Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.


Could be nothing, but there's just something about this post that doesn't sit right with me.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie.
So we have several regulars that aren't talking much. After mentioning that she thought I was MIA Rosie has gone silent. What's up with that?
Rosie's play style has changed drastically this game and it is certainly making me think that Rosie is scum. She is trying to be waaaay to nice.

Derp, derp dee derp derp. Times two. :blahblah:

Regards from Rosie
Could be nothing, but there's just something about this post that doesn't sit right with me.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie.

It is almost word for word an accusation Wolfie made against me earlier on in the game.

Being unoriginal and duplicating other's posts is Scummy.

TN openly asked for post content from Scum when he was Scum.

Cafe is infatuated with FA_Q2. He kisses up to her and she sidles right up to Scum. Fawned all over his Scummy self in the last game.

Regards from Rosie
Could be nothing, but there's just something about this post that doesn't sit right with me.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie.

Why do you think it has nothing to do with Rosie?

Because Rosie doesn't bother me. You guys are forming an opinion on her based on her meta. I don't have that advantage so I'm taking her game play at face value.
Could be nothing, but there's just something about this post that doesn't sit right with me.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie.

Why do you think it has nothing to do with Rosie?

Because Rosie doesn't bother me. You guys are forming an opinion on her based on her meta. I don't have that advantage so I'm taking her game play at face value.

But that was not my question. I asked why you think that has nothing to do with Rosie? Seems to me it was stated that her meta was off, and if you have no clue about her meta, how can you form the opinion the post has nothing to do with Rosie?
What gets me is that some are suspicious of Rosie, saying her game play is different, but say nothing about Avatar's being different as well.
Could be nothing, but there's just something about this post that doesn't sit right with me.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie.

Why do you think it has nothing to do with Rosie?

Because Rosie doesn't bother me. You guys are forming an opinion on her based on her meta. I don't have that advantage so I'm taking her game play at face value.

But that was not my question. I asked why you think that has nothing to do with Rosie? Seems to me it was stated that her meta was off, and if you have no clue about her meta, how can you form the opinion the post has nothing to do with Rosie?

Why would I presume to speak to anyone's meta when I haven't learned them yet?

Reread my post. I said something about that post bothered me, and it does. I think Rosie hit the nail pretty square, actually.

Rosie doesn't bother me, I don't know enough about her but she seems fine to me at this point.
Could be nothing, but there's just something about this post that doesn't sit right with me.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie.

Why do you think it has nothing to do with Rosie?

Because Rosie doesn't bother me. You guys are forming an opinion on her based on her meta. I don't have that advantage so I'm taking her game play at face value.

But that was not my question. I asked why you think that has nothing to do with Rosie? Seems to me it was stated that her meta was off, and if you have no clue about her meta, how can you form the opinion the post has nothing to do with Rosie?

Why would I presume to speak to anyone's meta when I haven't learned them yet?

Reread my post. I said something about that post bothered me, and it does. I think Rosie hit the nail pretty square, actually.

Rosie doesn't bother me, I don't know enough about her but she seems fine to me at this point.

Okay, you linked to a post where FA said something about Rosie's play being off, then you said "I could be off, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie."

The way that reads it sounds as if you are saying FA stating such has nothing to do with Rosie.
Aye - I think a bunch of feel bad about always lynching Avi early in the game. We can get him on Day 3 here! :laugh:

any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex
Aye - I think a bunch of feel bad about always lynching Avi early in the game. We can get him on Day 3 here! :laugh:

It would be something he's been lynched now, how many times in a row, and we get it wrong because we all feel like shit? He has been terribly quiet.

any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex

Your ability is soooo fitting. lol...

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