Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

@House She means tomorrow in real time versus tomorrow game time. It is an abbreviation commonly used on other forums.

in real time would be IRT, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately no.

The more accepted version is toMorrow for the next day in real life but then other people would go why are you capitalizing the M?

However In Real Life or In Real Time or toMorrow are all acceptable forms of saying the next 24 hours.
IRL = In real life. Same thing. I wanted Cafe's case for Wolf scum here.

I feel relatively confident TSO will refuse to vote me when he sees the wagon.

@House, Firescum is a bonus. We cannot afford to lynch town. I do not care what scum flips but I will dance if Gath or Mathblade flips firescum.

I know there are three scum but I do not feel as confident about anyone else flipping scum.

The Grandma wagon was bad. Gath's vote was horrendous. There is a difference between noob scum and noob town. Noob town tend to be less confident in their reads but do not preemptively seek approval as has been discussed.
My sister is scum but not a cheat :) it was just she wanted to sleep.

Speaking of which work or sleep for me since got woken up this morning.
@House She means tomorrow in real time versus tomorrow game time. It is an abbreviation commonly used on other forums.

in real time would be IRT, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately no.

The more accepted version is toMorrow for the next day in real life but then other people would go why are you capitalizing the M?

However In Real Life or In Real Time or toMorrow are all acceptable forms of saying the next 24 hours.
Can you show any more obvious buddying to House? Unfortunately, you can't use IRL as a reason to paint me as scummy.

You are trying to get close to him while I am documenting what patterns I see. For instance, I tend to like older players is true. His age reflects in his voice. Thus causing the belief he ain't new.
@MathBlade, How is that wall of game based reasons to townread everyone coming? You know one with game based reasons?

Your Gath conftown read is shit because you are forcing it because you want me flip and youare his buddy. There are far too many conftowns.

I said icescum will want to lynch me. Who has solidly come after me since Day 2 to the ignorance of all else? You. Who has ignored their townreads saying Gath is not confirmed town?

You give Gath credit for having keys. Yet you refuse to acknowledge my play was incredibly protown if honest.
You have shut down our hood, which is incredibly anti-town. People are asking me to give you an opportunity to be townread.

I cannot do that if you do not act like town.
@MathBlade, How is that wall of game based reasons to townread everyone coming? You know one with game based reasons?

Your Gath conftown read is shit because you are forcing it because you want me flip and youare his buddy. There are far too many conftowns.

I said icescum will want to lynch me. Who has solidly come after me since Day 2 to the ignorance of all else? You. Who has ignored their townreads saying Gath is not confirmed town?

You give Gath credit for having keys. Yet you refuse to acknowledge my play was incredibly protown if honest.

1) did it last night.
It is a big post with name = reason

2) Waaaaaaah! I don't like your deduction but only say you're wrong and should come with me.

3) lol if honest. If you have to qualify your own statements with if honest you are lying. And no. If you are Iceproof townie IMO the proper play is to shut up and let the other team think you are ice scum. I think it is very anti town to lie to all of town and then try to make me look scummy for catching you.

4) if you are honest (which I don't think you are) your death would likely confirm a fireproof townie. I don't have to do anything.

One more try for bed.
If the fireproof townie does not announce before I die, it is a fake claim. I am seriously thinking there are three ice scum if the fireproof townie does not claim.
Your reasons were deficient. Gath was mechanics that your other townreads disagree with.

Your read on Wolf was scum despite Wolf and Cafe having many similarities but for voting you.

I was highlighting your only move is to highlight me as a liar or revoke your Gath conftown read.
That's vague. Two game days ago, I thought Grandma was the doctor. I was likely wrong. If there's a doctor at all, Mertex is it. The setup strongly suggests one.

A) Why?

B) If there isn't a doctor (which is entirely possible given how no kill attempt has been blocked by a doctor's abilities so far), a false doc claim would actually be an excellent cover for scum. Given some of Mertex's more suspicious behavior and associations throughout the game, there is really no reason whatsoever to consider her as being "confirmed" town as such.
How do you know that? Night 1 Ice failed. I had protection so some are saying that Ice couldn't have come after me, I protected tn, he wasn't killed and Ice had a no-kill. How can you be so sure that it wasn't due to my protection? The only reason I'm still alive is because Fire/Ice can't coordinate and they're afraid of cancelling each other again.

This is just more of your usual self-contradictory flailing.
I'm more prone to believe Math than SR, because Math isn't all over the place.
Gath knows that because he is scum. That is most likely fire. That is also why he could drop the push on who you healed n1. If we know who scum did not attack n1, then we know someone else who was immune to the ice kill. Gath only knows that if icescum.

Town tend to be less focused Mertex. Scum already know the answer, so they have to force a narrative. Town are investigating and do not know the alignments of players. We do not have the same focus.

You know Grandma flipped town. You know people egged you on. Yet you are voting me with the same players who lynched Grandma.
I've mentioned Aye could be scum... he's my third scum read. If no one is discussing someone as a suspect, that's a problem.

Cafe, Wolf seems pretty town to me, but let's have a discussion on that tomorrow IRL.

If people are not supposed to be discussing the game via PM, then I would think discussing it IRL when all other members are not present to participate would be an extension of that rule.

@Wake clarification?
@ScarletRage You mentioned Mertex, Sameech, and you having a PR... but I don't recall ever reading your PR claim.

Enlighten me.

She said something about being Ice immune which I find rather questionable. Why would anyone have immunity from a Scum kill for the whole game? It doesn't make sense. I asked about it and never got an answer from her that I could see. There is a difference between PRs and abilities, and abilities are no longer applicable, IIRC that Wake said were only good for N1/N2.
I missed your question Mertex.

The immunity from ice kill musy be balanced by something. That I admit should feel off. I am thinking balanced by ice having more power.

I originally figured there was no doctor just ice and fire proof townies. Sameech claiming Night Watcher said the roles were already different (figured no cop but watcher and tracker). So doctor made less sense.

Grandma's push on you then made me think she was the doctor. I was wrong.
I've mentioned Aye could be scum... he's my third scum read. If no one is discussing someone as a suspect, that's a problem.

Cafe, Wolf seems pretty town to me, but let's have a discussion on that tomorrow IRL.

If people are not supposed to be discussing the game via PM, then I would think discussing it IRL when all other members are not present to participate would be an extension of that rule.

@Wake clarification?
@ScarletRage You mentioned Mertex, Sameech, and you having a PR... but I don't recall ever reading your PR claim.

Enlighten me.

She said something about being Ice immune which I find rather questionable. Why would anyone have immunity from a Scum kill for the whole game? It doesn't make sense. I asked about it and never got an answer from her that I could see. There is a difference between PRs and abilities, and abilities are no longer applicable, IIRC that Wake said were only good for N1/N2.
Being Iceproof townie is my PR.

I was a swapper that swapped Mebelle and Sameech.
Can you please tell me who you healed N1 and only N1? I am trying to deduce how many options firescum had. I want to compare that to AV's reads yesterday.

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