Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

We should take Gath up on his "offer". It does not change the plan one iota. If he backstabs us and tries to kill me, well that's life. He has already claimed firescum. Mertex heals cafe. If I flip dead, Gath is lynched.

Gath, your target is House or Mathblade.

I completely disagree.
You will discover that Gath is lying in the end BTW, but as long as he goes first, we have room for my mislynch so I will still win from the graveyard if you guys don't screw it up.

He has no reason to lie. He said he carried out the N1 kill. You are ice scum and are next after Gath.

He also had no reason to confess. I already said it was all a gambit. I figured Avatar out all on my own but knew you guys would never lynch him and would never listen to me. It is part of your hardheaded group meta. It was a calculated Day 1 risk I was 100% sure on. If he doesn't flip godfather, then you will know he was lying about me as was Avatar because only in a Godfather set up would a single player carry out the night kill.

Wait and see, it will be exciting.

In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Only if they kill you. I know you have all this irrational exuberance that Gath has set your Ice team up for the win, especially after you sucked up the place in Game 3 as scum, but other town members will see the light. No Godfather=they are lying. Hopefully others will see that and kill you after my mislynch so town can finally win in spite of your perpetual lying.

LOL-Good one Sameech. I enjoy the humor. :biggrin:
In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Wrong! Last game, it was not that way. There wasn't 1 that did the kills - it was scum as a group.

Wrong, Scum as a group decides who to kill. Only one of them carries out the kill. I should know this quite well, as I did this in game 3.

Me, Grandma, and FA were scum in the last game. We never picked one person to carry out the kill. I should know, since I was there and you weren't.
We should take Gath up on his "offer". It does not change the plan one iota. If he backstabs us and tries to kill me, well that's life. He has already claimed firescum. Mertex heals cafe. If I flip dead, Gath is lynched.

Gath, your target is House or Mathblade.

I completely disagree.

Why? It doesn't fit into your 'plan'?
Vote: Sgt Gath as FIRE SCUM


Vote: Sameech to tomorrow as ICE Scum

Aaaand I'm on board with this plan.

Deal with the devil and you're gonna get burned. If we leave known fire alive another night, that puts our win condition is peril. Our best chances are to take out Gath now which limits the NK's, then go after Sam and his partner afterwards to clean up.

SR needs to be in here to figure out who to protect with the doc.
If we like sgt gath against my advice, we heal you. We want conftowns in the game as long ad possible.
In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Wrong! Last game, it was not that way. There wasn't 1 that did the kills - it was scum as a group.

Wrong, Scum as a group decides who to kill. Only one of them carries out the kill. I should know this quite well, as I did this in game 3.

Me, Grandma, and FA were scum in the last game. We never picked one person to carry out the kill. I should know, since I was there and you weren't.
In this game, it is processed differently. Unless the mod has confirmed no tracker/watcher/jailkeeper/roleblocker the mod usually requires specificity as to who kills.
Vote: Sgt_Gath

Just in case.

Also, props to House for his play - his pressuring of Gath was good and he's dead fucking right in that we don't help Gath.
Yeah..give house the credit when he vaguely accuses Gath of being scum...meanwhile I had him pegged as scum yesterday.
In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Wrong! Last game, it was not that way. There wasn't 1 that did the kills - it was scum as a group.

Wrong, Scum as a group decides who to kill. Only one of them carries out the kill. I should know this quite well, as I did this in game 3.

Me, Grandma, and FA were scum in the last game. We never picked one person to carry out the kill. I should know, since I was there and you weren't.

Yes, and Sameech wasn't there either but he agrees with you.

I know that only one scum submits the kill. I did it in game 3-anyone can read the scum QT's from game 2 and 3 to see how it works. Please keep agreeing with ice scum more. It is very helpful.
Vote: Sgt_Gath

Just in case.

Also, props to House for his play - his pressuring of Gath was good and he's dead fucking right in that we don't help Gath.
Yeah..give house the credit when he vaguely accuses Gath of being scum...meanwhile I had him pegged as scum yesterday.

Do you really think that there would be fire scum in my hood and both ice scum there with just one townie-me?
In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Wrong! Last game, it was not that way. There wasn't 1 that did the kills - it was scum as a group.

Wrong, Scum as a group decides who to kill. Only one of them carries out the kill. I should know this quite well, as I did this in game 3.

Me, Grandma, and FA were scum in the last game. We never picked one person to carry out the kill. I should know, since I was there and you weren't.
In this game, it is processed differently. Unless the mod has confirmed no tracker/watcher/jailkeeper/roleblocker the mod usually requires specificity as to who kills.

I understand that. I was correcting what was bolded above, where Wolf mistakenly said "In every one of these games....". That was a false statement, which I already gave a reason for.
Scum have a qt to discuss who to kill. Typically the last bolded action is accepted. In this game scum had to specify who.

Ex: Gath kills Mathblade
Vote: Sgt_Gath

Just in case.

Also, props to House for his play - his pressuring of Gath was good and he's dead fucking right in that we don't help Gath.
Yeah..give house the credit when he vaguely accuses Gath of being scum...meanwhile I had him pegged as scum yesterday.

Do you really think that there would be fire scum in my hood and both ice scum there with just one townie-me?
Random generation is random.
Vote: Sgt_Gath

Just in case.

Also, props to House for his play - his pressuring of Gath was good and he's dead fucking right in that we don't help Gath.
Yeah..give house the credit when he vaguely accuses Gath of being scum...meanwhile I had him pegged as scum yesterday.

Do you really think that there would be fire scum in my hood and both ice scum there with just one townie-me?

My hood being myself, Sameech, Avi, House. I am still mad at myself for believing we were all town and letting Avi and Sameech get to me.

I really doubt that with Avi being fire and Sameech being ice, that House is also ice.
In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Wrong! Last game, it was not that way. There wasn't 1 that did the kills - it was scum as a group.

Wrong, Scum as a group decides who to kill. Only one of them carries out the kill. I should know this quite well, as I did this in game 3.

Me, Grandma, and FA were scum in the last game. We never picked one person to carry out the kill. I should know, since I was there and you weren't.

Yes, and Sameech wasn't there either but he agrees with you.

I know that only one scum submits the kill. I did it in game 3-anyone can read the scum QT's from game 2 and 3 to see how it works. Please keep agreeing with ice scum more. It is very helpful.

You obviously did not read anything from the last game. All of us agreed on the kill, no individual carried it out - it was a group kill. Keep chasing your own tail, Wolf. You consistently lose sight of what your target is each time.
Vote: Sgt_Gath

Just in case.

Also, props to House for his play - his pressuring of Gath was good and he's dead fucking right in that we don't help Gath.
Yeah..give house the credit when he vaguely accuses Gath of being scum...meanwhile I had him pegged as scum yesterday.

Do you really think that there would be fire scum in my hood and both ice scum there with just one townie-me?

My hood being myself, Sameech, Avi, House. I am still mad at myself for believing we were all town and letting Avi and Sameech get to me.

I really doubt that with Avi being fire and Sameech being ice, that House is also ice.

Random generation is random.

Your theory and my second theory both have my hood as total town.
Vote: Sgt_Gath

Just in case.

Also, props to House for his play - his pressuring of Gath was good and he's dead fucking right in that we don't help Gath.
Yeah..give house the credit when he vaguely accuses Gath of being scum...meanwhile I had him pegged as scum yesterday.

Do you really think that there would be fire scum in my hood and both ice scum there with just one townie-me?

My hood being myself, Sameech, Avi, House. I am still mad at myself for believing we were all town and letting Avi and Sameech get to me.

I really doubt that with Avi being fire and Sameech being ice, that House is also ice.

Scarlet has had a hard on for me ever since I suspected her, and she wonders why her OMGUS b/s had me convinced she was scummy.

I stopped caring about her braying pages ago.
In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Wrong! Last game, it was not that way. There wasn't 1 that did the kills - it was scum as a group.

Wrong, Scum as a group decides who to kill. Only one of them carries out the kill. I should know this quite well, as I did this in game 3.

Me, Grandma, and FA were scum in the last game. We never picked one person to carry out the kill. I should know, since I was there and you weren't.

Yes, and Sameech wasn't there either but he agrees with you.

I know that only one scum submits the kill. I did it in game 3-anyone can read the scum QT's from game 2 and 3 to see how it works. Please keep agreeing with ice scum more. It is very helpful.

You obviously did not read anything from the last game. All of us agreed on the kill, no individual carried it out - it was a group kill. Keep chasing your own tail, Wolf. You consistently lose sight of what your target is each time.

Your game didn't have any town PR's. It was an exception, not the rule and you know that.

Your defense of Sameech is noted.
In every one of these games, only 1 scum carries out the NK. In this setup, 1 from each team does it. He has every reason to be honest with us now-to get you.

Yes, it will be exciting-when town wins!!

Wrong! Last game, it was not that way. There wasn't 1 that did the kills - it was scum as a group.

Wrong, Scum as a group decides who to kill. Only one of them carries out the kill. I should know this quite well, as I did this in game 3.

Me, Grandma, and FA were scum in the last game. We never picked one person to carry out the kill. I should know, since I was there and you weren't.

Yes, and Sameech wasn't there either but he agrees with you.

I know that only one scum submits the kill. I did it in game 3-anyone can read the scum QT's from game 2 and 3 to see how it works. Please keep agreeing with ice scum more. It is very helpful.

You obviously did not read anything from the last game. All of us agreed on the kill, no individual carried it out - it was a group kill. Keep chasing your own tail, Wolf. You consistently lose sight of what your target is each time.

Your game didn't have any town PR's. It was an exception, not the rule and you know that.

Your defense of Sameech is noted.

Where in my reply above was I defending Sameech?
If anyone doesn't notice how Aye keeps defending Sam, you are blind.

We know Gath is fire scum. We know Sameech is ice scum. We can try to figure out the 3rd but we have to lynch in this order the next 2 days.

Gath first. Then Sameech.

If we take Gath's deal, we have a good shot at getting a townie killed and then ice has a shot at the other OR we put the ice proof townie or fire proof townie as risk because scum knows who they are. We can't trust Gath not to double cross us.

All town hoods are not that uncommon. There were a couple in game 3. 3 scum in a hood does not sound random to me at all.

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