Oh, SNAP! the far right myths are snapped

Anathema, your statement is immoral.

LOL. Morality is defined by Right and Wrong not by feeling good about yourself.

It is not moral to allow people to steal from you or to support people who can't or won't support themselves.
Taxation is a constitutional republic is moral. You are letting your feelings get the better of you.

Not excessive taxation like what we have going on right now.
I have no problem with lower wage working people qualifying for food stamps. That government mismanages the program yes, that its not part of a planned effort to help people move up the ladder and get off food stamps yes, but we should encourage people to work vs sitting around on their ass.
If everyone who is working were paid a living wage (enough to afford a place to live and feed their families) with benefits then there would be no need for SNAP except for those unable to earn a living.

So raising wages reduces the tax burden, right?
I'm saying that life is about investments and investing in the poor gets you no return on that investment. If you can't take care of yourself you don't deserve to continue consuming resources that could be better used by others.

You are being an asshole to the wrong crowd. If I go to work everyday and can still qualify for food stamps, then guess what. I am going to go get me some food stamps. I would be fucking stupid to NOT take advantage of that program. You take advantage of whatever government giveaway you can don't ya?

You need to get on the Republican majorities in Congress to pass a law with a veto proof majority to make it illegal to receive stamps IF you have a job.

Can you will you do that? If not, shut the fuck up about poor people getting food stamps. They ain't stupid. They work. They don't get paid much. But they didn't make the rules you stupid shit.

You Republicans got your majority. Now do something with it. End the food stamp program for people who work.

If you go to work every day and you still qualify for food stamps I would suggest you "go get you" a new job! And if you can't? Then my guess is that you probably ARE stupid! Capitalism doesn't reward underachievers...it simply doesn't! It punishes them.

Neither socialism nor capitalism are the economic systems of our government. Stop sounding stupidly.
If everyone who is working were paid a living wage (enough to afford a place to live and feed their families) with benefits then there would be no need for SNAP except for those unable to earn a living.

So raising wages reduces the tax burden, right?

Redistribution has a 100% Guaranteed Fail Rate, it's been tested many times and it's failed every single time
Anyone quoting from "Western Journalism" is quoting lies.

You fuckwits have no ground at all to stand on.

SNAP will not be going away.

And bi-partisan legislation will be passed.

Those budgets just gut you fuckers, don't they? :lol:
Anyone quoting from "Western Journalism" is quoting lies.

You fuckwits have no ground at all to stand on.

SNAP will not be going away.

And bi-partisan legislation will be passed.

Those budgets just gut you fuckers, don't they? :lol:

Starkey defending Progressives Programs and ideology like the Soviets defended Moscow in 1941
You Won 8217 t Believe What This Illegal Alien Mother of 7 Collected 8211 For 20 YEARS Video Top Right News

Flopper I enjoy your thoughtful posts even though I disagree with your emphasis. Just because those are the rules does not mean they are followed. Whether it is just graft or favoritism or just Obama using his political arms to register voters under the corrupt navigator schemes reality always trumps the rules.

And for all the wackos with you just want children to starve speeches get real. I don't have any problem with anyone getting food stamps if they qualify, but there is immense fraud in all govt programs(something liberals refuse to acknowledge or even care about)and I want our tax dollars used honestly and fairly, something you would think everyone wants.

So let's take this link. She has been on welfare for 20 years. So much for the rules not allowing this kind of abuse, and no one is claiming this is not true. And she is bragging about how many gimmes are available. She hasn't worked in 17 years, so she is not one of these people that is trying. Her rent is even being paid for. I wonder what happened to the child support she is supposed to be getting for seven kids. Oh yeah I forgot, she is not married. And for those interested in personal character and responsibility she is not apologetic in the least. In addition democratic operatives openly admit to wanting to increase welfare payments by one billion dollars JUST IN FLORIDA. VOTER FRAUD ANYONE. Are there any people trying to ferret out fraud and abuse by one billion dollars? Not no but hell no.

Millionaires in Washington getting food stamps
Food stamp rings in Atlanta buying ebt cards for pennies on the dollar.
Recipients using cards in strip clubs
The only reason more abuse is not uncovered is because no one is really investigating this not because it isn't everywhere.
You Won 8217 t Believe What This Illegal Alien Mother of 7 Collected 8211 For 20 YEARS Video Top Right News

Flopper I enjoy your thoughtful posts even though I disagree with your emphasis. Just because those are the rules does not mean they are followed. Whether it is just graft or favoritism or just Obama using his political arms to register voters under the corrupt navigator schemes reality always trumps the rules.

And for all the wackos with you just want children to starve speeches get real. I don't have any problem with anyone getting food stamps if they qualify, but there is immense fraud in all govt programs(something liberals refuse to acknowledge or even care about)and I want our tax dollars used honestly and fairly, something you would think everyone wants.

So let's take this link. She has been on welfare for 20 years. So much for the rules not allowing this kind of abuse, and no one is claiming this is not true. And she is bragging about how many gimmes are available. She hasn't worked in 17 years, so she is not one of these people that is trying. Her rent is even being paid for. I wonder what happened to the child support she is supposed to be getting for seven kids. Oh yeah I forgot, she is not married. And for those interested in personal character and responsibility she is not apologetic in the least. In addition democratic operatives openly admit to wanting to increase welfare payments by one billion dollars JUST IN FLORIDA. VOTER FRAUD ANYONE. Are there any people trying to ferret out fraud and abuse by one billion dollars? Not no but hell no.

Millionaires in Washington getting food stamps
Food stamp rings in Atlanta buying ebt cards for pennies on the dollar.
Recipients using cards in strip clubs
The only reason more abuse is not uncovered is because no one is really investigating this not because it isn't everywhere.
I don't know how long my post will stay on your link site, so here it is:

It's illegal for illegals to get food stamps or welfare. Come on people. Don't be stupid. It's embarrassing you call yourselves American.
But the Economy, all you lefties talk about is soooo much better, why then NO ONE getting off of FOOD STAMPS as the supposed Unemployment rate is ONLY 5.4%....We know, Libs and DemocRATS LIE!!!

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 37 Straight Months

CNSnews ^ | December 10, 2014 | Ali Meyer
The number of beneficiaries who receive compensation from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, has topped 46,000,000 for 37 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). In September 2014, which is the latest data from the USDA, there were 46,459,998 Americans who received assistance from the SNAP program. The number of beneficiaries has exceeded 46 million since September 2011, a total of 37 months, or more than three years. [snip]Households on food stamps in September got an average of $252.69 during the month, and the program benefits cost taxpayers $5,748,809,023....
Because 60% of those who receive food stamps (excluding children and the totally disable) have jobs. So increased employment has only a small impact on these SNAP recipients. Most SNAP recipients that were unemployed during the recession and found jobs as the recession ended moved from unemployment to low paying jobs so they were still received SNAP but smaller payments.
SNAP Costs Falling Expected to Fall Further mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Bullshit, you're saying that 40% of the 46 million should be effected in some way, by the lower unemployment rate, that's 18 MILLION, and we see NO DECLINE in the numbers... someone lies, and it isn't me!
For example, you have a family of 4 with one part time job earning about $15,000/yr and they receive about $400 in food stamps during the recession. Family income increase to $35,000/yr after the recession The family is still on food stamps but now receive only the minimum, $15/person or $60/mo for 4. The only families that go off food stamps are those whose income exceeds the limit.

During this time period the feds allowed the states to increase limits which resulted in an 18% increase. Although job growth for the lowest income group has been good during the recover, the wages themselves have not. Thus many low income unemployed workers found jobs but those jobs do not pay well enough to exceed the SNAP limits.

SNAP utilization would only be a good indicator of unemployment if it was directed tied to unemployment which it isn't.
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You are being an asshole to the wrong crowd. If I go to work everyday and can still qualify for food stamps, then guess what. I am going to go get me some food stamps. I would be fucking stupid to NOT take advantage of that program. You take advantage of whatever government giveaway you can don't ya?

No, I don't. Three times in my life I've been eligible for unemployment assistance. I've never filed for it. When my wife (then fiance) moved in with me, we immediately canceled her SNAP benefits (she collects SSDI) because we didn't need it. She would have still been eligible for it until we got married 15 months later, but we didn't need it and didn't feel it was appropriate to collect it.

You need to get on the Republican majorities in Congress to pass a law with a veto proof majority to make it illegal to receive stamps IF you have a job.

Can you will you do that? If not, shut the fuck up about poor people getting food stamps. They ain't stupid. They work. They don't get paid much. But they didn't make the rules you stupid shit..

I'm in contact with my Senators (who are both Democrats) and the Republcan leadership on a regular basis asking them to remove ALL the unconatitutional welfare/aid programs from the budget. Hasn't been real successful yet.

You Republicans got your majority. Now do something with it. End the food stamp program for people who work.

I'm a Conservative, not a Republican and I want SNAP done away with for EVERYONE, not just those who are working.
So in the perfect Starkey/Obama economy, every American is unemployed and on food stamps

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