Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I don't know if Wake is online and I have to get some sleep. I'll see the conclusion tomorrow.

You guys are going to laugh when you see how many times I said my hood was all town. WTF? How did I get put with 3 scum?

That was kinda crazy, you were surrounded. However, at one point I had your whole neighborhood as scum. I was almost right, until Gath confessed to me in East.

House, Ice Mafia Goon, has perished!

Windgale is saved!!!

Everyone dead may now post.
You guys worked very quickly to uproot Scum.
So quickly, I wasn't quite prepared yet. :D

Dead QT: USMB 5 Dead QT - QuickTopic free message board hosting
The Northern Citadel: The Northern Citadel - QuickTopic free message board hosting
The Southern Wetlands : The Southern Wetlands - QuickTopic free message board hosting
The Eastern Firmaments: The Eastern Firmaments - QuickTopic free message board hosting
The Western Mountains: The Western Mountains - QuickTopic free message board hosting
Central Windgale: Central Windgale - QuickTopic free message board hosting
Fire Mafia QT: Mafia 5 Fire Mafia - QuickTopic free message board hosting
Ice Mafia QT: Mafia 5 Ice Mafia - QuickTopic free message board hosting
Wake's Command Center: Wake s Command Center USMB 5 - QuickTopic free message board hosting
Well, I have to get some sleep but I love this post from Wake's command center.


How many freaking times did I say we were all town in there?

Wake you surrounded me.

LOL :biggrin:
Sam blew our win by playing like a dumbass. :p

Congrats, town!

And for the record.... screw all of y'all that said there's no way this was my first time playing MafiaScum. It totally was, and there's no strategic value to lying about it post-game.
Sam blew our win by playing like a dumbass. :p

Congrats, town!

And for the record.... screw all of y'all that said there's no way this was my first time playing MafiaScum. It totally was, and there's no strategic value to lying about it post-game.

House, you did a great job for first time scum. But I was starting to doubt your claim after you wouldn't take your shot. This is why I brought it to GT. Town did to you what we did to Sameech when he lied about PR-chewed you up and spit you out, LOL. :p
I had fun guys. Everyone played great. It was a great game. I love that this game was our first town win and I love that I made it to the end this time. It was super fun and the set up was fantastic. Thanks to all of you for playing such a fantastic game and you were great to play with and thank you very much Wake for creating and modding the game and your support and patience.
Wow sis and I had D&D tonight lol.

Damn I need to sheep my sister more..:All my reads were wrong.

*hides in corner*

Congrats and scum MVP goes to House. Town MVP goes to SR (FYI those are just my votes please add yours)

See you in the AM.
IMO, House is MVP for scum, especially first time scum. Town for me is Cafe. She was extremely meticulous with those details and I feel like I worked very well with her. Many others were great too but I can only pick one in each category. :biggrin:
Ok. I just saw we won. Sorry for being so stubborn. It took Mathblade until the last day to be townie at all. I think a big part is most people didn't understand my teachable gambit on being kill immune. I'll be making a guide as to when to lie as town. As you become more confident with town lying, that would have made me more town early on.

I'm picking Sgt. Gath as the scum MVP. I did catch him sooner than House officially but his biggest mistakes were a) having the sudden with on Mertex and Grandma and b) his deal. The first is correctable with experience. The second was an error in construction but not bad play overall. House on the other hand acted predictably for ice scum but has a more smooth tendency. I don't expect the group to agree there but I think House is the more charismatic player but Gath played the better strategy.

Town MVP is harder. Cafe was largely townread throughout the game. I would have to say Wolf here. Again it's an unorthodox choice but she said what she thought, owned it and attempted to rally the town. She wore her alignment on her sleeve which is very good for town.

TLDR; Wolf for Town MVP. Gath for Scum MVP.
Sam's WIFOM posting kept town guessing for a ridiculously long time after he was dead, so I have to give him props for a solid long game.

Throwing himself under the bus was ridiculous, though. If he didn't like the way I was playing, he could have talked to me about it. We had our very own private area to iron that shit out, after all.

Gath didn't really do anything to compliment. He was a lurker bee that followed a set course.

Avatar was clearly the brains of fire. Sam outing him is the only reason fire got taken out so early as a team.

Cafe definitely gets Town MVP.
Wow sis and I had D&D tonight lol.

Damn I need to sheep my sister more..:All my reads were wrong.

*hides in corner*

Congrats and scum MVP goes to House. Town MVP goes to SR (FYI those are just my votes please add yours)

See you in the AM.

No, not all your reads were were right about me.:)
Hip, hip, hooray.....yay....Town won. Thanks for really thinking about it and staying with the facts Cafe, Wolf, Aye, Math and SR......for a while I thought (in the dead zone) you all were going to be distracted away from House, but you stuck with it. Wolf, I think you did a great job....saying what you believed, I knew you were Town. Aye, you had me so confused for a while. I knew you were Town, but I couldn't ignore the other stuff.....but toward the end I was convinced you were Town. I never would have believed House was Scum....he played a great game for his first one. Siding with me got me bamboozled again, like Avi did in the first game. So, look out House.....:D

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