Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

If you do, you'll see a side of Sam you didn't see in this game.

The win condition trick is taking a certain word, let's say the 5th word, and having others tell you if theirs is an adjective, verb, noun, etc. If town, it should match yours. Scum will not match. That's the reason for Wake giving the safe claim to scum now.
@Wake so what was the deal with talking about how no one would suspect mertex or how she was being cunning in the dead zone?
If you do, you'll see a side of Sam you didn't see in this game.

The win condition trick is taking a certain word, let's say the 5th word, and having others tell you if theirs is an adjective, verb, noun, etc. If town, it should match yours. Scum will not match. That's the reason for Wake giving the safe claim to scum now.

Oh, I did read your neighborhood QT before at the end of Game 3 ( he was so different than the game 3 GT where he insisted the ridiculous theory, which was flawed since Rosies statement was wrong, made me scum and seemed to be erratic as opposed to his thought process in your hood) , I just don't recall this little trick. I also recall there was a totally different Sam in that hood as opposed to Central and as opposed to his Game 3 meta. One of my major reasons to suspect him after I saw his and Avatar's changed meta on the GT and included them in Central. He was calm, and made a lot of sense in your hood in Game 3. I had hoped his changed meta was a PR of some sort, unfortunately it was not.
Oh and were there two actions?

Something which you said would happen Day 4 and then you later said something would manifest Day 5 or was all of that you removing SR's PR?
.....We didn't know the town win condition really. We did not get it until after that fight broke out, which is another reason I suspected Cafe for awhile when she referenced it being in a second PM to scum.

Because that is what Wake said. He said there was a secondary PM sent to scum.
The trick Sam was talking about, taking a word from the town win condition and asking everyone if they knew it, was the reason Wake came into the scum QT in game 3 and told us the word. Because it is really not a good trick to catching scum. That was kind of a sore spot in game 3 for Sam but I can completely understand why Wake did it.
Oh, and yeah, one more thing. If you are scum, think long and hard about fakeclaims cuz they don't always work. I guess that's why scum are often given safeclaims.

Ironic, that is how both ICE were caught, lying about PR's.

One of them intended to be caught. He just didn't anticipate the other scum team would effectively quit when we were about to turn into the homestretch.
That was just keystone cops coincidence. I had no idea House would fake claim, let alone fake claim THAT. LOL I was just throwing as much WIFOM in the game as I could and House stumbled into it in the worst possible way. Other than not wanting him to rely on you, I really had no end game plan with House. He just needed to be out there on his own. He held you guys off longer than I thought when he threw that dayvig thing out there. If I had been town, I would have instalynched him on that claim because it was either a lie or was in newby hands who would likely hit town.

Oh, and House relying on me so much-why didn't I recognize that blatant scum buddying? LOL For some reason that came off as town to me and I think I just refused to believe a 3rd scum could be in our hood. Luckily, he was caught anyway.

He did the same to me. When he stood up for me being Doc, I completely took that as him being Town...I did the same thing with Avatar in Game 1 or 2.....oh well, I'm still learning.

Always question everything in Mafia.

If you saw House as Town for standing up for you, then if I'm Scum in game with you I could have you voting any way I want. It's white-knighting, and building false rapport as Scum. There are many tools in the arsenal for both Scum and Town.

Yeah, The way House was acting to me in the hood should of been obvious sooner that he was using me.

I just read the ice QT. I can't believe how many times they talked about killing me or getting use out of me.

Thanks a lot Sameech and House. I thought you guys were my friends you evil scum fiends.

No one will ever be able to buddy me again in these games. I will instantly want FoS them if they do. :biggrin:

Yeah, Sam was doing a great job of stirring up Central turning you into scum. I was not as convinced and what you don't realize is I was sure Aye was scum over you since she was beating the Wolf drum so hard, it was between her and House at the end for me. If he had flipped town, Aye was next. ( Sorry Aye, Sam had a bit to do with that too BTW) He is good at sowing seeds of doubt.

I didn't realize you were claiming the vest. Ironically enough, you were the one I was trying to get mislynched by thinking Aye would be pissed you were not on board with Wolf.
.....We didn't know the town win condition really. We did not get it until after that fight broke out, which is another reason I suspected Cafe for awhile when she referenced it being in a second PM to scum.

You know when you kept doing that I thought you were doing the same thing you did in game 3, focusing on a silly reason to suspect me, i.e., Rosies hood statement. Wake had put the PMs we get in the start of 4 out of 6 games here. I just assumed it was the same when I hypothesized Moon may have copied towns wincon.

Nope it was to load you up with the same mistake House made so if House got called on it it would look like the same argument you had already addressed. That was a pretty glaring scum tell. House made a few others during the game that would have sent me full throttle had I been town.
I didn't accept the explanation. I put it in the back of my mind and kept an eye out. The thing is though I knew I was scum. I was worried if I pushed too hard and was wrong id have the hood all over me. I didn't think it was likely there were two scum in the hood let alone three.

after Sam exposed himself on day 2 I pretty much focused on getting him and didn't think too much about house. Not to mention I ended up dying. Three scum in one hood was unexpected

That was sort of my anticipation. How Grandma got lynched I will never understand. The tell in House's post was I think he said threads. All those things on his screenshot most people wouldn't consider "threads". I'd have to look back but I think I said to you in central he was probably scum but we could save him for later.
Oh, and yeah, one more thing. If you are scum, think long and hard about fakeclaims cuz they don't always work. I guess that's why scum are often given safeclaims.

Ironic, that is how both ICE were caught, lying about PR's.

One of them intended to be caught. He just didn't anticipate the other scum team would effectively quit when we were about to turn into the homestretch.

He was going to be lynched Sam before he had been caught in a scumslip on the GT and he was firmly in scum territory. It was Gath then you, he knew he was doomed that is why he came to me with his plan in East. Then the next day there was no way I could lynch you going to a funeral that day either, I saw your comment about your lynch being drawn out. (sorry) You were far too kind to me when I had surgery not to take your personal life into consideration.
I didn't accept the explanation. I put it in the back of my mind and kept an eye out. The thing is though I knew I was scum. I was worried if I pushed too hard and was wrong id have the hood all over me. I didn't think it was likely there were two scum in the hood let alone three.

after Sam exposed himself on day 2 I pretty much focused on getting him and didn't think too much about house. Not to mention I ended up dying. Three scum in one hood was unexpected

That was sort of my anticipation. How Grandma got lynched I will never understand. The tell in House's post was I think he said threads. All those things on his screenshot most people wouldn't consider "threads". I'd have to look back but I think I said to you in central he was probably scum but we could save him for later.

Grandma wanted out of the game and asked to be lynched or modkilled. That is how she was lynched. And I still feel badly about finding that damn QT convo.
Hey Wolfie, I really did mis-scroll and I bet Avi did, too.

On the Kindle you must scroll in open spaces, which here are on the right.

And so are the like and thanks bars.

That is what happened to me.

Did you not notice Aqua Athena jumping in and thanking you later? ;-)

Regards from Rosie
Hey Wolfie, I really did mis-scroll and I bet Avi did, too.

On the Kindle you must scroll in open spaces, which here are on the right.

And so are the like and thanks bars.

That is what happened to me.

Did you not notice Aqua Athena jumping in and thanking you later? ;-)

Regards from Rosie

Yeah, I noticed AA thanking me but I don't remember which posts and it didn't really make a difference in my play at all or anyone else's.

The posts you and Avi thanked were damning to me whether I was town or scum and coming from people in the dz who are often spoiled about the game, it's potentially damaging. If I would of been mislynched because of it, town would of been hurt. If the game would of been compromised because of it, and yes, Wake did mention not knowing what to do about it to me if it ended up making a difference in the game, then that would of sucked so bad after all that work!! So that's why I was so upset.

Luckily, no damage was done and it did not have an effect on the game and after reading the explanations in the dz, I'm sure it was an accident on both your parts. Especially since neither one of you were even discussing me at the time and Avi wasn't even online.

So at this point, it doesn't really matter except to maybe have a rule that no one thanks posts who isn't playing while the game is ongoing and have that rule stated somewhere it can't be missed by anyone.

Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yep, I'm glad you guys were there with me at that point because you were not under scum's influence and I knew right then that I had to say everything because something was not right with how townie all my suspects were acting and I finally figured it out when he wouldn't shoot you like I asked him too. :p

I started thinking you were Scum when you kept insisting that you wouldn't vote for House. I figured you had done the math and knew there were only three that would vote to have you lynched "math, Aye, Cafe"....., so as long as you had House, you wouldn't be lynched because SR was on House and House kept saying you were Town....of course, if those three (Math, Aye, Cafe) had voted for you, I'm sure House would have found some excuse to hammer you or at least get a NL.
The other thing I just did not understand is, as town our wincon will be to kill scum, as scum the wincon is to kill town. In this game it said at the start scum had to kill the other team as well. So I really never saw the big deal about it. I believe @Mertex made several good points about this at the start of the game.

Well, at first I didn't know it fact I mentioned it in one post, thinking that both Scum teams had to survive for a win, and Avatar corrected me....that's when I went to the rules and read them again and realized that even though they couldn't kill each other, it was in their best interest for us to lynch the other Scum team....which I thought was a Town advantage.

Toward the end when we were trying to decide between Gath and Sameech (I think Cafe had decided that Sameech was the Ice Scum) I thought if we had been 100% sure, it would have been best to kill him first before Gath, because as long as we had one member from each Scum team they couldn't coordinate (two noobs trying to coordinate would not have happened), and they might have had a few failed kills, but it was too big a risk to go for Sam instead of Gath, just in case Sam turned out to be Town.
@Wake so what was the deal with talking about how no one would suspect mertex or how she was being cunning in the dead zone?

Yeah, I saw those posts? Was he trying to make you all suspect me even more of being Scum? I know it worked with you, because you kept saying, "Why don't they get Mertex?"

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