Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex

Your ability is soooo fitting. lol...


Heehee. :D

any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex

You're thinking that it is scummy because you are listening to those that aren't thinking it through. The Mafia teams do not know who the members of the other Mafia Team are. If I happen to target (shield) a person that happens to be a Scum member of one team and the other Scum team just happens to have targeted themfor a NK, the scum person that I shielded would not have died anyway, but I end up dead. How that is supposed to help Town is beyond me, considering other things. So, go ahead, when I flip town it will be clear to everyone.
Kind of bummer that I have to let someone else decide to who to protect though.

Who says you have to let someone else tell you who to protect?

That's what the wording said (I think, anyway). You give the ability to someone else, and they use it send someone to jail so that person can't be killed.

I just read that again. It's a little confusing, to say the least. You can ask Wake to clarify it for you.
Kind of bummer that I have to let someone else decide to who to protect though.

Who says you have to let someone else tell you who to protect?

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.
Kind of bummer that I have to let someone else decide to who to protect though.

Who says you have to let someone else tell you who to protect?

That's what the wording said (I think, anyway). You give the ability to someone else, and they use it send someone to jail so that person can't be killed.

I just read that again. It's a little confusing, to say the least. You can ask Wake to clarify it for you.

Good idea.


The Jailer's Keys special; do I get to select the target who gets sent to jail, or do I have to give the ability to someone else first?

The wording is kind of ambiguous. lol
Could be nothing, but there's just something about this post that doesn't sit right with me.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it has nothing to do with Rosie.

It is almost word for word an accusation Wolfie made against me earlier on in the game.

Being unoriginal and duplicating other's posts is Scummy.

TN openly asked for post content from Scum when he was Scum.

Cafe is infatuated with FA_Q2. He kisses up to her and she sidles right up to Scum. Fawned all over his Scummy self in the last game.

Regards from Rosie

There is the Rosie we know and ____!
Kind of bummer that I have to let someone else decide to who to protect though.

Who says you have to let someone else tell you who to protect?

That's what the wording said (I think, anyway). You give the ability to someone else, and they use it send someone to jail so that person can't be killed.

I just read that again. It's a little confusing, to say the least. You can ask Wake to clarify it for you.

It's not confusing, he's like a mini-mod. He gives somebody the ability to jail a player, which protects (and restricts) them.

any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex

Your ability is soooo fitting. lol...


Heehee. :D


any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex

You're thinking that it is scummy because you are listening to those that aren't thinking it through. The Mafia teams do not know who the members of the other Mafia Team are. If I happen to target (shield) a person that happens to be a Scum member of one team and the other Scum team just happens to have targeted themfor a NK, the scum person that I shielded would not have died anyway, but I end up dead. How that is supposed to help Town is beyond me, considering other things. So, go ahead, when I flip town it will be clear to everyone.

Hey, nothing personal as far as I'm concerned. I'm just trying to keep things moving and remain a regular participant here.

I don't know much about the game or the personalities here yet, so I figure everyone else's guesses are as good as mine at this point. lol

The deadline's a ways off yet, so I doubt you'll wind up being the one ultimately lynched anyway.

any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex

Your ability is soooo fitting. lol...


Heehee. :D

There's always another way...

any thoughts?

Just got caught up on what's been going on.

I'm still where I was originally on Bob. If he wants out, we should let him.

Should we maybe give him a deadline to respond by and replace him if he doesn't say something to explain himself by the time it expires?

Where the Mertex affair is concerned, the whole thing comes off as being "scummy" in general. The ability is scummy, her attitude towards it is scummy, and her defense of it is scummy.

Grandma's use of invulnerability special is kind of suspicious as well. However, seeing as how going after her would be a waste of time anyway ( lol ), I guess I'll have to stick with Mertex for the time being.



Vote: Mertex

You're thinking that it is scummy because you are listening to those that aren't thinking it through. The Mafia teams do not know who the members of the other Mafia Team are. If I happen to target (shield) a person that happens to be a Scum member of one team and the other Scum team just happens to have targeted themfor a NK, the scum person that I shielded would not have died anyway, but I end up dead. How that is supposed to help Town is beyond me, considering other things. So, go ahead, when I flip town it will be clear to everyone.

Hey, nothing personal as far as I'm concerned. I'm just trying to keep things moving and remain a regular participant here.

I don't know much about the game or the personalities here yet, so I figure everyone else's guesses are as good as mine at this point. lol

The deadline's a ways off yet, so I doubt you'll wind up being the one lynched anyway.

Sometimes votes can be pushed and someone ends up lynched pretty quickly.
Sometimes votes can be pushed and someone ends up lynched pretty quickly.

I can see how that could happen.

However, right now, she's only got what, two votes, or three?

I don't think there's any reason to panic just yet. lol

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