Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Sam's WIFOM posting kept town guessing for a ridiculously long time after he was dead, so I have to give him props for a solid long game.

Throwing himself under the bus was ridiculous, though. If he didn't like the way I was playing, he could have talked to me about it. We had our very own private area to iron that shit out, after all.

Gath didn't really do anything to compliment. He was a lurker bee that followed a set course.

Avatar was clearly the brains of fire. Sam outing him is the only reason fire got taken out so early as a team.

Cafe definitely gets Town MVP.

LOL thanks @House

You deff get MVP Scum pick for me!
I'm annoyed. I should have realized house was scum when he starter complaining about the number of places he had to post on day one.

and I'm annoyed that I freaking handed Sam to you guys in a ribbon and it still took you a mislynch and a couple weeks of discussion to figure out he was scum when it was obvious the second he started going after me.

if I had known that you guys wouldn't be convinced I would have bluffed with my jail key. Thank you for that btw Rosie.

oh well you guys won. Good job

Could not take scum's word for it, but I specifically asked Wake scum's wincon and voted Sam on the GT, then Mertex questioned me and I thought for sure she was going to think I was scum for voting Sam. FA was on Sam in central too. When Gath confessed to me in East prior to his coming out on the GT, I knew he was telling the truth about his killing Rosie. We lynched Gath, then Sam had a death. I noted he said something about me keeping him alive, BUT there was no way I could lynch someone at a funeral. :( That is why I waited on throwing my vote for him. Condolences to you again Sam. ( Pssssst you were correct in your assessment I chose you for Central believing you were scum,, it was a ploy) I figured the whole "keep your enemies closer thing". lol
Avi-I saw a lot of frustration from you in the dz over this but you have to understand you were scum. Why should we automatically believe scum on anything? If Sam had a PR, I wanted to make sure not to mislynch. And you'll note by Wake's comments in the dz and you being able to see North, that I did eventually catch onto this and question Sam in North bring it to the GT. The neighborhoods really hurt scum this game because that's one reason House was hurt, that gambit in the hood, I eventually caught it and so did Care and Aye who would not have let me get away with not revealing it. They knew what was up and eventually I did too. Then that was it for House. So yes, I am slow at reading between the lines but I eventually will catch onto things.

And overall, I loved the neighborhood dynamic despite the fact I was stuck with 3 scum. It was still fun and added a lot to the game. I would vote to have neighborhoods again but play them much differently as far as what I reveal in them or how quickly I trust anyone.

That was just keystone cops coincidence. I had no idea House would fake claim, let alone fake claim THAT. LOL I was just throwing as much WIFOM in the game as I could and House stumbled into it in the worst possible way. Other than not wanting him to rely on you, I really had no end game plan with House. He just needed to be out there on his own. He held you guys off longer than I thought when he threw that dayvig thing out there. If I had been town, I would have instalynched him on that claim because it was either a lie or was in newby hands who would likely hit town.

If Rosie had not just been NK'd, I would have had to approach that situation differently. It took so long because people hoped it would be true being down a cop so early. His play at the end of day 1 in central should have set off alarms in more people's heads. it was obvious scum play. Independent of my situation in the game, I was so disheartened by town play days 1 and 2 that I cannot even put it into words how depressing it was with so many people with 4 games under their belt to be fumbling so badly.

Well, the thing about the davig gambit it is I had no clue if it was possible or not and knew nothing about that role. Although I believed and trusted House at first, I had a nagging doubt in the back of my mind the whole time that wouldn't go away. When he wouldn't take his shot when I asked him to over and over and when it was a perfect time to do so, I knew he was lying scum. Just had to work it out with town, and he was gone.

You are right, town did not play well in the beginning. I personally, did not play well, I was too scummy and people were FoSing me in the QT's and the GT. BUT, I am extremely happy with town's endgame play. To me, that shows a group that has grown as players and that's why I put that braggy post in the game Cafe said was braggy, and I'm glad SR recognized I was trying to rally town. She is from a different place so doesn't know the dynamics here and it is a sad fact that town here, including me, will look for the negative in people's posts sometimes when none is intended. It is getting better, but still an issue.

It is interesting to read what others say about your play in the QT's. I'm not done yet but I will write down specific posts I think are good to reference regarding my play and what I can improve on because you are right in what you said in the dz Sameech, I am trying to improve. It is a welcome relief to see more positive this time than all the garbage I saw in game 3 in the QT's. Not that there wasn't plenty of crap talk but as long as it is about the game and gameplay and not personal, it is acceptable. It's not so much that I care what others think of me personally but I look at what others say about my play to see how I can improve or change so I'm not so easily read in the future.

I find it sad what is happening with Rosie, Grandma, Mertex-Why can't they just talk and keep the personal shit out and just say-you need to improve here and here's why and the other person say the will work on that so they can still play together? I am much more frustrated with players who don't contribute anything or do nothing to improve every game then people who are wrong but still try hard. I really like all 3 of them but I sympathize with Mertex because I got similar crap in game 3 and she can probably take it better than me but we are all human and do have feelings, despite Mafia being hardcore.

Just my thoughts.


It was not looking for negatives per se, but the posts you were making made it seem as if you were building yourself up to take suspicion away. I would move you to town, then you came up with a post like that out of the blue where you seemed to prop youself up ( and others) and it just read as if you were trying to scream town when those posts could in fact be scum trying to make themselves appear townish. This is what I meant by braggish. I don't know your posting outside this scum forum Wolf, except the pic threads. You did well considering you were in a scummrounded in your hood.


Why in the hell did you accept that BS explanation from House (posting all these places then his pic with tabs open)? OMG I would not have let that go. LOL

I didn't accept the explanation. I put it in the back of my mind and kept an eye out. The thing is though I knew I was scum. I was worried if I pushed too hard and was wrong id have the hood all over me. I didn't think it was likely there were two scum in the hood let alone three.

after Sam exposed himself on day 2 I pretty much focused on getting him and didn't think too much about house. Not to mention I ended up dying. Three scum in one hood was unexpected
Avi-I saw a lot of frustration from you in the dz over this but you have to understand you were scum. Why should we automatically believe scum on anything? If Sam had a PR, I wanted to make sure not to mislynch. And you'll note by Wake's comments in the dz and you being able to see North, that I did eventually catch onto this and question Sam in North bring it to the GT. The neighborhoods really hurt scum this game because that's one reason House was hurt, that gambit in the hood, I eventually caught it and so did Care and Aye who would not have let me get away with not revealing it. They knew what was up and eventually I did too. Then that was it for House. So yes, I am slow at reading between the lines but I eventually will catch onto things.

And overall, I loved the neighborhood dynamic despite the fact I was stuck with 3 scum. It was still fun and added a lot to the game. I would vote to have neighborhoods again but play them much differently as far as what I reveal in them or how quickly I trust anyone.

That was just keystone cops coincidence. I had no idea House would fake claim, let alone fake claim THAT. LOL I was just throwing as much WIFOM in the game as I could and House stumbled into it in the worst possible way. Other than not wanting him to rely on you, I really had no end game plan with House. He just needed to be out there on his own. He held you guys off longer than I thought when he threw that dayvig thing out there. If I had been town, I would have instalynched him on that claim because it was either a lie or was in newby hands who would likely hit town.

If Rosie had not just been NK'd, I would have had to approach that situation differently. It took so long because people hoped it would be true being down a cop so early. His play at the end of day 1 in central should have set off alarms in more people's heads. it was obvious scum play. Independent of my situation in the game, I was so disheartened by town play days 1 and 2 that I cannot even put it into words how depressing it was with so many people with 4 games under their belt to be fumbling so badly.

Well, the thing about the davig gambit it is I had no clue if it was possible or not and knew nothing about that role. Although I believed and trusted House at first, I had a nagging doubt in the back of my mind the whole time that wouldn't go away. When he wouldn't take his shot when I asked him to over and over and when it was a perfect time to do so, I knew he was lying scum. Just had to work it out with town, and he was gone.

You are right, town did not play well in the beginning. I personally, did not play well, I was too scummy and people were FoSing me in the QT's and the GT. BUT, I am extremely happy with town's endgame play. To me, that shows a group that has grown as players and that's why I put that braggy post in the game Cafe said was braggy, and I'm glad SR recognized I was trying to rally town. She is from a different place so doesn't know the dynamics here and it is a sad fact that town here, including me, will look for the negative in people's posts sometimes when none is intended. It is getting better, but still an issue.

It is interesting to read what others say about your play in the QT's. I'm not done yet but I will write down specific posts I think are good to reference regarding my play and what I can improve on because you are right in what you said in the dz Sameech, I am trying to improve. It is a welcome relief to see more positive this time than all the garbage I saw in game 3 in the QT's. Not that there wasn't plenty of crap talk but as long as it is about the game and gameplay and not personal, it is acceptable. It's not so much that I care what others think of me personally but I look at what others say about my play to see how I can improve or change so I'm not so easily read in the future.

I find it sad what is happening with Rosie, Grandma, Mertex-Why can't they just talk and keep the personal shit out and just say-you need to improve here and here's why and the other person say the will work on that so they can still play together? I am much more frustrated with players who don't contribute anything or do nothing to improve every game then people who are wrong but still try hard. I really like all 3 of them but I sympathize with Mertex because I got similar crap in game 3 and she can probably take it better than me but we are all human and do have feelings, despite Mafia being hardcore.

Just my thoughts.


It was not looking for negatives per se, but the posts you were making made it seem as if you were building yourself up to take suspicion away. I would move you to town, then you came up with a post like that out of the blue where you seemed to prop youself up ( and others) and it just read as if you were trying to scream town when those posts could in fact be scum trying to make themselves appear townish. This is what I meant by braggish. I don't know your posting outside this scum forum Wolf, except the pic threads. You did well considering you were in a scummrounded in your hood.


Why in the hell did you accept that BS explanation from House (posting all these places then his pic with tabs open)? OMG I would not have let that go. LOL

Thanks, It was a lot of fun having the neighborhood dynamic I had and very interesting and a very good learning experience overall. I will never believe any hood is all town again, LOL.

And no, I know you were not trying to be negative. I think you did not know my alignment and I did so you were going to see that as suspicious where I didn't get that because I damn well knew I was town and since SR thought I was town she saw it as townie where you were looking for scum still. Totally understandable.

And yeah, That Avi, House tab thing is interesting and was quite a topic between the two ice scums. I also should of caught onto that right away. Between the 2 of us, we should of grilled House more on that.

Wake was funny in the dz going nuts waiting for me to run with the FA and Avi in one night deal. It's like by bolding he was hoping I was somehow hear him through the computer or something. :biggrin:
.....We didn't know the town win condition really. We did not get it until after that fight broke out, which is another reason I suspected Cafe for awhile when she referenced it being in a second PM to scum.

You know when you kept doing that I thought you were doing the same thing you did in game 3, focusing on a silly reason to suspect me, i.e., Rosies hood statement. Wake had put the PMs we get in the start of 4 out of 6 games here. I just assumed it was the same when I hypothesized Moon may have copied towns wincon.
I didn't think it was likely there were two scum in the hood let alone three.

Three scum in one hood was unexpected

From now on I'll just takes Sam's advice when I'm in a neighborhood and just assume everyone is scum and look for town from there rather than the opposite.

That seems like sound advice.
That was just keystone cops coincidence. I had no idea House would fake claim, let alone fake claim THAT. LOL I was just throwing as much WIFOM in the game as I could and House stumbled into it in the worst possible way. Other than not wanting him to rely on you, I really had no end game plan with House. He just needed to be out there on his own. He held you guys off longer than I thought when he threw that dayvig thing out there. If I had been town, I would have instalynched him on that claim because it was either a lie or was in newby hands who would likely hit town.

Oh, and House relying on me so much-why didn't I recognize that blatant scum buddying? LOL For some reason that came off as town to me and I think I just refused to believe a 3rd scum could be in our hood. Luckily, he was caught anyway.

He did the same to me. When he stood up for me being Doc, I completely took that as him being Town...I did the same thing with Avatar in Game 1 or 2.....oh well, I'm still learning.

Always question everything in Mafia.

If you saw House as Town for standing up for you, then if I'm Scum in game with you I could have you voting any way I want. It's white-knighting, and building false rapport as Scum. There are many tools in the arsenal for both Scum and Town.

Yeah, The way House was acting to me in the hood should of been obvious sooner that he was using me.

I just read the ice QT. I can't believe how many times they talked about killing me or getting use out of me.

Thanks a lot Sameech and House. I thought you guys were my friends you evil scum fiends.

No one will ever be able to buddy me again in these games. I will instantly want FoS them if they do. :biggrin:

Yeah, Sam was doing a great job of stirring up Central turning you into scum. I was not as convinced and what you don't realize is I was sure Aye was scum over you since she was beating the Wolf drum so hard, it was between her and House at the end for me. If he had flipped town, Aye was next. ( Sorry Aye, Sam had a bit to do with that too BTW) He is good at sowing seeds of doubt.
I didn't think it was likely there were two scum in the hood let alone three.

Three scum in one hood was unexpected

From now on I'll just takes Sam's advice when I'm in a neighborhood and just assume everyone is scum and look for town from there rather than the opposite.

That seems like sound advice.

only if you trust scum;)
Congrats Town! :)

Can't say that I was surprised to find out who the last Ice Scum ultimately was though. lol

LOL you never took the bait to shoot me Gath! I voted for you twice and said once on the GT I knew who you were. I unvoted the first time because Grandma had me convinced in Central you were still the key holder, and the second time I just wanted to let you know I was there. You ignored me. :( :p

If you had gotten the notification your shot had failed on me, would you have thought I was scum?
That was just keystone cops coincidence. I had no idea House would fake claim, let alone fake claim THAT. LOL I was just throwing as much WIFOM in the game as I could and House stumbled into it in the worst possible way. Other than not wanting him to rely on you, I really had no end game plan with House. He just needed to be out there on his own. He held you guys off longer than I thought when he threw that dayvig thing out there. If I had been town, I would have instalynched him on that claim because it was either a lie or was in newby hands who would likely hit town.

Oh, and House relying on me so much-why didn't I recognize that blatant scum buddying? LOL For some reason that came off as town to me and I think I just refused to believe a 3rd scum could be in our hood. Luckily, he was caught anyway.

He did the same to me. When he stood up for me being Doc, I completely took that as him being Town...I did the same thing with Avatar in Game 1 or 2.....oh well, I'm still learning.

Always question everything in Mafia.

If you saw House as Town for standing up for you, then if I'm Scum in game with you I could have you voting any way I want. It's white-knighting, and building false rapport as Scum. There are many tools in the arsenal for both Scum and Town.

Yeah, The way House was acting to me in the hood should of been obvious sooner that he was using me.

I just read the ice QT. I can't believe how many times they talked about killing me or getting use out of me.

Thanks a lot Sameech and House. I thought you guys were my friends you evil scum fiends.

No one will ever be able to buddy me again in these games. I will instantly want FoS them if they do. :biggrin:

Yeah, Sam was doing a great job of stirring up Central turning you into scum. I was not as convinced and what you don't realize is I was sure Aye was scum over you since she was beating the Wolf drum so hard, it was between her and House at the end for me. If he had flipped town, Aye was next. ( Sorry Aye, Sam had a bit to do with that too BTW) He is good at sowing seeds of doubt.

It's good to keep people guessing. :)
That was just keystone cops coincidence. I had no idea House would fake claim, let alone fake claim THAT. LOL I was just throwing as much WIFOM in the game as I could and House stumbled into it in the worst possible way. Other than not wanting him to rely on you, I really had no end game plan with House. He just needed to be out there on his own. He held you guys off longer than I thought when he threw that dayvig thing out there. If I had been town, I would have instalynched him on that claim because it was either a lie or was in newby hands who would likely hit town.

Oh, and House relying on me so much-why didn't I recognize that blatant scum buddying? LOL For some reason that came off as town to me and I think I just refused to believe a 3rd scum could be in our hood. Luckily, he was caught anyway.

He did the same to me. When he stood up for me being Doc, I completely took that as him being Town...I did the same thing with Avatar in Game 1 or 2.....oh well, I'm still learning.

Always question everything in Mafia.

If you saw House as Town for standing up for you, then if I'm Scum in game with you I could have you voting any way I want. It's white-knighting, and building false rapport as Scum. There are many tools in the arsenal for both Scum and Town.

Yeah, The way House was acting to me in the hood should of been obvious sooner that he was using me.

I just read the ice QT. I can't believe how many times they talked about killing me or getting use out of me.

Thanks a lot Sameech and House. I thought you guys were my friends you evil scum fiends.

No one will ever be able to buddy me again in these games. I will instantly want FoS them if they do. :biggrin:

Yeah, Sam was doing a great job of stirring up Central turning you into scum. I was not as convinced and what you don't realize is I was sure Aye was scum over you since she was beating the Wolf drum so hard, it was between her and House at the end for me. If he had flipped town, Aye was next. ( Sorry Aye, Sam had a bit to do with that too BTW) He is good at sowing seeds of doubt.

One of the reasons I was so defensive at the end with you is because I really thought you were on Aye's side just because you never suspected her that I saw and were in Central with her and I was really worried about a lylo with you and me and her. Or her and math and me. That's why I kept pestering House to take the damn shot he didn't have, LOL.

But that's why I was cranky there when you and House started talking about my too town it hurts posts. I did not want to be in a place where town would lose by lynching me. Thank goodness you and Aye pushed myself and House to out him. I was going to anyway but you guys helped because you knew weren't in our neighborhood and knew something was off.
LOL you never took the bait to shoot me Gath! I voted for you twice and said once on the GT I knew who you were. I unvoted the first time because Grandma had me convinced in Central you were still the key holder, and the second time I just wanted to let you know I was there. You ignored me. :( :p

If you had gotten the notification your shot had failed on me, would you have thought I was scum?

I was actually going to try and shoot you that last night before you revealed that you were fireproof. :D

I figured that I could pin that last set of keys on you. LOL

Yea, I probably would've thought you were scum when it failed.
Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.
Oh, and House relying on me so much-why didn't I recognize that blatant scum buddying? LOL For some reason that came off as town to me and I think I just refused to believe a 3rd scum could be in our hood. Luckily, he was caught anyway.

He did the same to me. When he stood up for me being Doc, I completely took that as him being Town...I did the same thing with Avatar in Game 1 or 2.....oh well, I'm still learning.

Always question everything in Mafia.

If you saw House as Town for standing up for you, then if I'm Scum in game with you I could have you voting any way I want. It's white-knighting, and building false rapport as Scum. There are many tools in the arsenal for both Scum and Town.

Yeah, The way House was acting to me in the hood should of been obvious sooner that he was using me.

I just read the ice QT. I can't believe how many times they talked about killing me or getting use out of me.

Thanks a lot Sameech and House. I thought you guys were my friends you evil scum fiends.

No one will ever be able to buddy me again in these games. I will instantly want FoS them if they do. :biggrin:

Yeah, Sam was doing a great job of stirring up Central turning you into scum. I was not as convinced and what you don't realize is I was sure Aye was scum over you since she was beating the Wolf drum so hard, it was between her and House at the end for me. If he had flipped town, Aye was next. ( Sorry Aye, Sam had a bit to do with that too BTW) He is good at sowing seeds of doubt.

One of the reasons I was so defensive at the end with you is because I really thought you were on Aye's side just because you never suspected her that I saw and were in Central with her and I was really worried about a lylo with you and me and her. Or her and math and me. That's why I kept pestering House to take the damn shot he didn't have, LOL.

But that's why I was cranky there when you and House started talking about my too town it hurts posts. I did not want to be in a place where town would lose by lynching me. Thank goodness you and Aye pushed myself and House to out him. I was going to anyway but you guys helped because you knew weren't in our neighborhood and knew something was off.

Like Aye said above, always keep them guessing. I recall SR getting upset with Math somewhere in the game about her read on Gath. I don't always put my true reads up, especially when I feel there may be scum around.

I was having a very hard time with Aye because she was so into getting you. I later decided it was truly what she felt, but there were posts between her and Sam in Central which had me second guessing Aye, almost to the end.
Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yup. There was no way. I had Aye as scum and you as town, until you put up the I would die for House post. Then I thought about it more and came to the realization he had talked you into something, that is why I asked you on the GT. Aye and I then discussed it in Central she and I knew he was full of it.
Wolf, as soon as me and Cafe saw where a PR was mentioned, we both were saying WTF! We knew it was game over then. We just had to get you to see what we did.

Yep, I'm glad you guys were there with me at that point because you were not under scum's influence and I knew right then that I had to say everything because something was not right with how townie all my suspects were acting and I finally figured it out when he wouldn't shoot you like I asked him too. :p
I second not put all your true reads out. If I feel someone is scum, I'll intentionally say they come across as town to me, mixed in with other solid town reads. I did that on Sam this game many times. I knew this wasn't his town game, but gave him more leeway because of what he was going through also (moving, sick, funeral). When I saw he had claimed to have 2 results from one night, I knew he was one of the scum, but didn't let him or anyone else know what I was thinking. I was playing 'nice' to him to see if his buddy would pop up.

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