Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yup. There was no way. I had Aye as scum and you as town, until you put up the I would die for House post. Then I thought about it more and came to the realization he had talked you into something, that is why I asked you on the GT. Aye and I then discussed it in Central she and I knew he was full of it.

Well, I truly thought if he had a davig shot and it was used at just the right time, that scum would be taken by surprise and it was a guarantee'd town win, which is why I was so protective of him for so long before I finally realized my mistake and told you guys. Luckily, we figured it out. I don't think he would of lasted until the end because not taking his shot was too suspicious but his plan, I think, was to keep me with him at lylo to win. The sneak. LOL
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

I totally agree Aye. I like Aye she plays close to the vest and does not give much away but like I said it was Sam's statements which had me move her into scum and the lingering doubts about the Rosie PR exposure. LOL I did the same with Sam. I wanted him to talk, and talk he did. At some point someone is going to say something which won't mesh, even if it is their partner or how something played on the GT.
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

Good idea!!
Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yup. There was no way. I had Aye as scum and you as town, until you put up the I would die for House post. Then I thought about it more and came to the realization he had talked you into something, that is why I asked you on the GT. Aye and I then discussed it in Central she and I knew he was full of it.

Well, I truly thought if he had a davig shot and it was used at just the right time, that scum would be taken by surprise and it was a guarantee'd town win, which is why I was so protective of him for so long before I finally realized my mistake and told you guys. Luckily, we figured it out. I don't think he would of lasted until the end because not taking his shot was too suspicious but his plan, I think, was to keep me with him at lylo to win. The sneak. LOL

LOL you know what I just thought Wolf?

This was your first "threescum"!

what was with the pr claim house? You could have coasted to a few mislynches without having to do much. Heck you could have been pretending to be busy with work and not said much at all.
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

which is precisely why you guys should have realized he was scum the second he started demanding you vig. Kill me.

when has Sam ever not wanted to see conversation drawn out to figure out who reacts with whom? Heck, he gave wolf a hard time for ending the role block power debate without much conversation. And that was nothing.
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

I totally agree Aye. I like Aye she plays close to the vest and does not give much away but like I said it was Sam's statements which had me move her into scum and the lingering doubts about the Rosie PR exposure. LOL I did the same with Sam. I wanted him to talk, and talk he did. At some point someone is going to say something which won't mesh, even if it is their partner or how something played on the GT.

I'm just the opposite. I say everything I'm thinking.

But you and Aye's way of doing it is something I can learn from because fooling scum will make them slip and you can learn something from them you wouldn't if you were screaming-scum, scum, scum at them. If they think you think they are town, then they'll relax around you. Kind of the same confidence game they play with townies all the time to get their trust and get them to go along with them on votes.

It's all an interesting mind game when you think about it. It takes a lot of mind work to play this game well. I really like it. I like things that make me think.
Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yup. There was no way. I had Aye as scum and you as town, until you put up the I would die for House post. Then I thought about it more and came to the realization he had talked you into something, that is why I asked you on the GT. Aye and I then discussed it in Central she and I knew he was full of it.

Well, I truly thought if he had a davig shot and it was used at just the right time, that scum would be taken by surprise and it was a guarantee'd town win, which is why I was so protective of him for so long before I finally realized my mistake and told you guys. Luckily, we figured it out. I don't think he would of lasted until the end because not taking his shot was too suspicious but his plan, I think, was to keep me with him at lylo to win. The sneak. LOL

LOL you know what I just thought Wolf?

This was your first "threescum"!


and it was all men lol
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

Good idea!!

Even though you caught alot of hell, it's also good in reverse - to say someone is scum even though you believe they are town. You may have missed it, but when I was doing that to you, I told House in one post to start posting something that helps town (not in those words though). At that point, he was trying to direct the game play. It stuck out like Rudolph's red nose.
Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yup. There was no way. I had Aye as scum and you as town, until you put up the I would die for House post. Then I thought about it more and came to the realization he had talked you into something, that is why I asked you on the GT. Aye and I then discussed it in Central she and I knew he was full of it.

Well, I truly thought if he had a davig shot and it was used at just the right time, that scum would be taken by surprise and it was a guarantee'd town win, which is why I was so protective of him for so long before I finally realized my mistake and told you guys. Luckily, we figured it out. I don't think he would of lasted until the end because not taking his shot was too suspicious but his plan, I think, was to keep me with him at lylo to win. The sneak. LOL

LOL you know what I just thought Wolf?

This was your first "threescum"!


and it was all men lol

Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yup. There was no way. I had Aye as scum and you as town, until you put up the I would die for House post. Then I thought about it more and came to the realization he had talked you into something, that is why I asked you on the GT. Aye and I then discussed it in Central she and I knew he was full of it.

Well, I truly thought if he had a davig shot and it was used at just the right time, that scum would be taken by surprise and it was a guarantee'd town win, which is why I was so protective of him for so long before I finally realized my mistake and told you guys. Luckily, we figured it out. I don't think he would of lasted until the end because not taking his shot was too suspicious but his plan, I think, was to keep me with him at lylo to win. The sneak. LOL

LOL you know what I just thought Wolf?

This was your first "threescum"!


What a fun party our neighborhood was. And I was the only female in that hood too.

:party: :laugh:
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

I totally agree Aye. I like Aye she plays close to the vest and does not give much away but like I said it was Sam's statements which had me move her into scum and the lingering doubts about the Rosie PR exposure. LOL I did the same with Sam. I wanted him to talk, and talk he did. At some point someone is going to say something which won't mesh, even if it is their partner or how something played on the GT.

I'm just the opposite. I say everything I'm thinking.

But you and Aye's way of doing it is something I can learn from because fooling scum will make them slip and you can learn something from them you wouldn't if you were screaming-scum, scum, scum at them. If they think you think they are town, then they'll relax around you. Kind of the same confidence game they play with townies all the time to get their trust and get them to go along with them on votes.

It's all an interesting mind game when you think about it. It takes a lot of mind work to play this game well. I really like it. I like things that make me think.

I'll tell you one more thing, sometimes I agree when I know it makes no sense, or I pretend to waffle or even change a read- just to see reactions.
Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yup. There was no way. I had Aye as scum and you as town, until you put up the I would die for House post. Then I thought about it more and came to the realization he had talked you into something, that is why I asked you on the GT. Aye and I then discussed it in Central she and I knew he was full of it.

Well, I truly thought if he had a davig shot and it was used at just the right time, that scum would be taken by surprise and it was a guarantee'd town win, which is why I was so protective of him for so long before I finally realized my mistake and told you guys. Luckily, we figured it out. I don't think he would of lasted until the end because not taking his shot was too suspicious but his plan, I think, was to keep me with him at lylo to win. The sneak. LOL

LOL you know what I just thought Wolf?

This was your first "threescum"!


and it was all men lol


Ha!! I even made a joke in the hood about being the only female there and that was before I even knew all the men were scum!!

Too funny!!
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

I totally agree Aye. I like Aye she plays close to the vest and does not give much away but like I said it was Sam's statements which had me move her into scum and the lingering doubts about the Rosie PR exposure. LOL I did the same with Sam. I wanted him to talk, and talk he did. At some point someone is going to say something which won't mesh, even if it is their partner or how something played on the GT.

I'm just the opposite. I say everything I'm thinking.

But you and Aye's way of doing it is something I can learn from because fooling scum will make them slip and you can learn something from them you wouldn't if you were screaming-scum, scum, scum at them. If they think you think they are town, then they'll relax around you. Kind of the same confidence game they play with townies all the time to get their trust and get them to go along with them on votes.

It's all an interesting mind game when you think about it. It takes a lot of mind work to play this game well. I really like it. I like things that make me think.

I'll tell you one more thing, sometimes I agree when I know it makes no sense, or I pretend to waffle or even change a read- just to see reactions.

You had me thinking I only had allies in House and SR at the end there. So yeah, all this advice is excellent. I really enjoyed how we all worked together at the end there to investigate the clues and get the scum. Town was too unified despite the occasional spats here and there for scum to really win but House gave it a good go and he did well despite that.
Oh, and yeah, one more thing. If you are scum, think long and hard about fakeclaims cuz they don't always work. I guess that's why scum are often given safeclaims.
Safe claims may have come about because of Game 3. Me, Sam, and RD were in one neighborhood. Sam mentioned us using a little 'trick' based on the win condition to catch scum if we got in a tough spot. Wake came in and told us we could not use that. Since then, scum has gotten town's win condition in their Role PM's as a safe claim. LOL
Safe claims may have come about because of Game 3. Me, Sam, and RD were in one neighborhood. Sam mentioned us using a little 'trick' based on the win condition to catch scum if we got in a tough spot. Wake came in and told us we could not use that. Since then, scum has gotten town's win condition in their Role PM's as a safe claim. LOL

See, I had no clue about that. Sam mentioned it in Central while trying to paint me as scum and I did not even know what he was referencing but it seemed he was speaking to you and I thought he had put that post in Central when it was meant for the scum QT.
The other thing I just did not understand is, as town our wincon will be to kill scum, as scum the wincon is to kill town. In this game it said at the start scum had to kill the other team as well. So I really never saw the big deal about it. I believe @Mertex made several good points about this at the start of the game.
Not many know about it, but those of us that do won't be using it. It's an easy way to catch scum, in my opinion. I'd rather take the fight any day.

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