OK Racists, It's Time to do the Math.

Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Ok, let me explain this again using Black Sands "applied math."

According to BlackSand, for every 100 blacks/whites, 4.6 blacks are committing crimes and 2.8 whites are. This means that for every 100 blacks, 95 blacks are not committing crimes and 97 whites are not committing crimes. So the claim of this high black crime rate is non existent. Hence BlackSand provrs my point.

And let's not get stupid. Whites like you guys want to multiply things by 5 instead of looking at the fact you have a problem. But if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunity. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges, and political representatives. Things would be dramatically different. Yet those like you and others here fail to understand this. No matter what, you continue arguing this ridiculous per capita idiocy.

Since whites have 5 times the population and want to make that an issue, let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Let us reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty so reduce that by 5 to make it 4.5 percent..

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. Blacks now have 5 times the amount of money to spend and invest. What happens them? All kinds of community development, that is what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money for our schools. Let us multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5, there are now 8.5 million blacks in college or getting vocational training. That equals approximately 1 out of every 5 black citizen receiving post-secondary training. This results in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce which increases employment. So this increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate meaning fewer blacks are on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced even further because youth now have facilities and jobs available in their immediate communities. What happens to crime? It reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime is reduced. Yet to the racist nothing else changes. The only change is crime increases. The use of per capita fails miserably and is used by racist whites to deny a severe crime problem THEY need to address instead of trying to preach to us. For if we apply per capita like you racists do, when a white person has 5 dollars and I have 1, it is the same amount.
That post is pure aids and gave my eyes cancer - even skim reading it.

Your logic falls down everywhere on it's first point when you try to say 95 blacks in every 100 aren't committing crime & 97 whites in every 100 aren't committing crime because you are taking the small value of 5 and 3 in the first instance per 100 folk, but ignoring the fact that them 2 of a difference is multiplied literally hundreds of millions of times when you take the whole population of the USA into account and it gives you a vast metric and the true picture.

The rest of your comment has zero to do with anything (i.e economy, money to invest, communities, jobs etc) because that's a conspiracy that the race baiters wheel out to try and prove systemic racism exists where it doesn't.

There's nothing stopping black people making something of themselves - they have even more opportunities than your average white person does in the USA at the moment with affirmative action schemes, special programes, diversity quotas, special scholarships that exclude white kids from similarly poor backgrounds etc.

For people like you the need and demand for racism outstrips the amount of tangible racism that there actually is.
Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Ok, let me explain this again using Black Sands "applied math."

According to BlackSand, for every 100 blacks/whites, 4.6 blacks are committing crimes and 2.8 whites are. This means that for every 100 blacks, 95 blacks are not committing crimes and 97 whites are not committing crimes. So the claim of this high black crime rate is non existent. Hence BlackSand provrs my point.

And let's not get stupid. Whites like you guys want to multiply things by 5 instead of looking at the fact you have a problem. But if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunity. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges, and political representatives. Things would be dramatically different. Yet those like you and others here fail to understand this. No matter what, you continue arguing this ridiculous per capita idiocy.

Since whites have 5 times the population and want to make that an issue, let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Let us reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty so reduce that by 5 to make it 4.5 percent..

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. Blacks now have 5 times the amount of money to spend and invest. What happens them? All kinds of community development, that is what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money for our schools. Let us multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5, there are now 8.5 million blacks in college or getting vocational training. That equals approximately 1 out of every 5 black citizen receiving post-secondary training. This results in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce which increases employment. So this increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate meaning fewer blacks are on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced even further because youth now have facilities and jobs available in their immediate communities. What happens to crime? It reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime is reduced. Yet to the racist nothing else changes. The only change is crime increases. The use of per capita fails miserably and is used by racist whites to deny a severe crime problem THEY need to address instead of trying to preach to us. For if we apply per capita like you racists do, when a white person has 5 dollars and I have 1, it is the same amount.
That post is pure aids and gave my eyes cancer - even skim reading it.

Your logic falls down everywhere on it's first point when you try to say 95 blacks in every 100 aren't committing crime & 97 whites in every 100 aren't committing crime because you are taking the small value of 5 and 3 in the first instance per 100 folk, but ignoring the fact that them 3 of a difference is multiplied literally hundreds of millions of times when you take the whole population of the USA into account and it gives you a vast metric and the true picture.

The rest of your comment has zero to do with anything (i.e economy, money to invest, communities, jobs etc) because that's a conspiracy that the race baiters wheel out to try and prove systemic racism exists where it doesn't.

There's nothing stopping black people making something of themselves - they have even more opportunities than your average white person does in the USA at the moment with affirmative action schemes, special programes, diversity quotas, special scholarships that exclude white kids from similarly poor backgrounds etc.

For people like you the need and demand for racism outstrips the amount of tangible racism that there actually is.
You want desperately to believe your narrative, but then when we see the real numbers it shows that whites commit far more crime. Now that is the reality. I base my argument on the real total number of actual criminals. Your ppst is just a load of white racist crap you refuse to give up. Everything I said was correct. You believe a bunch of lies and try arguing those lies against the truth. Whites still today get the mot given to them. Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action, all those special things do not exist. Diversity quitas? Ha! If they actually existed whites would still get the majority of things. You really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You live in the UK, go get a cup of tea, some fish and chips then shut the fuck up.
The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity



I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.


Table 43


Here endeth the lesson.

The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime.

I think the claim is "50 or more percent of the violent crime"

View attachment 498137

More than half the murders/manslaughter...more than half the robbery.
From only 13% of the population. Weird.
Except whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime annually.

I know I am correct here folks.

13 percent of the population are not committing anything when only 2 percent of the population are the ones participating in crime. I understand that you guys are stuck on stupid and you don't want to understand. You want to believe your racist bullshit, but hopefully that changes soon.

Blacks commit half the murders/manslaughter...more than half the robbery.

How do they do that?
Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Ok, let me explain this again using Black Sands "applied math."

According to BlackSand, for every 100 blacks/whites, 4.6 blacks are committing crimes and 2.8 whites are. This means that for every 100 blacks, 95 blacks are not committing crimes and 97 whites are not committing crimes. So the claim of this high black crime rate is non existent. Hence BlackSand provrs my point.

And let's not get stupid. Whites like you guys want to multiply things by 5 instead of looking at the fact you have a problem. But if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunity. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges, and political representatives. Things would be dramatically different. Yet those like you and others here fail to understand this. No matter what, you continue arguing this ridiculous per capita idiocy.

Since whites have 5 times the population and want to make that an issue, let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Let us reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty so reduce that by 5 to make it 4.5 percent..

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. Blacks now have 5 times the amount of money to spend and invest. What happens them? All kinds of community development, that is what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money for our schools. Let us multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5, there are now 8.5 million blacks in college or getting vocational training. That equals approximately 1 out of every 5 black citizen receiving post-secondary training. This results in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce which increases employment. So this increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate meaning fewer blacks are on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced even further because youth now have facilities and jobs available in their immediate communities. What happens to crime? It reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime is reduced. Yet to the racist nothing else changes. The only change is crime increases. The use of per capita fails miserably and is used by racist whites to deny a severe crime problem THEY need to address instead of trying to preach to us. For if we apply per capita like you racists do, when a white person has 5 dollars and I have 1, it is the same amount.
That post is pure aids and gave my eyes cancer - even skim reading it.

Your logic falls down everywhere on it's first point when you try to say 95 blacks in every 100 aren't committing crime & 97 whites in every 100 aren't committing crime because you are taking the small value of 5 and 3 in the first instance per 100 folk, but ignoring the fact that them 3 of a difference is multiplied literally hundreds of millions of times when you take the whole population of the USA into account and it gives you a vast metric and the true picture.

The rest of your comment has zero to do with anything (i.e economy, money to invest, communities, jobs etc) because that's a conspiracy that the race baiters wheel out to try and prove systemic racism exists where it doesn't.

There's nothing stopping black people making something of themselves - they have even more opportunities than your average white person does in the USA at the moment with affirmative action schemes, special programes, diversity quotas, special scholarships that exclude white kids from similarly poor backgrounds etc.

For people like you the need and demand for racism outstrips the amount of tangible racism that there actually is.
You want desperately to believe your narrative, but then when we see the real numbers it shows that whites commit far more crime. Now that is the reality. I base my argument on the real total number of actual criminals. Your ppst is just a load of white racist crap you refuse to give up. Everything I said was correct. You believe a bunch of lies and try arguing those lies against the truth. Whites still today get the mot given to them. Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action, all those special things do not exist. Diversity quitas? Ha! If they actually existed whites would still get the majority of things. You really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You live in the UK, go get a cup of tea, some fish and chips then shut the fuck up.
Whites have benefited the most from affirmative action? lmao what a doosh bag.

You can't even interpret your own numbers correctly - that's what makes it hilarious. Blacks commit almost 50% more crime than whites in America - FACT - you even said so yourself with your 97 and 95 out of every 100 - that's 3 and 5 respectively - 2 of a difference - 5 divided by 2 = 2.5 which gives you almost 50% of that number, your number.

You know for someone that's big on so-called racism, that was a nice little display of it at the end there. Hypocrite.
The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity



I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.


Table 43


Here endeth the lesson.

The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime.

I think the claim is "50 or more percent of the violent crime"

View attachment 498137

More than half the murders/manslaughter...more than half the robbery.
From only 13% of the population. Weird.
Except whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime annually.

I know I am correct here folks.

13 percent of the population are not committing anything when only 2 percent of the population are the ones participating in crime. I understand that you guys are stuck on stupid and you don't want to understand. You want to believe your racist bullshit, but hopefully that changes soon.

Blacks commit half the murders/manslaughter...more than half the robbery.

How do they do that?

Whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories of crime, don't ask me about 2.
Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Another thing you've got to ask yourselves too is that the small drops of Latino, Asian, Eskimo, Native American folk, combined make up a total % of the population similar to that of the total black population but for the similar % of them when added together, the black still commit considerably more crime than them combined too.

The creator of the thread has had an absolute nightmare.
No only you racist have because no matter how much you try twisting this, it proves my point.
Can you explain how it proves your point, please.

This I've gotta hear.
Ok, let me explain this again using Black Sands "applied math."

According to BlackSand, for every 100 blacks/whites, 4.6 blacks are committing crimes and 2.8 whites are. This means that for every 100 blacks, 95 blacks are not committing crimes and 97 whites are not committing crimes. So the claim of this high black crime rate is non existent. Hence BlackSand provrs my point.

And let's not get stupid. Whites like you guys want to multiply things by 5 instead of looking at the fact you have a problem. But if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunity. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges, and political representatives. Things would be dramatically different. Yet those like you and others here fail to understand this. No matter what, you continue arguing this ridiculous per capita idiocy.

Since whites have 5 times the population and want to make that an issue, let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Let us reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty so reduce that by 5 to make it 4.5 percent..

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. Blacks now have 5 times the amount of money to spend and invest. What happens them? All kinds of community development, that is what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money for our schools. Let us multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5, there are now 8.5 million blacks in college or getting vocational training. That equals approximately 1 out of every 5 black citizen receiving post-secondary training. This results in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce which increases employment. So this increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate meaning fewer blacks are on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced even further because youth now have facilities and jobs available in their immediate communities. What happens to crime? It reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime is reduced. Yet to the racist nothing else changes. The only change is crime increases. The use of per capita fails miserably and is used by racist whites to deny a severe crime problem THEY need to address instead of trying to preach to us. For if we apply per capita like you racists do, when a white person has 5 dollars and I have 1, it is the same amount.
That post is pure aids and gave my eyes cancer - even skim reading it.

Your logic falls down everywhere on it's first point when you try to say 95 blacks in every 100 aren't committing crime & 97 whites in every 100 aren't committing crime because you are taking the small value of 5 and 3 in the first instance per 100 folk, but ignoring the fact that them 3 of a difference is multiplied literally hundreds of millions of times when you take the whole population of the USA into account and it gives you a vast metric and the true picture.

The rest of your comment has zero to do with anything (i.e economy, money to invest, communities, jobs etc) because that's a conspiracy that the race baiters wheel out to try and prove systemic racism exists where it doesn't.

There's nothing stopping black people making something of themselves - they have even more opportunities than your average white person does in the USA at the moment with affirmative action schemes, special programes, diversity quotas, special scholarships that exclude white kids from similarly poor backgrounds etc.

For people like you the need and demand for racism outstrips the amount of tangible racism that there actually is.
You want desperately to believe your narrative, but then when we see the real numbers it shows that whites commit far more crime. Now that is the reality. I base my argument on the real total number of actual criminals. Your ppst is just a load of white racist crap you refuse to give up. Everything I said was correct. You believe a bunch of lies and try arguing those lies against the truth. Whites still today get the mot given to them. Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action, all those special things do not exist. Diversity quitas? Ha! If they actually existed whites would still get the majority of things. You really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You live in the UK, go get a cup of tea, some fish and chips then shut the fuck up.
Whites have benefited the most from affirmative action? lmao what a doosh bag.

You can't even interpret your own numbers correctly - that's what makes it hilarious. Blacks commit almost 50% more crime than whites in America - FACT - you even said so yourself with your 97 and 95 out of every 100 - that's 3 and 5 respectively - 2 of a difference - 5 divided by 2 = 2.5 which gives you almost 50% of that number, your number.

You know for someone that's big on so-called racism, that was a nice little display of it at the end there. Hypocrite.

Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action.

On June 17, 2013 Sally Kohn wrote an article in Time titled, “Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone.” Kohn provides this historical backdrop for the implementation including the reasons why President Johnson added women: “Originally, women weren’t even included in legislation attempting to level the playing field in education and employment. The first affirmative-action measure in America was an executive order signed by President Kennedy in 1961 requiring that federal contractors “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.” In 1967, President Johnson amended this, and a subsequent measure included sex, recognizing that women also faced many discriminatory barriers and hurdles to equal opportunity.” Kohn continues by stating that while Affirmative Action has helped people of color, it has disproportionately benefitted white women.

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.”

Sally Kohn

The National Womens Law Center did a study on Affirmatives Action and found that: “Women of color have lagged particularly far behind in both employment and education. For example, in 1998, the median weekly salary for Black women was $400 compared to $468 for white women and $615 for white men. Hispanic women earned a median weekly income of only $337. Even in sectors where women have made inroads into management, minority women continue to be underrepresented. In the banking industry, only 2.6% of executive, managerial and administrative jobs were held by Black women, and 5% by Hispanic women, compared to 37.6% by white women. In the hospital industry, Black and Hispanic women each held 4.6% of these jobs, while white women held 50.2%. At the top, women of color represented only 11.2% of all corporate officers in Fortune 500 companies. Women of color also earn fewer college degrees than white women. In 1997, white women made up 39% of college undergraduates and 42% of graduate students; minority women were only 16% of undergraduates and 10% of graduate students.”

Tim Wise had a paper published in the National Women’s Studies Association Journal in the fall of 1998 titled, “Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action”. His paper was about the reluctance of some white women to advocate for Affirmative Action despites the gains white women had achieved from the policy over the 30 years at that time, due to the policy.

“Thanks in large measure to affirmative action and civil rights protections that opened up previously restricted opportunities to women of all colors, from 1972-1993:

— The percentage of women architects increased from 3% to nearly 19% of the total;

— The percentage of women doctors more than doubled from 10% to 22% of all doctors;

— The percentage of women lawyers grew from 4% to 23% of the national total;

— The percentage of female engineers went from less than 1% to nearly 9%;

— The percentage of female chemists grew from 10% to 30% of all chemists; and,

— The percentage of female college faculty went from 28% to 42% of all faculty.

The gender benefits of affirmative action have extended beyond economically privileged women, expanding opportunity for working-class women as well: The 1985 Perkins Act, which requires states to set aside 10.5% of federal vocational-education funds for girls and women — such as displaced homemakers and single-mothers — has helped these women find new jobs to support themselves and their families. In Florida, thanks to this program, more than 70% of women receiving voc-ed funds found new jobs, at pay levels averaging twice their prior salaries (National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education 1995).”

These increases in white women graduating college then entering into higher paying fields formerly dominated by men increased the earnings of white women. Since white men were already disproportionately represented in high paying positions, as white women married those men, their earnings combined with his further increased white wealth. White women have been the number one beneficiary of Affirmative Action. At the same time, white women have been the fiercest in opposition to the policy.

The numbers I presented show that 1.4 percent of the United States population are whites who commit crimes and 0.005 percent of the U.S population are black and commit crimes. You are trying to make a claim based on per capita, not the actual nubers of participants in crime. Hence you are the one who can't interpret numbers. You want so desperately to cling to your racist be;ief. Blacks do not commit 50 percent more crime. And since blacks, ad asias live in the UUK and I did not say anything about race, once again you showed your idiocy by whining about what I said in the last sentence. Funny how I have never said things like that to Tommy Tainant and he lives in the UK. You really don't know wtf you're talking about, stfu.

Sally Kohn, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone, Time, JUNE 17, 2013, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone.

Fact Sheet: Affirmative Action and What It Means for Women, July 1, 2000, The National Womens Law Center, Affirmative Action and What It Means for Women | NWLC

Tim Wise, Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action, September 23, 1998, Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action
The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
View attachment 498102

I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.
I'm not a racist, so may not be qualified to answer here, but your "maths" show that Black Americans, who are 15% or the population, seem to commit 30% of the crime.

This is the lesson you sought to teach racists?

The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
View attachment 498102

I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.
I'm not a racist, so may not be qualified to answer here, but your "maths" show that Black Americans, who are 15% or the population, seem to commit 30% of the crime.

This is the lesson you sought to teach racists?

No my math doesn't show that. And apparently you are a racist.

The math shows that crime is committed by 2 percent of the American population. Out of that 2 percent of the American population, 1.4 percent are white, 0.005 percent is black. Not 15 percent, or 30 percent
Since you racists remain obstinate, let me make the picture more clear.


Whites lead in these crime categories:




Blacks lead in these.




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The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
View attachment 498102

I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.

Lesson in Applied Mathematics

Using the US Census Population Numbers ... Whites 76.3% / Blacks 13.4%

We will use the numbers IM2 provided for any further explanation.

Total Population: 329,064,917

76.3% of 329,064,917 = 251,076,532
(rounded up to the closest whole number because there is never a fraction of a whole person)

6,816,975 crimes are committed by a White population that represents 251,076,532 people
Expressed as 1 crime for every 36 Whites
(rounded down to the closest number because you cannot have a fraction of a whole person)

13.4% of 329,064,917 = 44,094,699
(rounded up to the closest whole number because there is never a fraction of a whole person)

1,815,144 crimes are committed by a Black population that represents 44,094,699 people
Expressed as 1 crime for every 24 Blacks
(rounded down to the closest number because you cannot have a fraction of a whole person)

Per Capita
For every 100 Whites there are 2.8 crimes committed by Whites
For every 100 Blacks there are 4.6 crimes committed by Blacks

Applied Mathematics Lesson Complete

I didn't use per capita on purpose. But since you keep looking for excuses to justify your racism, for every 100 blacks 95 blacks are not committing crimes and 97 whites are not committing crimes. So the claim of this high black crime rate is non existent. But since I broke this down to the number of criminal participants by population as a population itself, it shows that 0.0055 percent of the American population who are black commits crime and 1.4 percent of the population who commit crimes are white. Both are still low numbers but on an INDIVIDUAL basis meanining 1:1 not per 100 or per 100,000 whites commit more crime.

Applied math apparently is not your strong suit.

I did make a mistake but as you expressed you made a mistake as well when adjusting per capita

My Mistake
For every 100 Blacks there are 4.2 crimes committed by Blacks.

Your Mistake
For every 100,000 Whites there are 2777.8 crimes committed by Whites
For every 100,000 Blacks there are 4.166.7 crimes committed by Blacks

At 100,000 there are still more crimes committed Blacks than Whites Per Capita

I didn't even check your numbers on the percentages you provided, because they have nothing to do Per Capita.
I didn't justify or suggest anything, I just worked the math to provide the Per Capita ...
And still haven't stated an opinion about what they might mean.


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The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
View attachment 498102

I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.

Your base numbers are numbers of people ARRESTED, then you switch to calling them "people who participated in crime".

i understand why you did that. You want to lie to hide how many blacks are criminals.

Pride in your group is a healthy thing, and a sign of a good self image.

It must be hard when your group.... is so fucked up.
The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
View attachment 498102

I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.
If rightwing Republican racists didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!
The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
View attachment 498102

I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.
I'm not a racist, so may not be qualified to answer here, but your "maths" show that Black Americans, who are 15% or the population, seem to commit 30% of the crime.

This is the lesson you sought to teach racists?

No my math doesn't show that. And apparently you are a racist.

The math shows that crime is committed by 2 percent of the American population. Out of that 2 percent of the American population, 1.4 percent are white, 0.005 percent is black. Not 15 percent, or 30 percent
Is the imaginary Klan hood you've put on me cutting off the circulation to my brain...? :eek:

The stats I'm looking at show that Black folk are arrested for violent crimes at about three times their presence in the population.

Are you saying that facts are racist?
Since you racists remain obstinate, let me make the picture more clear.

View attachment 498226
Whites lead in these crime categories:
View attachment 498227
View attachment 498228
View attachment 498229
View attachment 498235

Blacks lead in these.
View attachment 498232
View attachment 498231
View attachment 498234
I'm fascinated that your signature is about 5 times longer than most of your comments, but to address this...

Whites make up the majority of the population, and thus as expected, are arrested for most of the overall crime.

But Blacks are arrested for violent crime at almost three times their representation in the population.

What do you suppose accounts for this?
Your base numbers are numbers of people ARRESTED, then you switch to calling them "people who participated in crime".

i understand why you did that. You want to lie to hide how many blacks are criminals.

Pride in your group is a healthy thing, and a sign of a good self image.

It must be hard when your group.... is so fucked up.

The problem is trying to make the correct number someone knows mean something it doesn't.

If someone says 500 crimes were committed, that means 500 people committed crimes ... That is False
One person can commit 500 crimes.

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Your base numbers are numbers of people ARRESTED, then you switch to calling them "people who participated in crime".

i understand why you did that. You want to lie to hide how many blacks are criminals.

Pride in your group is a healthy thing, and a sign of a good self image.

It must be hard when your group.... is so fucked up.

The problem is trying to make the correct number someone knows mean something it doesn't.

If someone says 500 crimes were committed, that means 500 people committed crimes ... That is False
One person can commit 500 crimes.


Lots of ways to lie with statistics.
OK Children, here you go. FBI's Uniform Crime Report for 2018. Total homicides in the U.S. where the race of the perp is known: 11,202. Number of those homicides committed by Blacks: 6,318.

Percentage of those homicides committed by Blacks: 56.4%.

And keep in mind, the homicides where the race of the perp is not known (4,821) are overwhelmingly killings in inner-city Black neighborhoods where the locals will not speak to the police. And where, one might note, the clearance rate for homicides is dropping like the proverbial rock.

So the "bottom line," as accountants like to say, is that 6% of the U.S. population - Black males - are responsible for THE MAJORITY OF HOMICIDES in the U.S. That is to say, for a random homicide, the chances that a Black male is the perpetrator are more than EIGHT TIMES what they would be if Black males committed homicides at the same rate as the general population.

But one must also keep in mind that AR-15 rifles (mainly owned by white Republicans) are the greatest threat to our overall society.


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