Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Scratch that..if Sameech is town...both Avatar and I are targetable by icescum regardless of Sameech's truthfulness. It would be a hell of a coincidence but possible Avatar was targeted by icescum and Saneech.
I have been watching your posts Mertex and never saw you say you healed TN.
You must not be watching very carefully. And, I just made those comments recently. I'm pretty sure that I mentioned having protected tn earlier, but I have too many posts to go over all of them, but you sure haven't been reading them.

I'm still not sure that it helps Town or Scum if I reveal. But, I will take a chance. I protected tn. I knew that some were claiming that he was Scum, but I was convinced he was Town. Not sure he was targeted since there were other abilities/powers in play. Still not convinced that revealing it helps Town, but I'm still learning in this game, I've made mistakes, but I don't lie.

How do you know that? Night 1 Ice failed. I had protection so some are saying that Ice couldn't have come after me, I protected tn, he wasn't killed and Ice had a no-kill. How can you be so sure that it wasn't due to my protection? The only reason I'm still alive is because Fire/Ice can't coordinate and they're afraid of cancelling each other again.

I'm more prone to believe Math than SR, because Math isn't all over the place.

So 2 ice scum could not kill Grandma that leaves our current alive pool plus Avatar as targets for N1 ice. Anyone else would have flipped.
I understand Grandma could not be NK night 1. If Ice had targeted Avatar, they would have killed him, because Fire targeted Rosie....they would not have had a failed kill.

We have icescum targeting me, TN, Avatar or unknown firescum.
Avatar is dead, so your comment does not make any sense. You have no way of knowing Ice is targeting you, if they were you would be dead since Fire went after FA.

We can logically eliminate ice scum attacking unknown fire scum because there would be a consistent counterwagon to me.

This is just mumbo jumbo, don't even know what you mean by it.
If Sameech is town, we can infer icescum targeted me N1 for the kill. If Sameech is scum fake claiming, they targeted Avatar.

You could also be Fire Scum without your phony baloney iceproof, and we would have had the same result.
IceScum targeting FireScum would yield a failed kill.
I understand Grandma could not be NK night 1. If Ice had targeted Avatar, they would have killed him, because Fire targeted Rosie....they would not have had a failed kill.

Grandma, you-your ice immunity, TN-your protect, Avi and whoever the other fire scum is, and SR, if she is iceproof could all be targets of ice scum and not be killed N1. There is also whoever was jailed that night, if anyone, which is why it would be nice if the jail keys were used, that those people would say who they used them on-could be someone ice targeted or ice was jailed also. We know Shaitra used her keys on Aye N2 so Aye isn't fire scum since fire scum shot and there is only one. We know Rosie had a set and died.This is why this info. has to be shared. NOT if you have one and haven't used it yet.

Second point for the whole group to discuss:

Sameech said he saw Avi kill Rosie and since Avi is fire, either Sameech shot him as ice or is a PR like he claims. He says he found out FA was town N1 also which means he somehow targeted Rosie and FA which really needs to be cleared up by Sameech before I know one way or the other what is going on with him. He needs to clarify his role and what he did. Like-can he target both FA and Avi N1?
I understand Grandma could not be NK night 1. If Ice had targeted Avatar, they would have killed him, because Fire targeted Rosie....they would not have had a failed kill.

Never mind that comment, I just realized that if Ice had targeted Avi, they would have had a failed kill. But it makes sense what Sam said, then, why he was so sure that Avi was Scum.
I understand Grandma could not be NK night 1. If Ice had targeted Avatar, they would have killed him, because Fire targeted Rosie....they would not have had a failed kill.

Grandma, you-your ice immunity, TN-your protect, Avi and whoever the other fire scum is, and SR, if she is iceproof could all be targets of ice scum and not be killed N1. There is also whoever was jailed that night, if anyone, which is why it would be nice if the jail keys were used, that those people would say who they used them on-could be someone ice targeted or ice was jailed also. We know Shaitra used her keys on Aye N2 so Aye isn't fire scum since fire scum shot and there is only one. We know Rosie had a set and died.This is why this info. has to be shared. NOT if you have one and haven't used it yet.

Second point for the whole group to discuss:

Sameech said he saw Avi kill Rosie and since Avi is fire, either Sameech shot him as ice or is a PR like he claims. He says he found out FA was town N1 also which means he somehow targeted Rosie and FA which really needs to be cleared up by Sameech before I know one way or the other what is going on with him. He needs to clarify his role and what he did. Like-can he target both FA and Avi N1?

I don't think you can track more than one person. So, if Sam claims he tracked Avi, and FA, then that is questionable.

As Ice, Sam couldn't have targeted Rosie because Fire targeted Rosie, and both targeting the same person yields a cancel.
I understand Grandma could not be NK night 1. If Ice had targeted Avatar, they would have killed him, because Fire targeted Rosie....they would not have had a failed kill.

Grandma, you-your ice immunity, TN-your protect, Avi and whoever the other fire scum is, and SR, if she is iceproof could all be targets of ice scum and not be killed N1. There is also whoever was jailed that night, if anyone, which is why it would be nice if the jail keys were used, that those people would say who they used them on-could be someone ice targeted or ice was jailed also. We know Shaitra used her keys on Aye N2 so Aye isn't fire scum since fire scum shot and there is only one. We know Rosie had a set and died.This is why this info. has to be shared. NOT if you have one and haven't used it yet.

Second point for the whole group to discuss:

Sameech said he saw Avi kill Rosie and since Avi is fire, either Sameech shot him as ice or is a PR like he claims. He says he found out FA was town N1 also which means he somehow targeted Rosie and FA which really needs to be cleared up by Sameech before I know one way or the other what is going on with him. He needs to clarify his role and what he did. Like-can he target both FA and Avi N1?

I don't think you can track more than one person. So, if Sam claims he tracked Avi, and FA, then that is questionable.

As Ice, Sam couldn't have targeted Rosie because Fire targeted Rosie, and both targeting the same person yields a cancel.

True, but he could of targeted Avi. I asked in the neighborhood but since he isn't too happy with me for questioning this, I am bringing it here also.
Mertex the point of that, and me wanting to know who you healed, is trying to track who icescum targeted definitively.
I'm worried about Sameech. I know I asked already but here's some points:

-Claims he found out FA was town and found out Avi killed Rosie on N1
-Seeing if someone is town or not is like a cop, seeing someone kill someone is similar to a tracker. A night watchman does both? Seems pretty powerful and pretty powerful to hit 2 targets one night.
-He's still alive. Why hasn't scum taken him out?

Thoughts on this?
I understand Grandma could not be NK night 1. If Ice had targeted Avatar, they would have killed him, because Fire targeted Rosie....they would not have had a failed kill.

Grandma, you-your ice immunity, TN-your protect, Avi and whoever the other fire scum is, and SR, if she is iceproof could all be targets of ice scum and not be killed N1. There is also whoever was jailed that night, if anyone, which is why it would be nice if the jail keys were used, that those people would say who they used them on-could be someone ice targeted or ice was jailed also. We know Shaitra used her keys on Aye N2 so Aye isn't fire scum since fire scum shot and there is only one. We know Rosie had a set and died.This is why this info. has to be shared. NOT if you have one and haven't used it yet.

Second point for the whole group to discuss:

Sameech said he saw Avi kill Rosie and since Avi is fire, either Sameech shot him as ice or is a PR like he claims. He says he found out FA was town N1 also which means he somehow targeted Rosie and FA which really needs to be cleared up by Sameech before I know one way or the other what is going on with him. He needs to clarify his role and what he did. Like-can he target both FA and Avi N1?

This is interesting. I have not seen Sam make the claim that he tracked by FA and Avatar on the same night. Why do you say this?

If Sam is being truthful, then IMO we have to have a yang to his claimed PR, the same way there must be a yang to SR's PR. So there are at least 2 more PRs out there, maybe 3.

If both are being truthful and I waffled at first on SR, but I believe her. This means we have Mertex as doc, Sam as Tracker, SR as a balancing power since scum are so powerful this game given they can't NK one another. But my thoughts on the matter are Wake may have changed that and they can now, beginning Day 4. I could be far off but that is what I think Wake may have been referencing when he said a change would occur. There were several thoughts on this in Central, not that but what Wake may have done.

Keeping this in mind we have

Sgt Gath

To me House is now town. Which leaves 5 up for 3 scum positions. I am temporarily moving Wolf to town. which leaves


Three of them are scum, unless Sameech if full of it.
I'm worried about Sameech. I know I asked already but here's some points:

-Claims he found out FA was town and found out Avi killed Rosie on N1
-Seeing if someone is town or not is like a cop, seeing someone kill someone is similar to a tracker. A night watchman does both? Seems pretty powerful and pretty powerful to hit 2 targets one night.
-He's still alive. Why hasn't scum taken him out?

Thoughts on this?

Where did he say he tracked both on one night? If he is Odd night tracker/watcher he has had 2 nights to use his ability. And given my post above he has a yang to his ying IF he is being truthful. I don't believe he would be able to track 2 people one night, but who am I to know how his PR may work? Anyway I state this because Sam has an uncanny ability to figure out PRs. He knew what Mertex's was BEFORE she claimed it in Central. He said to Grandma, I think you may have uncovered our town Doc, within a few minutes of them arguing. Anyway, I mention that because I am wondering if he may have figured out who his yang is and has not mentioned it on the GT or neighborhood. and they may have given the clue in the GT. I saw him figure out PRs of others in game 3 as well. It is weird.
I'm worried about Sameech. I know I asked already but here's some points:

-Claims he found out FA was town and found out Avi killed Rosie on N1
-Seeing if someone is town or not is like a cop, seeing someone kill someone is similar to a tracker. A night watchman does both? Seems pretty powerful and pretty powerful to hit 2 targets one night.
-He's still alive. Why hasn't scum taken him out?

Thoughts on this?

That could be asked of ANY of our outed PR's. I find it strange, I have said it before, but they may be hoping this will cause confusion to town and leaving them alive to hope we lynch them for NOT being NKed by scum. WIth that said I am waffling on Sam's claimed PR.
Where did he say he tracked both on one night? If he is Odd night tracker/watcher he has had 2 nights to use his ability. And given my post above he has a yang to his ying IF he is being truthful. I don't believe he would be able to track 2 people one night, but who am I to know how his PR may work? Anyway I state this because Sam has an uncanny ability to figure out PRs. He knew what Mertex's was BEFORE she claimed it in Central. He said to Grandma, I think you may have uncovered our town Doc, within a few minutes of them arguing. Anyway, I mention that because I am wondering if he may have figured out who his yang is and has not mentioned it on the GT or neighborhood. and they may have given the clue in the GT. I saw him figure out PRs of others in game 3 as well. It is weird.

In the neighborhood he said he found out FA was town N1. But Rosie was killed N1 and he also said he saw Avi kill Rosie.

#641 in QT

Also said he was a Night Watchman. I don't want to lynch him if he's a legitimate PR but if he's scum fakeclaiming, that's of course different.

Claims are easy to figure out: You Cafe and TSO and mathblade and Sgt_Gath are the only ones who have not.

House, Aye, myself-VT
SR-claims iceproof
Sam-claims Night Watchman
Mertex-claims Dr.
Cafe, TSO, mathblade, Sgt_Gath-unknown
This is interesting. I have not seen Sam make the claim that he tracked by FA and Avatar on the same night. Why do you say this?

When House is on next he can confirm Sameech said this in the neighborhood QT #641.


Hummmmm I believe you, he said he tracked BOTH FA and Avatar the same exact night?

Well, he said FA was town N1 and that sounds more like a cop than a tracker.

He said he saw Avi kill Rosie-well Rosie was killed N1.

So he has to be claiming both nights he watched 2 peoople and the results are odd also.

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