimes referred to as "lynch shopping". She realizes a lynch on a player is going no where so "let's have more discussion" and puts something scummy. If someone puts something scummy they agree and vote that player.

2) I have my top three scum reads. To put my vote anywhere else would mean I am voting for someone I believe to be town. This is wrong. I do not want a mislynch so I will not contribute to lynching a townie.

3)Not scum reading anyone for no reason. I gave reasons for SR and Wolf and TN/TSO was in prior days.

4) My words are not noise. They are me taking my stand for what I believe in.

You are being narrow minded, using faulty PoE-which really hurt me with my Grandma vote, and so stuck on certain people as scum, you are unwilling to look at new information or consider other candidates.

This is not helpful for end of game when lynching scum is super important. I can't show you or anyone my role PM but it is a complete waste of time to even think of going after me if we survive and get to a mylo/lylo situation. I will not tolerate it. You better have damn good reasons.

Wolf, this is so unlike you. You keep doing this. And it is confusing to me.

I can tell you that I have waffled on you being scum and SR being so sure you are town is a bit confusing to me, but hey I may have missed your town game where you acted like this prior. IDK. All I know is you seem very arrogant or maybe it is aggressive -the word I am looking for and it seems off.

You've played with me when I was scum in game 3 and have not played with me as town. It isn't arrogance. It is wanting a town win. If I sense scum trying to set me up, I will not be happy with it.

I have read your other town game though.

Right, and I was so aggressive that RD investigated me night 1 as a cop. That was her reason for doing so. I also posted a hell of a lot more. Frankly, as scum, I lurked too much D2 and was a huge tell. That plus the damn cop investigated me again. I always get investigated. For whatever reason.
Anywho I am going to sleep.

@CaféAuLait What is in the QT contributes to it. She tried to set me up to do scummy things and continually "lynch shops" and gets frustrated when I don't help her mislynch.

That seems to be exactly what I have observed from her so far (if SR is who you are referring to here). She rushes around like a chicken with her head cut off making hyper-aggressive accusations, and then she gets all pissy and spastic when everyone else doesn't play along.

Just two days ago she was convinced that Mertex was scum. Now she regards her as being "townfirmed" for no apparent reason.

Ummm... Wtf changed?

That's vague. Two game days ago, I thought Grandma was the doctor. I was likely wrong. If there's a doctor at all, Mertex is it. The setup strongly suggests one.
That's vague. Two game days ago, I thought Grandma was the doctor. I was likely wrong. If there's a doctor at all, Mertex is it. The setup strongly suggests one.

A) Why?

B) If there isn't a doctor (which is entirely possible given how no kill attempt has been blocked by a doctor's abilities so far), a false doc claim would actually be an excellent cover for scum. Given some of Mertex's more suspicious behavior and associations throughout the game, there is really no reason whatsoever to consider her as being "confirmed" town as such.

This is just more of your usual self-contradictory flailing.
If there is no doc, there is zero reason to give Rosie the Macho modifier as we already know the shield would protect Rosie.

And with that good night.

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