Oh, SNAP! the far right myths are snapped

Your religion wants children to starve and it will condemn politicians who provided them with foodstamps to eternal damnation?

I don't have a religion. I'm spiritual not religious. I do believe that we will all be judged at the time of our deaths based on MORALITY, not religion. Part of that is understanding the difference between Right and Wrong. It is Wrong to force someone to support another person they do not want to support. There are no exceptions.
Yup, and their latest "morality" is that it is the "will of the people" that the 1% should be given tax breaks but providing the sick with healthcare is "coercive theft of wealth". :cuckoo:

It's never been about the "will of the people". That's the LAST thing Legislation or Decisions should be based on. It's about Right and Wrong; therefore the 1% should be taxed at the same rate as the other 99% and corporations should not get any Government assistance either.
A 3% fraud rate. So it be with Wall Street as well.

View attachment 35988

#4. Suppose there is a family of four, 3 "undocumented immigrants" with the youngest child being an American citizen because he is an anchor baby. I would think that the youngest child would qualify for SNAP. Is the SNAP benifit based on only the one child, or is it based on the family of four and their income? Does only the anchor baby eat the food bought with the SNAP benifits? If not, is that fraud? If it is fraud, is this included in the estimate of the 3% fraud rate?

I'm I wrong that the family can get SNAP benifits due to the anchor baby?

Look it up. It is your question.
Damn I can't imagine why it hasn't been successful. With what you post on here, I am sure you made quite the persuasive argument as to why those people don't deserve to eat.

i don't expect it to be successful. It's actually really only done so that they cannot claim, at the moment their souls are judged, that they didn't know any better.
God also, besides the right thinking on the Board, give no weight to your opinions.
[Onus is on you to prove that claim.

If one was to actually READ Section 8 of Article 1 in the US Constitution, they would realize that ALL Federal or Federally supported welfare programs (foreign, domestic, corporate and personal) are illegal and unconstitutional. One only needs to use a small amount of common sense to realize they're immoral as well.

Email SCOTUS and Congress they got it wrong, then.
You really believe that we live in the exact same country today that was here at the founding. Don't cha?

I believe, and can prove, that no part of Article 1, Section 8 has ever been amended by the citizens of the United States, and therefore it is still the legitimate law of the land. Any program, legislation or expenditure which does not fit into those restrictions (including most of the US Budget) is unconstitutional on its face.

Then you are concerned about politicians getting their "souls judged" at some time or another?

I'm not truly concerned about their souls. I have enough of a time concerning myself with my and my wife's souls; but I do want to make sure there is no chance they can find a loophole to get around facing their eternal punishment.

Congress's legislative powers are enumerated in Section Eight:

The Congress shall have power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defence[note 1] and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
You Republicans got your majority. Now do something with it. End the food stamp program for people who work.

How is the GOP supposed to do that when your lame ass president vows to veto even bi-partisan bills passed in congress?

Hey dude, it's called "veto proof" majority. Look it up.

You all proudly proclaim how you got Democrats to go along with the invasion of Iraq. It gets pointed out all the time as to how that invasion was signed off on by Democrats.

And that's how you get food stamps stopped for working people. A veto proof majority.

Are you Repubs not going to use your new found power and influence to put the fucks to poor people? Why in the hell not? It is what you've been wanting to do for a few years now.

Just do it or shut the fuck up about it.

OMG the irony, maybe you should look it up because its clear you have no freaking clue what it is. Hint the GOP does not have a veto proof super majority in the Senate.
Your religion wants children to starve and it will condemn politicians who provided them with foodstamps to eternal damnation?

I don't have a religion. I'm spiritual not religious. I do believe that we will all be judged at the time of our deaths based on MORALITY, not religion. Part of that is understanding the difference between Right and Wrong. It is Wrong to force someone to support another person they do not want to support. There are no exceptions.

We the People formed a Constitution whereby we support the rights of our fellow citizens to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and we specifically granted the government OF the people and FOR the people a General Welfare clause to ensure that this happens.

If you don't want to be an American then nothing is stopping you from leaving.
Yup, and their latest "morality" is that it is the "will of the people" that the 1% should be given tax breaks but providing the sick with healthcare is "coercive theft of wealth". :cuckoo:

It's never been about the "will of the people". That's the LAST thing Legislation or Decisions should be based on. It's about Right and Wrong; therefore the 1% should be taxed at the same rate as the other 99% and corporations should not get any Government assistance either.

Your ignorance is appalling and your lack of "spirituality" is glaring.
A 3% fraud rate. So it be with Wall Street as well.

View attachment 35988

#4. Suppose there is a family of four, 3 "undocumented immigrants" with the youngest child being an American citizen because he is an anchor baby. I would think that the youngest child would qualify for SNAP. Is the SNAP benifit based on only the one child, or is it based on the family of four and their income? Does only the anchor baby eat the food bought with the SNAP benifits? If not, is that fraud? If it is fraud, is this included in the estimate of the 3% fraud rate?

I'm I wrong that the family can get SNAP benifits due to the anchor baby?

Look it up. It is your question.

Okay, I found this information from an article in the Huffington Post.

Are Anchor Babies Sinking the American Economy Michealene Cristini Risley

As far as healthcare, illegal aliens give birth to about 340,000 children nation wide each year, imposing tremendous medical costs on hospitals. Several hospitals, including ones in Stockton, CA and Dallas, TX, report as many as 70% of their deliveries are to non-residents. Similarly, since the parents of infant citizens still qualify for welfare in order to protect the child, the Center for Immigration studies estimates nearly $2 billion dollars goes to illegal aliens annually, in the form of food stamps and free lunches.

I would say that Myth #4 is confirmed.
snip; As of March 2013, the U.S. has spent (PDF) about $54 billion funding security forces in Afghanistan and $92 billion on reconstruction, agriculture, and other development projects, according to a SIGAR report.

Now that we have some money wasting activity to compare to, lets do it.

I will defend the 2 billion spent per year feeding babies and their families.

You defend the 146 billion we spent on destroying and rebuilding Afghanistan. And that doesn't count the hundreds of millions we sent over there that we can't account for.

Your turn. Defend.

And we won't EVEN talk about Iraq.
Congress's legislative powers are enumerated in Section Eight:

The Congress shall have power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defence[note 1] and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

General Welfare of the NATION, not the Citizens. The fact that you didn't know that, and that you probably didn't realize there's a difference doesn't surprise me much, considering the educational systems in this country over the last century.
Congress's legislative powers are enumerated in Section Eight:

The Congress shall have power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defence[note 1] and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

General Welfare of the NATION, not the Citizens. The fact that you didn't know that, and that you probably didn't realize there's a difference doesn't surprise me much, considering the educational systems in this country over the last century.

The citizens ARE the nation. Without the citizens there isn't any nation. The "common defense" applies to the citizens too.

You should quit while you are only this far behind because you aren't doing yourself any favors exposing this level of ignorance.
The citizens ARE the nation. Without the citizens there isn't any nation. The "common defense" applies to the citizens too.

So where do I go to get my US Soldier to personally guard me 24/7/365? SCOTUS has decided that's not even the job of the Police, nevermind the military. The Citizens, the States and the Nation are three very different things when one reads the Constitution. The Founders went so far as to make them very clearly separated in the Constitution; but you'd have to have actually read it to understand that
The citizens ARE the nation. Without the citizens there isn't any nation. The "common defense" applies to the citizens too.

So where do I go to get my US Soldier to personally guard me 24/7/365? SCOTUS has decided that's not even the job of the Police, nevermind the military. The Citizens, the States and the Nation are three very different things when one reads the Constitution. The Founders went so far as to make them very clearly separated in the Constitution; but you'd have to have actually read it to understand that

Obviously you don't understand any of it. And no, I am not going to waste my time educating someone so patently incapable of learning. Feel free to continue to wallow in your own ignorance and bigotry.
Obviously you don't understand any of it. And no, I am not going to waste my time educating someone so patently incapable of learning. Feel free to continue to wallow in your own ignorance and bigotry.

I most certainly understand. See my ancestors helped found this country. Not incapable, unwilling (since there's no need). My wallowing has served me just fine for the last 40 years and will for the rest of my life.
It is not moral to support those who cannot? Did you learn that in church?

I don't have a church. I answer to a higher power than religion.... Morality; which tells us that those who cannot provide for themselves are nothing more than a strain on society and do better by society by dying quietly on their own.

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