Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

If there is no doc, there is zero reason to give Rosie the Macho modifier as we already know the shield would protect Rosie.

And with that good night.

Other protective abilities have come into play throughout the game.

Someone made a player "ice proof" on D1, as I recall, and Mertex stole a "meatshield" ability earlier as well.

The existence of the Macho modifier proves exactly nothing as far as the presence of a Doc role in the game is concerned.
Oh and I will say this I am not up for any quick lynch either, I will wait for responses and or counter arguments. We don't need any more quick lynches and I fully take responsibility for my misvote on Grandma. I feel badly for it and wished I had pulled my vote before leaving the game. Either way she stated she was leaving on way or the other, even said she would find a way to get mod killed and I did not want to see yet another game go down the toilet after all the hard work put in.

We should talk about everyone then to be sure. House hasn't really been discussed critically. I am leaning town but I get an intellectual vibe from him. I tend to get that from older players as they tend to debate more formally. Let's discuss him.
Flattery will get you everywhere, darling.
PoE is process of elimination. It is dangerous because if any one of your reads is wrong, the likelihood of the conclusion being wrong greatly increases and evidence is found to support the conclusion which is bad scumhunting.

Someone is discussed, not to tunnel them but to highlight new facts and information to discuss with the group.

I stepped away from a good chunk of that train but House spent a fair amount of time at the end arguing Grandma was town. If so, why was it so difficult to get him to vote elsewhere?

I wasn't technically arguing she was town insomuch as admitting that my view was biased, and thus tainted & unreliable for a vote.

I didn't change my opinion of her, I just knew my opinion was colored by irrelevant events.
Yeah, if one or more of my town reads wants me to vote SR and gives me reason, I'll listen.

I'ma call your bluff here, Miss Wolfie. I gave you plenty of reasons.

You're just determined not to vote for SR and throw out one rationalization after another over it.
Mathblade, if you have three legitimate scumreads, it shouldn't matter which of them flips. Lynching scum is lynching scum. If there's only one scum left, then tunnelling makes sense. There's at least 3 so tunnelling one doesn't make sense.

Bad logic is bad.

If we lynch fire, there will only be 1 NK. If we lynch ice, there will continue to be 2 NK for another night at the minimum.

We need to lynch fire to maximize our chances.
I've mentioned Aye could be scum... he's my third scum read. If no one is discussing someone as a suspect, that's a problem.

Cafe, Wolf seems pretty town to me, but let's have a discussion on that tomorrow IRL.

If people are not supposed to be discussing the game via PM, then I would think discussing it IRL when all other members are not present to participate would be an extension of that rule.

@Wake clarification?
It's late and I'm tired from driving all day, but here's my reads at the moment.

01) Sameech
null, unchallenged PR claim is indicative of town, but not conclusive in itself. That Avatar painted him as scum can read both ways as well, considering it would serve scum's purpose to both out an enemy scum OR cause a PR mislynch. It's a gamble I don't care to take.

02) CafeAuLait
Early on, I thought she was acting pretty scummy over the whole Moonglow thing, but that was my error. Cafe has been solid town for a long time.

03) Avatar4321
Dead fire scum is dead.

04) AyeCantSeeYou
Solid town on Aye. No idea why anyone would try to paint her using her ability as scummy, considering it was time limited. Confirmed not fire scum considering she was jailed when fire got an NK with only 1 remaining member of fire left alive.

05) T S O
I had tn9876543210 as scum primarily due to his lurking/inaction & jump to hammer

06) FA_Q2
Dead townie is dead.

07) sgt_gath
n00b town is n00b. He's being run up by scum trying to deflect attention from themselves (herself), and I refuse to participate in it.

08) moonglow
dead irrelevant person is dead.

09) Shaitra
Dead townie is dead.

10) Grandma
Dead townie is dead.

11) Mertex
Doc is a bold PR claim, but it is as yet uncontested. That scum still hasn't taken her out several nights after she outed herself boggles the mind and casts a little doubt, however.

12) RosieS
Dead macho cop is dead.

13) MathBlade
Not quite sure what to make of Math. If she's scum, she's probably ice.

14) ScarletRage
Solid scum, and I'd be willing to bet fire. She is desperate to keep attention off of her, bargains with players for votes ("vote so and so with me for 48 hours then I'll vote for who you want"), and keeps scum slipping in her wordy diatribes ("the other scum team" in multiple posts). Not buying the flimsy excuse for the slips.

Her posts also reek of desperation which is consistent with the attitude the sole remaining member of fire would have. After all, if SR dies, her team loses with no redemption from beyond the grave.

15) House
I'm down with town.

16) Wolfsister77
Questionable judgment, but solid town.
Forgot to mention about #14, Scarlet basically invited ice to kill Mertex. Her post about the doc being a "high priority for the other scum team" looks suspiciously like an attempted communication with said "other scum team".
Oh and good eye Mertex!

I caught that in post 3720 and that's why my vote remains on her until I am satisfied with an explanation.

To provide parity, Scarlet responded to 3720 thus:


Both teams would want to kill Mertex. That is a factor given scum wouldn't want to kill the other guy. I think that got garbled.

(emphasis mine)

Garbled is right, I'd say.

Garbled? I remember Game 1, Moonglow made the same mistake, and turned out to be Scum.

That was the point I was trying to make without being ham-handed about it.
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Question... why couldn't TSO be ice?
Town: House, myself, Cafe, ACSY, Mertex-I'm fairly confident with these town reads right now.
Ice Scum: Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Sameech-one of these 3 is town and I'm wrong, which one?
Fire Scum: ScarletRage, TSO-one of these is town and I'm wrong, which one?

Thoughts on this?

Question... why couldn't TSO be ice?

Could be ice. I'm thinking mathblade likely is and she has been pushing TSO as scum so that wouldn't make sense as much.
Yeah, if one or more of my town reads wants me to vote SR and gives me reason, I'll listen.

I'ma call your bluff here, Miss Wolfie. I gave you plenty of reasons.

You're just determined not to vote for SR and throw out one rationalization after another over it.

I'm trying to make sure she isn't town. I don't want to lynch a townie. I don't want too many votes on someone until we are reasonable certain-meaning most of my town reads want to vote her and I know why.
Our ongoing game should only be discussed in this thread and the Neighborhoods.

Planning to work in a VC among today's chaotic schedule.
I've mentioned Aye could be scum... he's my third scum read. If no one is discussing someone as a suspect, that's a problem.

Cafe, Wolf seems pretty town to me, but let's have a discussion on that tomorrow IRL.

If people are not supposed to be discussing the game via PM, then I would think discussing it IRL when all other members are not present to participate would be an extension of that rule.

@Wake clarification?
@House She means tomorrow in real time versus tomorrow game time. It is an abbreviation commonly used on other forums.

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